1. 通用句式:
[誤] I last Sunday with my fatherby plane went to Beijing. (中文句式)
[正] I went to Beijing byplane with my father last Sunday.
[正] Last Sunday, I and myfather went to Beijing by plane.
2. 人稱代詞和物主代詞
[誤] I have a pet. A pet iscalled Polly.
[正] I have a pet. It iscalled Polly.
[誤] This is my new friend.You can call she Lily.
[正] This is my new friend.You can call her Lily.
[誤] This is my bike. That isshe’s bike.
[正] This is my bike. That isher bike.
[誤] Your shoes are olderthan my.
[正] Your shoes are olderthan mine.
3. There be 與have
[誤] The table have someflowers.
[正] There are some flowerson the table.
[誤] There will have a filmthis evening.
[正] There will be a filmthis evening.
4. Be, do, does, did
[誤] He is live in Canada.
[正] He lives in Canada.
[誤] Mr. Green is/doessometimes read newspaper.
[正] Mr. Green sometimesreads newspaper.
[誤] I am not like dogs.
[正] I don’t like dogs.
[誤] Jenny wasn’t call melast night.
[正] Jenny didn’t call melast night.
[誤] Our English teacher inthe office.
[正] Our English teacher isin the office.
5. can, may, must, should, could
Ican sing and dance.
Weshould keep quiet in the reading room.
6. will, shall, be going to
[誤] Jack will comes to Chinanext week.
[正] Jack will come to Chinanext week.
Weshall go for a picnic next week.
Mr.Green is going to buy a car next month.
7. and, but, or, too, also
Myfavorite holidays are spring and fall.
Myfather likes watching TV. I like watching TV, too.
[誤] October is not too coldand cold in Quanzhou.
[正] October is not too coldor cold in Quanzhou.
[誤] I like English, and Idon’t like math.
[正] I like English, but Idon’t like math.
8. sometimes, often, always, usually, never, hardly,all the time
Inthe morning, my father always plays sports.
= Inthe morning, my father plays sports all the time.
9. for example, such as,
Wewill do some activities, such as going boating, climbing hills, playing games,having a picnic and so on.
Weshould help the old. For example, we can clean the house, carry water and tellinteresting stories.
10. 作比較
Ithink football is as popular as basketball in America.
Englishis not so/as easy as Chinese.
Ithink math is more/less interesting than art.
Ofall the subjects, I think English is the most interesting.
Julyis the hottest in a year.
11. 復(fù)合句
[誤] If it will be sunnytomorrow, we can play a football game.
[正] If it is sunny tomorrow,we can play a football game.
[誤] When the summer willcome, the weather will get hotter and hotter.
[正] When the summer comes,the weather will get hotter and hotter.
12. 以事物作主語的句子
[誤] I hope I will come truemy dream.
[正] I hope my dream willcome true.
[誤] Tom happens a trafficaccident.
[正] A traffic accidenthappened to Tom.
13. 時間狀語(位于句首或句末)
at6 o’clock at 7:15 = at a quarter pastseven
at9 a.m.=at nine in themorning
at6:30 p.m. = at half past six in the afternoon
atnight/noon at breakfast
inthe morning/afternoon/evening/night
inApril, in spring, in 2007 in May, 2007
intwo hours
Hewill finish the work in two hours.
onMay19th, 2007 on Saturday on a rainy day
onSunday morning on the morning ofJune1st
forthree years
Iwill keep this book for two weeks.
sincefive days ago = for five days
[誤] I have been on thefootball team since five days.
[正] I have been on thefootball team since five days ago.
before/aftersupper after school/class
yesterday today tomorrow then
theday before yesterday the day aftertomorrow
justnow = a moment ago from now on from then on
[誤] He hurt his leg on lastweek.
[正] He hurt his leg lastweek.
atfirst at the end of the party at last = in the end = finally
14. 方式狀語
ina/the car/taxi
ona bike/motorbike/bus/train on foot
[誤] He by bike to schoolevery day.
[正] He goes to school bybike/on a bike every day.
[正] He rides a bike toschool every day.
[誤] He by train to Beijingyesterday.
[正] He went to Beijing by train/ona train yesterday.
[正] He took a train toBeijing yesterday.
withmy father with a knife with a book in his hand
15. 地點狀語
athome at school
inTom’s/his home in Quanzhou in China
inour classroom in the drawer in my backpack,
onthe desk on the/my left on my seat
atthe front of = in front of in the frontof at the back of
behindthe door above/below/under the bed over the river
next/closeto my room near my school far from the city
outof the window inside/outside beside me
inthe tree on the tree (lie) in bed on the bed
go/come/get/drive/ride/flyto 地點
[誤] Welcome to come myhouse.
[正] Welcome to come to myhouse.
[誤] I arrived at home lastnight.
[正] I arrived home lastnight.
[正] I arrived at my homelast night.
16. 開頭句
It’sour duty to protect our environment.
Itis very important to keep healthy.
Myfavorite holiday is Spring Festival.
InChina the most important holiday is the Spring Festival.
Everyonehas his dreams. So do I. My dream is to be a famous doctor.
Iwant to be a businessman/bob.
LastSunday, it was sunny (rainy, windy, foggy).
Lastsummer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays.
LastSunday, Class One had a football match with Class Two. All of us went to watchit.
I’dlike to tell you something about the out-of-class activity in our school. Weusually have activities from 4:50-5:50 inthe afternoon.
I’mglad/happy to hear your good news! If you come to Canada, I will be veryexcited.
I’dlike to invite you to my birthday party.
Thankyou for your invitation.
Thankyou for inviting me to your party.
17. 結(jié)束句
Ifeveryone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world willbecome much more beautiful.
Ithink it is important to protect animals.
Ihope my dream will come true in the future.
Ihope every day can be Spring Festival.
Ithought I would never forget this trip.
Weenjoyed ourselves. = We had fun. = We had a good time.
Whata happy trip!
Howhappy we are! I love this trip very much.
Infact, I have never seen such an exciting match before.
Iwill never forget this match.
Pleasesend me an e-mail soon. Please write to me soon.
18. 中心句:祈使句,感嘆句
Pleasekeep the place clean and tidy.
Don’tthrow rubbish onto the ground.
Let’splant more flowers and trees.
Wemust pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.
Weshould not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees.
Weshould do more exercise.
I’mallowed to sleep late on weekends.
I’mnot allowed to stay outside in the night.
Wecan’t go to sleep too late.
Let’smeet at the bus stop at half past five.
Onthe Spring Festival Eve people have a big dinner. They have a lot of nice foodto eat.
Duringthe Spring Festival people have a lot of interesting to do.
Peoplevisit their relatives and friends
Theygreet each other with a hug and say, “Happy New Year”.
Englishis very important and I like English very much.
WhenI was eight, I wanted to go to a famous college.
Fromnow on I’ll work harder than before.
Wevisited a lot of places of interest.
Webought a lot of things. The clothes there are good and cheap.
Thematch is very exciting.
ClassOne won this match. Class Two got lost.
Ilike pandas best. = My favorite animals are pandas.
Theythanked me a lot.
Ihope she’ll be better soon.