我們醒了,卻知道我們是相親相愛的。 接下來,小編給大家準備了我們相愛對方雙語散文,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。
Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.
And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fall there with a sign.
O Troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words.
The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.
It becomes small as one song,as one kiss of the eternal.
It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.
The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.
If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.
The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement,dancing water,Will you carry the burden of their lameless?
Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
Once we dreamt that we were strangers.
We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
ink 油墨
ink cell 網(wǎng)穴
ink distributing roller 均墨輥
ink fountain roller 墨斗輥
inking unit 輸墨裝置
ink-jet printing 噴墨印刷
ink reclaiming1 blade 回墨板
ink vibrator 串墨輥
ink-water balance 水-墨平衡
inscription2 rubbing 拓印
intaglio3 printing 凹版印刷
intellectual property 知識產(chǎn)權
interlinear notes 夾注
International Association of Scholarly Publishers 國際學術出版者協(xié)會
International Board on Books for Young People 國際青少年讀物委員會
international book trade 國際圖書博覽會
international copyright 國際版權
international copyright agreement 國際版權協(xié)議
International Copyright Protection 國際版權保護
International Copyright Society 國際版權保護協(xié)會
International Intellectual Property Alliance 國際知識產(chǎn)權聯(lián)盟
International Publishers Association 國際出版商協(xié)會
International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic4 Works 國際保護文學藝 術作品聯(lián)盟
interpolation 添改
introduction 導言
introductory theory 導論
inversion5 倒置
IPG Independent Publishers Guild6 獨立出版商同業(yè)公會
ISBN International Standard Book Number 國際標準書號
ISSN International Standard Serials7 Number 國際標準刊號
galley8 毛條校樣,長條校樣 galley proof 毛條校樣,長條校樣
genealogy9 家譜
general encyclopedia10 綜合性百科全書
ghosting 重影
glues 膠水
gossip column 閑話欄,漫談隨筆
gossip page 閑話欄,漫談隨筆
gothic script 哥特體
government publication 政府出版物
gradation 層次
graining 磨版
gravure press 凹版印刷機
groundwood pulp11 木質(zhì)漿
group promotion12 分類促銷
guide 指南
guillotine 切紙機
gutter13 訂口
Hachette S.A. 阿歇特出版公司
half-title 副標題
half-tone 網(wǎng)目版,網(wǎng)線凸版
half-tone dot 網(wǎng)點
half-tone etching 網(wǎng)點腐蝕
half-tone gravure 網(wǎng)點凹印
half-tone gravure cylinder14 網(wǎng)點凹版
half-tone negative 網(wǎng)點陰圖
half-tone positive 網(wǎng)點陽圖
handbook 手冊
hand compositions 手工排字
hand engraved15 intaglio plate 手工雕刻凹版
handling of incoming manuscripts 來稿處理
handling proof 處理校樣
hand-setting 手工排字
hardback edition 精裝版
hard cover binding16 精裝
hard cover book production line 精裝書籍聯(lián)動線
hardening treatment 堅膜處理
headband 書眉線
headline 標題
head margin17 天頭
heat transfer process 熱轉(zhuǎn)印
Heinemann Group of Publishers Ltd. 海納曼出版集團
Her Majesty's Stationery Office 皇家出版局
history of copyright 版權史
holographic printing 全息照相印刷
horizontal setting of types 橫排
horror fiction 驚險小說
hot-metal typesetting 鑄字排版
hot-metal typesetting machine 鑄字機
illegible 模糊不清
illustration 插圖
image weakening 掉版
imposition 拼版,裝版
impression cylinder 壓印滾筒
imprint 出版說明,版本說明
indention 首字空格
Independent Publishers Guild 獨立出版商同業(yè)公會
index 索引
indirect gravure 間接凹印
indirect photographic screen plate 間接照相法絲網(wǎng)印版
indirect printing 間接印刷
individual type composing and casting 單字鑄排
infringement of copyright 侵犯版權
initial reading of manuscripts 初審
jacket 封面,護封
jobbers 批發(fā)商
justified lines 已齊行
kind of type 字體
Kluwer Academic Publishers Group 克呂韋爾學術出版集團
