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  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120114 CN)




  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth.(110828 CN)




  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: in modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today are too different than it was in the past.(140112 CN)




  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: nowadays advertisements are more honest than they were in the past.(121214 NA)





  語言表達(language use)







  The importance of the issue raised by the posed statement, namely creating a new holiday for people, cannot be underestimated, as it concerns the very fabric of society. As it stands, the issue of creating a new holiday raises profound implications for the future. However, although the subject matter in general cannot be dismissed lightheartedly, the perspective of the issue as presented by the statement raises certain qualms regarding practical application.

  這個開頭段的前兩句都在強調話題(create a new holiday)的重要性,屬于贅述(redundancy),第三句并沒有很直接給出立場,不符合評分標準中的“有效回答問題”。為了獲得一個高分,我們需要避免贅述(redundancy)和偏題(digression)。


  In the following, I will illustrate my opinion by two reasons.

  First of all, honest make the trust stronger between friends or colleagues.

  Secondly, telling a lie always makes things worse not only in work but also in family life.

  On the contrary, sometimes it is better to tell a lie to others, such as telling a lie to a patient.

  作者想給出2個理由,從正反論證說實話在人際關系中的重要性。而第三段的on the contrary, 看似是對比論證,然而并非是描述”撒謊的弊端“,所以結構上會引起困惑。

  關于結構清晰,一方面建議大家不要大片背誦模板句式然后進行堆砌。今年的兩場考試中,已經有明確要求Do not use memorized examples.如果不能將模板句式巧妙結合所寫文章熟練混跡在自己的語言表達之下,那么建議踏踏實實審題。另一方面,平時可以結合歷年真題,多訓練開門見山的思維方式,然后根據(jù)不同的話題補充相應的詞匯短語等語料表達,不至于無話可說。




  _ave I done my best to support and develop my ideas?


  _o I include enough details in each paragraph so that the main idea and topic sentence are explained fully?


  _o I use words and phrases that help the reader think about relationships between different ideas in the essay?




  在第一個“因為獨生子女,所以自私”的例子中,我們可以這樣推理:獨生子女(only-child)→得到更多家人的關注(limelight)→缺少付出的意識(less give, more take)→自私(egoism);此外,獨生子女→缺少和兄弟姐妹的相處(interact with siblings)→缺少分享的意識(share)→自私。



  三.語言運用(language use)


  語言部分OG對于我們的要求是consistent facility in the use of language,給我們的具體建議是:句式結構豐富(a variety of sentence structures)和恰當?shù)拇朕o( appropriate word choice),評分者會從以下四個角度去審查







  比如“不利于教學進程”的表達,大部分同學會用“exert negative effects on the process of education”;但在一定的語境下,stagnate(停滯)這個詞要比exert negative effects更有畫面感,更能吸引讀者的閱讀興趣。同樣,想表達“不利于彼此的關系”,用“undermine mutual relationship”比“do harm to relationship between each other”更簡潔。想表達“越來越多”的時候并不總是“more and more”,形容詞“increasing/gradual”也可以。還有“according to how urge and important the task is”可以用priority這個詞來表達,即“according to the priority of different tasks”。


  詞匯的用法一定要結合具體的語境,“do sb. good”中的每個詞匯都很簡單,但是并非不如conducive/beneficial。




  Baseball is the great American sport. And, it is thought of as a summer pastime. So as soon as the weather turns warm, all the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. And soon they form teams and play each other. But all summer, they always find time to listen to pro games on the radio. And they watch them on TV.


  Baseball, the great American sport, is thought of as a summer pastime. As soon as the weather turns warm, the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. Soon, they form teams and play each other, but all summer, they always find time to listen to pro games on the radio and watch them on TV.



  語法也是語言部分考察的重點,少量的語法錯誤不影響得分。這部分同學們可以認真閱讀OG中的Unit9language use部分,解釋清晰例子詳細,非常完整介紹了語法部分的評分角度。大家往往容易錯的比如并列結構錯誤、詞性不清楚(副詞當連接詞使用)、句子成分殘缺等,一定要在平時的練習中改正過來。否則考場上,即便認真檢查,多半也是檢查不出問題,覺得自己的文章簡直完美。




  Do you agree or disagree: the universities should spend more money in improving facilities (libraries, computer labs) than hiring famous teachers.




  寧波新東方 李瑾老師

  Cradles of cultivating talents, universities are supposed to provide most high-caliber education. Responding to the expectation, universities have to think the issue over. Compared with hiring more teachers, from my own perspective, keeping facilities and resources in the universities most advanced and updated is more essential not only for students but also for renowned professors.

  First of all, students are able to enjoy a better study environment if their schools utilize advanced equipment. With the assistance of exquisite inventions such as electronic screen and projectors, as well as laboratory equipment, like microscopes and chemical reactors, studying would no longer be a tedious and repetitious information engrafting process, but a way everyone would like to get involved in. Similarly, definitions and formulas of physics and chemistry will graven in students’ minds deeply if they are aided by the equipment when experimenting. However, hardly can professors crystalize abstract concepts into definite ideas without advanced teaching devices.

  What is more, as for famous teachers themselves, a university that does not invest in its facilities would be appealing. To be constantly enthusiastic on researching their respective academic fields, teachers have a great demand for exquisite facilities to maintain progressing on their own fields. The most sophisticated technological devices offered in universities enable these teachers to conduct successful researches and remain at the top, which is really attractive to those renowned professors. By contrast, old and obsolete teaching and studying facilities will certainly not inspire teachers to keep further academic researching. Also, practically impossible will teachers have interest in making progress.

  Granted, it is conceded that hiring more teachers in universities means guaranteeing education quality in some sense because every student will be concerned and cared about. Even slightest and most subtle academic performance changes of students will be noticed; therefore, teachers can encourage and guide frustrated and upsetting students in time. However, while weighing the benefits brought by investing in facilities and hiring more teachers, we can conclude that facilities are more worthwhile.

  In conclusion, I should reiterate that universities should update their facilities, making a top priority. Without advanced facilities, a university will not be helped further improved.



  Advanced facilities, like libraries, research center, university hospital are indispensible parts of a good university while famous teachers are also a big component of a prestigious higher institution. Personally, I think it is better for universities to spend more money in hiring famous professors.

  Admittedly, research centers can be a place where advanced technology is incubated, a library that incorporates state-of-the-art technology can also be conducive to students' study, however, I still believe that famous professors play a more significant role in assessing the reputation of a university.

  First off, well-respected professors in a specific field can bring lots of benefits not only to the whole community but also to the university. To more specific, prestigious professors can come up with theories and solutions to the most intriguing problems faced by human beings, like treatment of cancers, diabetes and even heart attack. Economists can use data and economic models in their empirical study to predict the economy, and it can provide lots of information for the authority to make timely adjustment to their policies. Electronic engineers can design some micro-chips that can sustain large-scale computation. The benefits that professors bring to the school can be also enormous. For instance, a Novel Prize laureate can attract countless research foundations and donations from both the private and public sectors, with this large sum of money, the university can in turn renovate labs, research centers and even libraries.

  Additionally, well-established professors and researchers can educate and enlighten brilliant young students and cultivate future scientists. Famous professors are usually expert in education, they might have been teaching and researching in their field for more than a few decades, thus have accumulated lots of rich teaching experience and developed the most effective teaching approach. Together with their superb charisma, lots of bright young adults will be motivated and inspired and therefore embark on the road of scientific endeavor and exploration. Such inspirations and motivations cannot be brought by improved facilities. Indeed, it is the expertise and charisma of these famous professors that attract thousands of brilliant young students to enroll in a college.

  To conclude, hiring more famous professors are more advisable than renovating facilities since the scientific discoveries brought by professors can bring colossal benefits to both the community and the university, and also the expertise and charisma of well-established professors can attract, enlighten and cultivate future scientists.



  Would you prefer a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.




  In the current society full of fierce competition, we can readily observe that landing an ideal job has become increasingly difficult, which forces us to a concession in the requirement of the job we want. When it comes to which is more appealing, a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time, people varying in backgrounds and personalities may view the same issue from different angles. From my perspective, towards such a long-running tug-of-war, my choice will depends on what age I am.

  On the one hand, during my twenties and thirties, my preference will be a higher pay job with longer work time. For one thing, as for young adults wrestling with various bills in daily life, the high salary will help them to relieve their financial pressure and thus meet their basic need of life. To be specific, the extremely high price of house in China has been beyond the affordable range of most people. In order to pay the rents or afford a house, young people needs desperately a large sum of money which can be earned in a decent job. For another, longer work time is not a big deal for the young, because they are so energetic and vigorous that a sound sleep can help them to restore their vitality. A good case in point is the experience my friend, Andy. As a broker in an Stock Exchange Company in Beijing, he has to deal with large quantities of data and keep close track of any events which may cause the fluctuation of stock price. Although the heavy pressure brought by his job often require him to work overtime and even around the clock, he never makes complaints because the exciting and adventurous experience from selling or buying stocks appeals him a lot.

  On the other hand, n the other hand, when I am at the middle age or old age, an average pay job with normal work time will be much better. After accumulating fortunes in the early years of life, old-age people do not suffer from huge financial pressure so that low income will not affect their life greatly. As we know, the old have owned their own houses and are not interested in pursuing the latest electronic devices or fashionable clothes, thus decresing their living cost to a large extent. As a result, they can lead a relatively high-quality life without high wage. Also, older people are usually those who have got married or even have children, so spending more time accompanying their family members is of great significance. Undoubtedly, the job with normal work time can better satisfy the need of staying longer with their kids or spouse. During the stay, the emotional bond between them will become closer and more intimate.










