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  1.簡單,才會活出真我。生命,需要呵護;追求,需要保護;珍愛,需要擔(dān)當(dāng)。Simple, will live the real me Life, need to care; pursuit, need to protect, cherish, need to play

  2.精彩如夜空的流星,總是轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝;平淡似滿天的繁星,看不清哪一顆是自己。Wonderful as the meteor in the night sky, always fleeting; dull like the stars in the sky, can not see which one is their own

  3.有些記憶,注定無法抹去;就好比有些人,注定無法替代一樣。Some memories, is doomed to be unable to cancel; is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute

  4.經(jīng)受過嚴(yán)寒的人,才知道太陽的溫暖;飽嘗人生艱辛的人,才懂得生命的可貴!Suffered cold, just know the warmth of the sun; suffered the hardships of life of people, understand that life is precious!

  5.淡泊歲月,從容人生。隨緣的人,總能在逆境中,找尋到前行的方向,保持坦然愉快的心情。Indifferent time, calm life The fate, always in the face of adversity, to find the way forward, keep calm and happy mood

  6.即使生命柔弱,飄搖,像風(fēng)雨中的一朵小花,也要努力的綻放,去觸摸陽光的溫暖。Even if the life is weak, swaying, like a flower in the rain, also want to bloom, to touch the warmth of the sun

  7.人生,就是跑步。我們總想超越別人,輝煌自己的人生;也老是擔(dān)憂被別人超越,而不愿停止追尋。Life is running We always want to go beyond others, brilliant in their own lives; always worry about being overtaken by others, rather than stop searching

  8.生活總是讓我們遍體鱗傷,但到后來那些受傷的地方一定會變成我們最強壯的地方。Life is always so we covered all over with cuts and bruises but later those injured, local will become our most strong place

  9.別人說的記在腦袋里,而自己的,則放在心里;你永遠沒有你本身想象中那么主要。Others say in mind, and their own, it is in your heart; you will never be so important in your own imagination

  10.最美的不是生如夏花,而是在時間的長河里,波瀾不驚。Not the most beautiful like summer flower, but in the long river of time, placid

  11.你走過的每一條彎路,其實都是必經(jīng)之路。你永遠都無法借別人的翅膀,飛上自己的天空。Every path you pass, in fact, is the only way You will never be able to borrow someone else's wings, fly into their own sky

  12.生活是開水,不論冷熱,只要適合的溫度,生活是口味,不論酸甜苦辣,只要適合的口感,就是最好。Life is boiling water, hot or cold, as long as the temperature is suitable for life, regardless of taste, taste for as long as sour, sweet, bitter, hot, is the best

  13.人來到人世本來就是過來體驗的,每個人的財富地位或許有高低之分,但對快樂和幸福的體會并沒高低之別。People came to the world is to come to experience, the status of each person's wealth may have high and low points, but the experience of happiness and happiness is not high or low

  14.人生,無需繁華,生活的安樂在于平淡。一路走來,免不了會攜帶歲月的塵埃The life, does not need to be prosperous, the life is happy Along the way, inevitably will carry years of dust

  15.其實總是笑的人,真的很需要人疼。既然已經(jīng)傷害了過去,就不要再辜負了將來。In fact, people always laugh, really need someone to hurt Now that you've hurt the past, don't let it go

  16.有些事情,只有經(jīng)歷了,才有穿透心扉的體驗;曾經(jīng)的人,只有從心底放下了,心靈才會真正解脫。Some things, only experienced, only through the experience of the heart; once the people, only from the bottom of my heart to put down, the heart will be truly free

  17.如果你一直去追尋昨天的問題,那你也會錯過明天的答案。If you keep looking for yesterday's problems, you will miss tomorrow's answers

  18.最好的旅行,就是在一個陌生的地方,發(fā)現(xiàn)一種久違的感動。The best way to travel, is in a strange place, found a long time moving

  19.許多人認(rèn)為,沒有愛的人生就沒味道,但卻不知道什么是愛。Many people believe that life without love is not taste, but do not know what love is

  20.雖說人生要隨緣,但不是讓你放棄努力,而是要努力做好自己該做的一切,沒有過多的奢求。Although the life will be easy, but not let you give up, but to try to do everything yourself, not too much luxury

  21.不悲過去,非貪未來,心系當(dāng)下,由此安詳。我討厭對我好的人對別人更好。Not to mourn for the past, nor the future, heart the moment, this serene I hate people who treat me better

  22.人生之所以精彩,是他愿意全然的接受一切。生命之所以可貴,是他愿意尊重一切的生命。Life is wonderful, he is willing to accept everything Life is valuable, he is willing to respect all life

  23.來者要惜,去者要放。人生是一場旅行,不是所有人都會去同一個地方。Those who want to cherish, to put Life is a journey, not all of us go to the same place

  24.人生一定要沖動一次,要么為了一個人,要么為了愛情,要么為了旅行,或者是為了夢想。Be sure to be impulsive, either for one person, for love, for travel, or for dreams

  25.有的時候你得去在乎的少一些,那么你才是能去看到有沒有人會在乎得多一些。Sometimes you have to care less, then you can see that no one will care more

  26.人生不是等價交換,凡事不要斤斤計較。無論在哪里,無論以什么樣的狀態(tài),要做的就是以不變應(yīng)萬變。Life is not the equivalent exchange, do not haggle No matter where you are, no matter what kind of state, to do is to change the status quo

  27.凡事看開些,一切隨緣就好。當(dāng)你們成為了遙不可及的幻想,放下,有時候成為了一種最好的釋然。Just take it easy, everything is good Put down when you become a distant dream, and sometimes become one of the best relief

  28.愛到平淡,才是一生的開始。濃烈的愛往往是流動的,愛你也會愛別人。Love to dull, is the beginning of life Strong love is often flowing, love you will love others

  29.其實現(xiàn)實中沒有那么多的如果,有時候失去東西的一瞬間就是永恒。In fact, the reality is not so much if, sometimes lost things in the moment is eternal

  30.余生的歲月里,現(xiàn)在的你正年輕,肆意綻放吧,別辜負這轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的青春。The rest of the years, now you are young, wanton bloom, do not live up to this fleeting youth

  31.生活中沒有什么可怕的東西,人活一世,感性的同時,總是少不了理性的克制。Nothing in life is to be afraid of It is not without reason that man lives in a world of sensibility

  32.世界上從沒有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。歲月極美,在于它必然的流逝。There is no unfinished story in the world, only the dead heart It is time the United States, the inevitable passage

  33.沒有人會對你的快樂負責(zé),不久你便會知道,快樂得你自己尋找。No one will be responsible for your happiness, and soon you will know that you are happy to find yourself

  34.在現(xiàn)實之中,那是沒有人能夠永遠的快樂幸福的去過每一天,沒有人能夠坦然面對自己的堅強和軟弱。In reality, it is no one can ever be happy and happy every day, no one can face their own strong and weak

  35.清淡的人生,步履更輕松。一粥一勺是清淡,健康、溫暖、妥帖;一瓢一簞是清淡,隨意、自在、安心 Light life, walking easier A spoonful of porridge is a light, healthy, warm and appropriate; scoop a live is light, comfortable, casual, comfortable

  36.有些人很幸福,一眨眼,就一起過了一整個永遠。有些人很幸運,手一牽,就一起走過了百年。Some people are very happy, in the blink of an eye, together forever Some people are lucky, hand a pull, together through the centuries

  37.很多起初看來很糟糕的事情,結(jié)局或許會出人意料的好。A lot of things that seem bad at first may end up surprisingly good

  38.時光,就這樣是,在我們回首展望中,追尋你的記憶;流年,就這樣的,在兜兜轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)間,一去不返。That is, at the time, we look back on, the pursuit of your memory; time, so, in turns, gone

  39.無須匆忙,該來的總是會來,在對的時間,對的人,因為對的理由。There's no need to rush, it's always coming, right time, right people, right reasons

  40.Hello! / Hi! 你好!

  41.Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!

  42.I’m Kathy King 我是凱西•金。

  43.Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得•史密斯嗎?

  44.Yes, I am / No, I’m not 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

  45.How are you? 你好嗎?

  46.Fine, thanks And you? 很好,謝謝,你呢?

  47.I’m fine, too 我也很好。

  48.How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 愛米好嗎?/你妻子好嗎?/你丈夫好嗎?

  49.She is very well, thank you 她很好,謝謝。

  50.Good night, Jane 晚安,簡。