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  shannon Hodge


  Everything had gone wrong that morning. The chef had arrived late, nursing a hangover, andthe kitchen hadn't been cleaned properly the night before, which put him in a worse mood.


  The boss, having attended the same party, was in a similar state. He was holding his head andtrying to do the accounts at the same time. Enclosed in his little glass-fronted office,Carolinecould see his face growing more puce by the moment. He was just reaching for his first sherry.

  同他一起出席聚會的老板也是一樣,昏昏沉沉的。他用手托著腦袋試圖要結(jié)賬. 卡若琳坐在由玻璃窗圍著的辦公室里,看著他的臉變得更紫了。他在仲手拿第一瓶雪利灑。

  A Hard Day in the Kitchen 廚房里的一場鬧劇

  Running backwards and forwards between the kitchen and the dining room, Caroline had notime to think for a while.


  When shefd first managed to get the waitressing job in the restaurant, she was delighted, forshe was at her first year at university and jobs were scarce. She sighed. She'd wondered atthe time at her ease in getting employment. It now appeared that her boss’ reputation hadpreceded him, and no one else had applied. However, she had no time to think of that now. Aportly blue-eyed man was giving her furious looks as he waited for his order. Damn! What wasit again? She had been caught up with the

  fussy woman who had been so particular about how her steak was cooked. In fact, theoffending meal had been sent back to the kitchen twice. It was, the woman complained, toowell done---she liked her steak “blue”. Yuk! thought Caroline. Give me a well-done piece ofsteak every time. The man continued to glower at her while he watched the gray-haired lady'santics.

  當(dāng)卡若琳首次得到餐廳服務(wù)員工作的時候,她非常高興,因?yàn)槟菚r她僅是一名大一學(xué)生,對于大一的學(xué)生來說,工作是很難找的。她又嘆了口氣,她在想當(dāng)時怎 么就那么容易得到這份工作,現(xiàn)在算是明白了,她的老板聲名在外,沒人來他這應(yīng)聘.但是,她現(xiàn)在沒時間考慮那么多了。一個胖胖的藍(lán)眼睛的男子正怒視著她好像在抱怨沒及時給他點(diǎn)餐。該死,這回又是什么?她又被那個挑剔的女人糾纏上了,那個女人對她烹飪的牛排總是挑三揀四的。事實(shí)上,這份讓客人惱火的菜己經(jīng)反廚兩次了。那個女人抱怨說這牛排太過火了,她喜歡五分熟的牛排??ㄈ袅障肭校俏页?,每次我都點(diǎn)熟過了的牛排。此時,那個要點(diǎn)餐的男子一邊看著那灰白發(fā)的女人那古怪樣子,一邊繼續(xù)怒視著卡若琳。

  Sweetly Caroline went to him and made sure that his order was right. “I wanted,,, heenunciated in ringing tones, “just a moderate grill, French fries,and a well-done steak.” Heglared dismissively at the woman at the next table “And a green side salad.” “Right,sir,,,she chirped with a cheer she did not feel. “Coming right up.” With that, shehastily retreated to make sure that Joseph the chef had it right this time.

  卡若琳笑意盈盈地來到那個男子桌前并確認(rèn)一下他點(diǎn)的菜。那個男子簡直說給我一份五分熟的烤肉,還有法國炸薯條和一份熟透的牛排他不屑的瞅了那個女人一眼接著又說再加一份蔬菜薩拉” ”好的,先生,”卡若琳輕快的回道馬上就給您上菜隨即,她匆匆跑回廚房讓廚師約瑟夫這次務(wù)必做好。

  Yes, thank goodness it was ready. Caroline thought the side salad of lettuce with tomato,several slices of hard-boiled egg, cucumber and dressing looked very attractive.


  In her haste, she did not see the young man at a comer table casting her sympathetic glancesas he waited patiently. Tall and about 25 with tousled black hair and an impish grin, he waswatching “the circus” as he mentally dubbed it.


  He could see the pretty young waitress getting more and more frustrated. Poor girl, she lookedat the end of her tether. He wondered what he could do to give her a hand and pour oil ontroubled waters.


  But all was not over. The man, Henry Savage, had finished his grill with much enjoyment andnow turned to his salad. He poised with his knife and fork in mid-air, his expression a study. Agreen caterpillar was slowly crawling out from under the lettuce. It was large, fat, andapparently well-fed. It paused in its travels to survey the scene. Purple with fury, Henry couldbarely find his voice.

  但是事還沒有完 。那位男子,亨利?薩維奇享受地吃完了烤肉,又轉(zhuǎn)向他的色拉。忽然,他舉起刀和叉停在了半空中,帶著一種研究的表情看著它。一條綠色蠕蟲正慢慢地從生菜下面爬出來。它很大,很肥,顯然在里面吃得很好。它在旅途中停了下來以欣賞風(fēng)景,亨莉氣得臉色發(fā)紫,幾乎無法言語。他生氣地叫著:他用顫抖的手指指那條蟲說:

  “Waitress!” he thundered. “Come here this moment!” He sounded every inch the headmaster hewas.


  “What do you call this?” He pointed with a quivering finger at the caterpillar, which decided theworld outside was not as copy as hiding behind the lettuce leaf and retreated.


  Caroline, petrified by the tone of the shout, came into the dining room at a trot.


  By now, the whole room had ground to a halt. The diners were all staring at her, mostly insympathy.


  Henry speechlessly gestured at the salad where the caterpillar, bored by its seclusion, hadreappeared."


  Caroline blanched. Nervously she tried to speak, but failed, then managed, “Sorry, sir, it’s neverhappened before, we’ll make you a new one.” Grabbing the salad, she whisked it away into thekitchen. But Henry Savage was not to be deterred. After a shouted opinion of what he thoughtof the restaurant, he stormed out.


  Caroline, with a hastily prepared new salad in her hands, returned to an empty table. She didn’tknow where to put herself with the rest of the customers peering at her. Bursting into tears,she rushed back to the kitchen. “Take that, you stupid man, next time make sure you washthe salad when you’ve got a hangover,” she ground out to the startled chef. “I’ll give you atossed salad!” she snarled and threw the contents of the bowl over his head.


  The manager, by now completely sober, appeared. When a hasty explanation was made byone of the more lucid customers, he was remarkably nice about the whole episode. Maybe hehad a guilty conscience. Caroline mused, remembering that sometimes he was the one whohelped wash the lettuce if the staff were too busy. In any event, the whole incident wasquickly smoothed over and everyone’s temper restored.


  After Caroline had washed her face, tided herself up and resumed working, the young manbeckoned her over. “I watched you handle that,” he said admiringly. “I think you did great. Thatold man really gave you ‘what for.’ Do you think you could do it all over again for a film I’mproducing? It was far better than a custard pie any day, you did it so beautifully!” Here hechuckled. “But you really should have thrown it over the old boy’s head: he was being theunreasonable one.”


  They looked at each other. Caroline could feel the beginnings of a smile on her face. All ofsudden both of them burst out laughing. Maybe it wasn’t going to be such a bad day after all.







