IN 1956 William Whyte argued in his bestseller, “The Organisation Man”, that companies were so in love with “well-rounded” executives that they fought a “fight against genius”. Today many suffer from the opposite prejudice. Software firms gobble up anti-social geeks. Hedge funds hoover up equally oddball quants. Hollywood bends over backwards to accommodate the whims of creatives. And policymakers look to rule-breaking entrepreneurs to create jobs. Unlike the school playground, the marketplace is kind to misfits.
Recruiters have noticed that the mental qualities that make a good computer programmer resemble those that might get you diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome: an obsessive interest in narrow subjects; a passion for numbers, patterns and machines; an addiction to repetitive tasks; and a lack of sensitivity to social cues. Some joke that the internet was invented by and for people who are “on the spectrum”, as they put it in the Valley. Online, you can communicate without the ordeal of meeting people.
Wired magazine once called it “the Geek Syndrome”. Speaking of internet firms founded in the past decade, Peter Thiel, an early Facebook investor, told the New Yorker that: “The people who run them are sort of autistic.” Yishan Wong, an ex-Facebooker, wrote that Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, has “a touch of Asperger’s”, in that “he does not provide much active feedback or confirmation that he is listening to you.” Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, says he finds the symptoms of Asperger’s “uncomfortably familiar” when he hears them listed.
Similar traits are common in the upper reaches of finance. The quants have taken over from the preppies. The hero of Michael Lewis’s book “The Big Short”, Michael Burry, a hedge-fund manager, is a loner who wrote a stockmarket blog as a hobby while he was studying to be a doctor. He attracted so much attention from money managers that he quit medicine to start his own hedge fund, Scion Capital. After noticing that there was something awry with the mortgage market, he made a killing betting that it would crash. “The one guy that I could trust in the middle of this crisis,” Mr Lewis told National Public Radio, “was this fellow with Asperger’s and a glass eye.”
Entrepreneurs also display a striking number of mental oddities. Julie Login of Cass Business School surveyed a group of entrepreneurs and found that 35% of them said that they suffered from dyslexia, compared with 10% of the population as a whole and 1% of professional managers. Prominent dyslexics include the founders of Ford, General Electric, IBM and IKEA, not to mention more recent successes such as Charles Schwab (the founder of a stockbroker), Richard Branson (the Virgin Group), John Chambers (Cisco) and Steve Jobs (Apple). There are many possible explanations for this. Dyslexics learn how to delegate tasks early (getting other people to do their homework, for example). They gravitate to activities that require few formal qualifications and demand little reading or writing.
Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) is another entrepreneur-friendly affliction: people who cannot focus on one thing for long can be disastrous employees but founts of new ideas. Some studies suggest that people with ADD are six times more likely than average to end up running their own businesses. David Neeleman, the founder of JetBlue, a budget airline, says: “My ADD brain naturally searches for better ways of doing things. With the disorganisation, procrastination, inability to focus and all the other bad things that come with ADD, there also come creativity and the ability to take risks.” Paul Orfalea, the founder of Kinko’s and a hotch-potch of businesses since, has both ADD and dyslexia. “I get bored easily; that is a great motivator,” he once said. “I think everybody should have dyslexia and ADD.”
Where does that leave the old-fashioned organisation man? He will do just fine. The more companies hire brilliant mavericks, the more they need sensible managers to keep the company grounded. Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done. Someone has to charm customers (and perhaps lawmakers). This task is best done by those who don’t give the impression that they think normal people are stupid. (Sheryl Sandberg, Mr Zuckerberg’s deputy, does this rather well for Facebook.) Many start-ups are saved from disaster only by replacing the founders with professional managers. Those managers, of course, must learn to work with geeks.
Geekery in the genes
The clustering of people with unusual minds is causing new problems. People who work for brainy companies tend to marry other brainy people. Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge University argues that when two hyper-systematisers meet and mate, they are more likely to have children who suffer from Asperger’s or its more severe cousin, autism. He has shown that children in Eindhoven, a technology hub in the Netherlands, are two to four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than children in two other Dutch towns of similar size. He has also shown that Cambridge students who study mathematics, physics and engineering are more likely to have autistic relatives than students studying English literature. Most employers are leery of hiring severely autistic people, but not all. Specialist People, a Danish firm, matches autistic workers with jobs that require a good memory or a high tolerance for repetition.
More broadly, the replacement of organisation man with disorganisation man is changing the balance of power. Those square pegs may not have an easy time in school. They may be mocked by jocks and ignored at parties. But these days no serious organisation can prosper without them. As Kiran Malhotra, a Silicon Valley networker, puts it: “It’s actually cool to be a geek.”
1 - Geek,英語本意為性格古怪者,但隨時代改變賦予新的意義。過去一般指“電腦專家或愛好者”,或是“過度的書呆子”,為貶義詞。過去十年中這個詞開始重興,帶上了一定的正面因素,很多人以此自居,由此引出“極客”這一譯法。具體概念有很多不同的定義,大體來說,極客對科技,尤其是計(jì)算機(jī)和新媒體很感興趣,是某一方面的專才,喜歡在生活中應(yīng)用書本或是學(xué)術(shù)知識,對于更廣泛的社交和常識不感興趣,醉心于某些特立獨(dú)行的活動或領(lǐng)域。和“宅文化”有共通之處,但細(xì)節(jié)上有區(qū)別。
2 - Quant,Quantitative analyst的簡稱,最早關(guān)注于投資管理、風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理和衍生品的定價(jià)問題,后來拓寬到幾乎所有在金融中應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)的領(lǐng)域。和financial engineer(金融工程師)意義相當(dāng),近年來出現(xiàn)“寬客”這一譯名,一般為數(shù)學(xué)、物理學(xué)科,而不是傳統(tǒng)金融學(xué)科教育出來的人才,同時具有相當(dāng)?shù)碾娔X技術(shù)。在很多層面上和極客有共通點(diǎn)。
3 - Asperger’s syndrome,阿斯伯格綜合癥,有時被看作自閉癥的一種(學(xué)術(shù)上有爭議)。和一般自閉癥不同,阿氏綜合癥患者的語言和認(rèn)知發(fā)育一般不受到障礙,對日常生活影響不大,因此一般不需要接受治療。主要包括社交溝通困難,偏執(zhí),興趣狹窄等特點(diǎn)。確實(shí)有阿氏綜合癥患者是數(shù)學(xué)天才,但這是個別現(xiàn)象。
4 - on the spectrum是指Autism spectrum,自閉癥光譜,廣義的所有社交溝通上表現(xiàn)出障礙的病例總稱。代表了從自閉癥到阿斯伯格綜合癥等等一系列相似的發(fā)育障礙。
5 - preppy,或prep,是美國亞文化的一個概念,傳統(tǒng)上指美國東北部私立大學(xué)(像常春藤大學(xué))的預(yù)備學(xué)校,就讀這些學(xué)校的很多學(xué)生都是家庭背景殷實(shí),人脈良好。類似于社會上層的概念。這一概念在美國是非常復(fù)雜的,包含一個人的說話方式、口音、詞匯、舉止、禮儀等方面。在這里是指擅于交際,搞教育水平的傳統(tǒng)社會精英,和極客對比。
6 - dyslexia,讀寫困難癥,是一個很廣義的概念,包括很多學(xué)習(xí)障礙,最典型的一種是閱讀障礙,會影響一個人閱讀理解的能力?;颊邿o法順利進(jìn)行閱讀活動,經(jīng)過訓(xùn)練治療可以進(jìn)行閱讀,但是速度較慢,在沒有上下文拿出單個詞語時理解拼寫往往會有問題。此障礙和智商無關(guān)。
7 - Attention deficit disorder (ADD),多動癥。嚴(yán)格說來,“多動癥”是指注意力匱乏障礙Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),底下有三個分類表現(xiàn),其中表現(xiàn)為注意障礙為主的稱為ADD,其特點(diǎn)為注意障礙但不“多動”,主要表現(xiàn)為懶散、困惑、迷惘、動力不足,伴較多焦慮、抑郁,有較多的學(xué)習(xí)問題, 而較少伴品行問題。
bends over backwards - 非常盡力,竭盡所能去完成某一件事。字面意思為“下腰”,比喻要花大功夫才能做到。
make a killing - 大獲成功,尤指賺到大錢,和中文賭博俗語“大殺三方”有異曲同工之妙。
square peg - 來自諺語Square peg in a round hole,插在圓洞里的方棍子,指和周圍格格不入的另類
jock - 美語,代表運(yùn)動員的一類刻板印象,通常指高中或大學(xué)里青少年亞文化圈子里那些英俊強(qiáng)壯,頭腦愚蠢,態(tài)度傲慢,性格暴躁,受女孩子歡迎,欺負(fù)弱者的校隊(duì)運(yùn)動員形象。