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  雅思口語Part 2 新題:一個你喜歡的網(wǎng)站

  Describe a website you like to visit .

  You should say :

  When you started to use it ?

  What it is about ?

  How often you use it ?

  Why you like this website ?


  1.I'd like to talk about TED.com,which is my favorite website.The first time that i used it is like 10 years ago,when I was still a university student.

  2.TED is dedicated to spreading good idea,which gathers top minds from all over the world.Everyday,a number of brilliant talks,which cover a wide range of topics from education,psychology,to environmental protection and human right issues,are posted and shared with millions of viewers from all corners of the globe.

  3.I visit it everyday.Actually,I downloaded its app to my iphone.If there's a new talk updated,it will send me a notice.Then I will check it out after work.If there's nothing new on it,I will feel like something's wrong that day.

  4.I want to thank TED for building up such a beautiful community where I can hear from those amazing people.Those talks open my mind and give me new perspectives to see the world.Their efforts to change the world have a great influence on me.I've learnt a lot from those amazing people.

  雅思口語part2范文網(wǎng)站-Describe a useful website that you like to visit


  喜歡上的網(wǎng)站Describe a useful website that you like to visit.

  Useful phrases:

  (Talking about Taobao…)

  Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of eBay.com 好的,那么當我看到這個話題的時候,我第一想到的網(wǎng)站是淘寶網(wǎng),這個網(wǎng)站應該可以說是相等于(國外的)eBay.com.

  There’s a huge range of stuff you can buy on this website.

  (“stuff” just means “things”, and is uncountable, so no “s” at the end. It’s used a lot in spoken English)

  One of the best things about this website is that the prices are generally a lot cheaper than in the shops.

  I mainly go on it to buy things like clothes…

  I know that shopping online can be quite risky, because the product often isn’t as good as it looks on the website, but if you do enough research, such as read (through) the customer reviews of the product you’re thinking of buying, then I think you can avoid this kind of thing happening to you, because you’ll be able to get an idea of (你將能夠了解) how reliable the supplier is.

  (Talking about www.ted.com )

  Ok right then, well (好的,那么) the website I’d like to talk to you about is Ted dot com, which you might (well) have heard of before, and possibly even been on (你可能聽說過,也可能上過).

  And as for what’s on the website, well to put it simply, it’s basically a huge collection of video speeches by various people from all kinds of fields,

  So it’s a really great resource (一個極好的資源) for learning stuff

  It’s completely free, you know, it doesn’t cost anything to listen to the talks,

  And what’s great about it is that (它很好的一點就是) you can choose Chinese or English subtitles(字幕) for most of the talks, and also download them onto your computer.

  I also like to read the comments (評論) written by other people who have watched the talk.

  I go on it (probably) something like two or three times a week(我大概每周量、三次上這個網(wǎng)站) , so pretty much every other day (所以差不多每隔一天)

  I’m normally on it while I’m having my lunch (我一般吃午飯的時候在上個網(wǎng)站) because most of the talks are between about 10 to 20 minutes

  As for why I think it’s a good website – well first and foremost , it’s because the (vast) majority of talks are incredibly interesting, at least in my opinion anyway (至少在我看來), so there’s a tremendous amount you can learn from them. (能夠從它們學到很多很多!)

  …I think it’s wonderful to have a website like this, which brings all these great talks together in one place

  …and another good thing about it is that the talks on the website don’t go on for too long (不延續(xù)太久). You know we’ve all listened to speeches which drag on and on(拖延很久), but these ones are (generally) all quite short and to the point(直切主題的).

  (Talking about Yahoo)

  …what I like about Yahoo is that the news articles are always very short and concise(簡明的), you know, not too wordy (文字略嫌羅唆) like a lot of other news websites.

  …and another good thing about the articles on Yahoo is that they are generally written in a pretty colloquial (口語的) style, which makes them easy to read.

  (Talking about the BBC World Service Website)

  …I would say it’s definitely one of the best English learning resources on the web, because you can listen to the radio live for 24 hours a day…

  …and as well as this (除此之外), there are loads of other radio programmes you can also listen to.

  (loads of = lots of – and used mainly in spoken English)

  (Talking about Renren website人人網(wǎng))

  Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Renren dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of Facebook.

  …it’s basically the Chinese version (版本) of Facebook.

  …it’s a social networking site (社交網(wǎng)站)

  …you can upload photos onto the website so that your friends can enjoy looking at them.


  Describe a website you like to visit 雅思口語答案5-8月

  Describe a website you like to visit

  You should say:

  When you found it

  What it is about

  How often you visit it

  And explain why you like this website

  Describe a website you like to visit 這個話題屬于 Media類。這個話題和 Describe a TV program, Describe a piece of newspaper, Describe a piece of magazine 是一樣的。這些話題在每一季的雅思口語題目中都是必然會出現(xiàn)的。按照自己熟悉的素材準備會相對比較容易,也有話說。比如喜歡資訊類網(wǎng)站新浪、鳳凰和網(wǎng)易,喜歡搜索類網(wǎng)站 谷歌、百度和360等等。這個話題P3部分是針對話題的關鍵詞 website引申出的Internet展開的。


  There are actually top ten websites that are often visited by most Chinese. I’ve known these websites one by one; first I became familiar with shopping website like Taobao and the other websites which were used for communication, searching information and simply for entertainment. However, when talking about the website that I like to visit the most, I would say it’s Weibo. I first discovered this when I was in high school. That time, my friends keep talking about it and I can’t relate to the things they were talking about. However, I don’t want to be branded as ignorant so I searched for it and tried to discover what’s in it and how it works. After that, I was able to join the conversation that my friends are having and even share some of my insights and experiences about it.

  Weibo is China’s version of twitter; wherein users can create an account which is public and their friends can follow them. Aside from that, users can also post something in it. However, it is just limited to the same 140-character. Talking about following, most of the most followed users are the Chinese celebrities, because they are the popular ones. Ordinary citizens want to know more about the daily activities of their idols that’s why they follow them. Aside from that, Weibo accounts can also be viewed on the web and it also has its mobile version which is very popular nowadays. I often visit this website; actually I can’t count using my ten fingers on how often because I visit this website any time of the day as long as I’m free and doing nothing. I can just easily access it because of my mobile phone and I think it is more convenient. I really like this website because this serves as my stress reliever, whenever I feel like doing nothing or I just wanted to be a couch potato, I would just lay on my bed, get my phone, open my Weibo account and then I would be able to see what’s the latest happenings. Aside from that, I have lots of celebrity idols and I follow all of them; and because of that, I am able to have access on the things going on with their lives. I like seeing their pictures and I like knowing the things that are running in their minds.


  1. Baidu

  One of the most popular search engines in China is Baidu and this is the website that I like to visit the most. It is also an excellent place to download pictures, music and watch TV shows that’s why I really like it. However, a lot of these materials are not available in other countries because of the copyright concerns.

  2. Taobao

  People in China really like online shopping and I’m one of them and that is the reason why Taobao is one of the most frequently visited websites. You can find anything you want in it for a very cheap price. Packages come through the kuaidi or express delivery service in a matter of days. Online shopping is my favorite thing to do, that’s why I often visit this website.

  3. Ctrip

  This is one of the most popular Chinese website for booking flights, hotels, group tours and travel services. This site can be views in multiple languages, great if you’re travelling around China. I like traveling and because of that, I often visit this site to find a good place to go. Also, because of this site I find it easy to find information on a certain place easily.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Relate - to find or show connection between two or more things

  Branded - label negatively

  Ignorant - not having enough knowledge, understanding, or information about something

  Insights - a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation

  Convenient - suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

  Stress reliever - something that relieves pan, stress, etc.

  Couch potato - a person who watches a lot of television and does not have an active life

  Access - to get information, esp. when using a computerSIMILAR CUE CARD TOPICS

  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

  Describe a piece of technology (not computer-related) you like to use

  Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future

  Describe a magazine that you likePART 3

  What are the reasons why people use the internet?

  There are plenty of reasons why people utilize the internet. Firstly, they want to entertain themselves. Yes, most of the people easily get bored, so during their idle time, they would choose to watch some funny online videos or play games using their computer which has internet connection. Secondly, they use it to gain or research some information. For example, mostly for students, they will be looking for online sources to help them in their studies. Another one, people want to keep in touch with other people like their friends, classmates, families or colleagues so they use the internet.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Utilize - to use something in an effective way

  Idle - not working, not active, or doing nothing

  Colleagues - one of a group of people who work togetherSome people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet content, what do you think?

  I definitely agree with that. For example, young people such as children would like to visit websites which contain games because they are more interested on those kinds of things. For teenagers, they like to visit social media sites, therefore Instagram, or Weibo are frequently accessed because they like to connect and interact with other people. However, for the old ones, I think, they only visit websites where they can read some news to gain information.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Interact - to communicate with or react to

  Social media - use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogueWhat influence can (or, does) the internet have on children? And what about teenagers?

  Internet both has negative and positive influences on people. However, for children, I think, it has more negative influences. For instance, they get addicted to playing online games that they tend to lose focus on studying. Sometimes, there were also some websites which are not really suitable for young users like those sites that has some violent and sexual content. For teenagers, there are different social media applications which really hooked them and most of their time is consumed by it. They tend to be less productive.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Suitable - acceptable or right for someone or something

  Violent - using or involving force to hurt or attack

  Hooked - enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop having it, watching it, doing it, etcDo you think parents should control what websites their children visit?

  Nowadays, there are lots of websites on the internet and undoubtedly, not all of these are good for everybody especially children. Since young audiences can still hardly determine right from wrong, they might imitate those acts or even negative behavior they learned on those sites. Some of the things that can be viewed and found in the internet are not appropriate for their age, so parents should supervise their children and restrict them in searching different sites. In addition, kids they also lack self-control, if they spend too much on surfing the net, it might negatively influence some of the things which are more important. Therefore, in my opinion, parents should really control what websites their children are visiting or browsing.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Behavior - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

  Appropriate - suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion

  Supervise - observe and direct the execution of (a task, project, or activity)

  Self-control - the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations

  Browsing - to look at information on the internetWhat (kinds of) people don’t use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don’t use the internet?

  In my opinion, the people who don’t use the internet are the old and poor ones. The old ones because, I think they don’t want to socialize with other people and they are not really into gadgets and technology. Some of them might find it hard to use or they think that it will only waste their time. As for the poor ones, I think instead of wasting their time surfing the internet, they would rather use it to work hard and earn more money. But of course, both of these groups might be left behind since most of the latest information can be found on the internet.

  Keywords 核心詞 :

  Socialize - to spend time with other people for pleasure

  Gadgets - a small device with or machine with a particular purpose

  Latest - newest or most recent or modern






5.雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個細節(jié)




9.雅思英語口語Part 1中最難的十話題

10.雅思口語 什么樣的詞匯考官才喜歡?


雅思口語的備考需要我們不斷地去積累,下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘伎谡Z范文之最喜歡的網(wǎng)站,一起來看看吧! 雅思口語Part 2 新題:一個你喜歡的網(wǎng)站 Describe a website you like to visit


  • 雅思口語Part2答案范文:最喜歡的季節(jié)


  • 雅思口語Part2答案范文:最喜歡的歌手

      關于音樂的話題,一直以來在雅思口語試題中都占有一席之地。從Part 1中考察考生“最喜愛的音樂類型”、“小時候聽過的歌曲”,到Part 2當前的考題

  • 雅思口語Part2答案:最喜歡的動物


  • 雅思口語話題最喜歡的電影
