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雅思口語Part2答案:崇拜的老人 Describe an old person you admire

Describe an old person you admire.

You should say:

who this person is

how long you have known him/ her

what qualities he/ she has

and say why you admire him/ her.

This is an easy topic for me as I know exactly who I want to tell you about! I’ll say who she is, how long I have known her, a bit about her special qualities and why I admire her so much.


I don’t think of this person as old, but I suppose she is because she will be 90 next year, and that’s certainly a good age. She is a distant cousin of mine, she now lives in a residential nursing home, which makes me sad, but she has had a full and interesting life and done many amazing, brave and brilliant things.


I think I have known her about twenty one years, but the story of how we came to be friends is a little strange. I was about to go travelling to Australia, and was staying with my parents in London overnight before catching a plane from Heathrow the following day. Whilst I was there my parents told me about this distant cousin who had been in a road accident and was in a hospital. She was/is a very well educated woman with many academic and cultural interests, and they were wondering what to take her to read during her stay. I offered some of my collection of short story books. I wasn’t sure they would be to her taste, they dealt with political issues and were not by any means what I would have expected an elderly sick relative to be interested in. The volumes were by Alice Walker, Susan Hill and other such writers.

我想我認(rèn)識(shí)她大概有21年了,但是我們?nèi)绾纬蔀榕笥训?a href='http://www.rzpgrj.com/wen/gushi/' target='_blank'>故事有點(diǎn)奇怪。我準(zhǔn)備去澳大利亞旅行,在第二天從希思羅機(jī)場(chǎng)搭乘飛機(jī)之前,我和父母在倫敦過夜。當(dāng)我在那里的時(shí)候,我的父母告訴我有一個(gè)遠(yuǎn)房的表弟,他在一次交通事故中住院了。她是一個(gè)受過良好教育的女性,有很多學(xué)術(shù)和文化方面的興趣,他們想知道在她逗留期間帶她去看什么書。我提供了一些短篇小說集。我不確定它們是否符合她的口味,它們處理的是政治問題,絕不是我所期待的一位生病的老人會(huì)感興趣的東西。這些書是愛麗絲·沃克、蘇珊·希爾和其他這樣的作家寫的。

My cousin loved them! She wrote to me whilst I was in Australia to tell me, and also mentioned that she herself had worked in Australia for many years. She had a very illustrious career as a pediatric pathologist, but also did research on things like mammalian hearts which took her all over the world. She asked me to look up an old friend of hers whilst I was there, which I did with some reluctance as I wasn’t sure what I’d find. I met another amazing woman who lived in the middle of a beautiful rainforest and was passionate about conservation. When I came back to England a year later, I visited my cousin to tell her all about my travels, and that was the beginning of an ongoing friendship. We have always corresponded with one another and I find her wise and a great role model. We have shared interests and I think our personalities are also rather alike – for better or worse! Opinionated and stubborn at times, but also caring very much about the world and those around us and constantly curious and restless. Endlessly wanting to go and explore and experience new things. We share a wanderlust at least!


My cousin is intelligent, well-travelled and very independent. She has insight and great skill in academic writing. Over the years I’ve shared with her my own writing efforts, looked to her for advice on what to do when facing certain decisions, and gained inspiration from her lifestyle. She is very good at setting herself goals and getting on with things – it would be fair to say she doesn’t suffer fools gladly, so she is certainly someone who will put you straight on things. I think of her as a ‘critical friend’ I know she cares about me a lot, as I do her, but that doesn’t mean she’ll indulge me at all if she feels I’m being foolish in any way. She never married, and I too am on my own, so I think we sort of understand one another, and we both like our own space, which can be confusing for some people at times.


I admire her hugely, her health is frail now, and that makes me sad, but she has achieved so much in her career, life and network of friends. If I can do half as well in the time I have I’ll be very content with that!



Part2&Part3 新題部分——事件類:和老人一起做的事


Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family.

You should say:

What it is

How often you do it

And explain why you enjoy doing it with this person


How much time should parents spend with their children every day?

Do young people like to live with old people in your country?

What’s the most important thing that young people can learn from the old?

Do people nowadays spend less quality time with their family?




My great grandma has been away for more than ten years now. On account of my young age at that time, my memory about her is scarce and obscure. However, there is something engraved in my mind that brings about warmth and touching all the time.

When I was young, the pressure of studying hadn’t been imposed on me, which allowed me to come visit my great grandma every one or two weeks. My great grandma was illiterate, forced to struggle for life without being able to sit in the classroom for the pursuit of knowledge. The sufferings and toughness in my great grandma’s youth didn’t rip off her kindness and patience. Every time I came to her house, she would prepare a handful dough to teach me how to make chicken, dogs or rabbits out of the dough. I always made a mess and wasted the dough, while the dough in my great grandma’s hands would always turn into various kinds of animals.

During this period of time, with my eyes staring at my great grandma, time always fled. The memory of the scene that great grandma held my hands to teach me is so clear that the joy and satisfaction from my inner heart will run through the whole body when it recalls. No matter how many times I messed up with the dough, she never gave up teaching me with patience and never lost her temper. No surprise, not something extremely meaningful but it became one of the happiest moments in my childhood. The care and love that great grandma gave me is different from that from parents. At that time, I could forget everything annoying me and involve myself in the pure enjoyment. Therefore, when I left my great grandma’s home, my body was full of energy to go back to classroom and continue learning.

Since my great grandma was gone, I haven’t find another way to calm my spirit for a long time. In the modern world, everyone tries their best for gaining a better life. Sometimes, the lack of spirit nurturing might appear but neglected by people. The calmness and relaxation of the inner heart is gradually becoming important. That might be the reason why this memory never fades away in my mind.


1. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?

2. What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China?

3. What do you intend to do after you graduate?

4. What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?

5. Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?

6. What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?

7. Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?

8. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?

9. What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?

10. How do you like your life in X X X University?

11. What do you think of the training you got in the university?

12. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?

13. Can you compare American English with British English?

14. What sports are played in your country?

15. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?

雅思口語Part2答案:崇拜的老人 Describe an old person you admire相關(guān)文章




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