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  雅思官方也提到了說“You will not be penalized if your talk does not follow all the cues on the card”,也就是說考生的分數(shù)不會因為漏說了某一點或某兩點受到過多影響,當然前提不要跑題,而是“It's more important to talk fluently and keep going for 2 minutes than to cover all the points on the topic card.”


  Q:拿9-12月題庫的考題為例,在很多資料上被翻譯成“集中注意力的活動”的話題“something you do to make you concentrate”其實是不準確的,應(yīng)該是“描述能讓你集中注意力做某件事的活動”,比如喝咖啡、喝茶、聽輕音樂、去安靜的環(huán)境等等,而不是集中注意力去做的某件事。





  T:代表的是Topic Sentence

  S: 代表的是Supporting Ideas

  E:代表的是 Examples



  S:支持觀點,在這里要注意,我相信很多同學都會用觀點來支持自己,但太過于白話文,大部分用例子來支撐,部分考生喜歡用For example,F(xiàn)irst , secondly, last but not the least來講分論點,但這樣給考官的感覺是在背作文,而不是真正的口語。在S這的觀點一般是需要比較正式點的語言,每講的一句話最好不少于5個單詞以下,但最好不超過5句話。過渡詞用什么好呢?最好用well , also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等詞。




  Where do you usually watch TV programs/shows? [Why?/Why not?]


  Well basically, I usually watch TV at home because I hardly do that if I do not have a longer period of time than, say like, a few hours and for me, I spend most of my free time at home. I am quite a home person.

  What’s your favorite TV programs/show? [Why?]


  CCTV’s Daily News is my all-time favorite which I always watch with my parents and even my grandparents sometimes. We Chinese people have been nurtured with a habit of watching the daily news at 19:00 after supper when the whole family spends the coming half an hour getting to know how great the achievement has been made by our motherland and how miserable lives foreigners are having. This is almost a piece of behavior art but certainly in an authoritarian way. Love it.

  My favorite TV program is The Roast, which I cannot fully express my passion about it but I sometimes feel like concealing this hobby. This show is basically about a bunch of celebrities separately cursing the victim of the night in succession. The language they use really opens up my vision to the great potential of human language. I have never imagined such malice dwelling in our language. Literally a culture shock.

  Are there any programs/shows you don’t like watching? [Why?/Why not?]

  Of course. I’ll take the Daily News brought by CCTV as an example. It occupies half an hour of a night, from 19:00 to 19:30, which should have been used for more interesting shows especially when many people have only such a short time for leisure after a day’s work. But still, we Chinese people are haunted by the boasting news about our great motherland. What propaganda.

  Sure, The Roast is kind of painful to watch. The dirty talk coming out from celebrities gets dumped on a victim of the night with nobody caring the slightest about how he or she and the more general public feel about it. Just a bunch of lunatics coming together for a modern freak show. Alas.

  Do you think you will watch more TV or fewer TV programs/shows in the future? [Why?/Why not?]


  肯定的回答:Yes. I think watching TV really broadens my horizon. So many places that I cannot see for myself and stories that I can never hear about are presented in TV programs in a well-designed way. Even better, as a person of few hobbies, I can afford the time to watch TV as much as I like.

  否定的回答:No. Since I am a student relentlessly preparing for some serious examinations, I cannot indulge myself in such enjoyment and entertainment. Though it is relaxing to sit in the sofa with nothing in my mind but a pack of fried chips in my hand, I still have a bigger and more rewarding plan for the time.


  同學們都知道在雅思口語Part1中最??疾斓木褪且恍﹑ersonal questions,例如個人喜好或者是習慣。如果雅思口語話題中的問題是生活中能經(jīng)常接觸到的比如接下來會講到的friends,那在總結(jié)素材時就會有很多內(nèi)容可以補充,但如果只是平鋪直敘的回答豈不是浪費了這個可以“浪”一下的機會來讓自己提分。如何能將平淡的語言化腐朽為神奇呢,同學們除了可以提高單詞使用的靈活度外,還可以在回答的過程中多穿插一些復雜句式。當然最重要的還是要注意時態(tài)的變化。

  How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]

  Well, I have to say I’m quite an outgoing person and I spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends. I guess I will go out with friends every week if both of us have time for such leisure. Since we are all busy with our study and work every day, it is quite important for us to spare some time for pure enjoyment without worrying about pressure from colleagues, teachers and other kinds of laborious stuff. And a gathering on weekends is quite an opportunity to escape from them and enjoy ourselves.

  Tell me about your best friend at school.


  My best friend at school is one of my roommates, with whom I spent quite a happy 4-year campus life. He was a man who strictly followed his routine in terms of daily schedule for entertainment and study, about which I have to admit that I am kind of a spoiled kid obeying no rules. I should definitely learn to make plans for my life from him. Also, he is also a man with traits that you can never find from a dull clockwork person. The other two roommates and I myself are always accompanied by his stories about all kinds of things with wit and humor into sleep. Without him, I can not have such a fulfilling school life.

  How friendly are you with your neighbors? [Why/Why not?]

  To be honest, I do not know too much about my neighbors as we seldom meet each other, for which getting along is beyond imagination. The current design of Chinese neighborhood separate families into a kind of cells. They are all isolated from the community as a whole. The doors just keep everybody out of the territory of folks. Therefore I cannot say I am quite familiar with my neighbors.

  Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]

  I believe these two all mean a lot to a person’s life and it is extremely hard to weigh one against another. We are bonded with our family by blood since the very beginning of our life and they accompany us through all hardships and gaiety. As for friends, we make acquaintances with them as we grow older and they are the people we spend most of the time outside our home. Unlike our family, they could share insights with us from a quite different perspective, which can be enlightening in many cases.







雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個細節(jié)

雅思英語口語Part 1中最難的十話題








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