


時間: 楚薇0 分享




1. 對作文題目只分大類,導致實際可操作性差。比如XDF的分類,總共就只有8個,但是光寫8篇作文肯定不夠。這就需要我們每一類下面還要根據(jù)寫法和內(nèi)容而具體分成各種小類,以達到一個小分類只寫一篇的目的。建議大家在復習時,至少寫20-23篇作文,這么做可以完成ISSUE作文題庫全覆蓋的復習任務,能節(jié)省大量時間和精力。

2. 分類中的題目描述過于啰嗦,難以看出題目的聯(lián)系。GRE作文復習材料很多,對于考生來說,直接從網(wǎng)上就能找到翻譯好的題庫,但同時也要標注好題號,不然容易漏題,不利于復習。建議大家在分類時按照題目共性來進行,同時在題目后標準出這種共性,方便一起總結(jié)。

3. 分類不完整,或者題號有錯誤。這是最致命的錯誤。有些題庫本身制作的并不仔細,往往會出現(xiàn)一些疏漏錯誤,建議大家拿到題庫后自己再對照ETS官網(wǎng)作文題庫編號仔細核對清楚。




A. 應該政府出錢 12、25

家長應該在學校多花時間 81、95


學生應該出國留學 82、97、100、123

學生應該多選副科 13、46、70、102、112、140

教師應該出去工作V.S.只教學 73

教師薪水應當與學生成績掛鉤 30、83


政府應當統(tǒng)一課程 6、14、96、116

應當按學生興趣設置課程 40、47、90

應當注重知識還是想象力? 54


特殊教育: 天才是否應當設置特殊課程 37


解放思維 17、68


學習應當依靠自律 OR 學校 58

學習應當質(zhì)疑 OR 接受 42


贊揚正面行為,忽視負面行為 24、29、52

評估學習成果應注重闡釋事實的能力,而非對事實的識記 48、92



A. 影響

技術(shù)使人不強大不獨立 26

技術(shù)使人的思考力下降 1

技術(shù)使世界更復雜 33、109

人>機器 64

技術(shù)影響交流 130

技術(shù)加快了生活節(jié)奏,帶來了更多麻煩 43

技術(shù)影響了學習 101


技術(shù)的目的是提高效率,使人有人更多閑暇時間 91


a. 研究領域選擇

興趣 or 就業(yè)? 15、20、32、39、98、129、135、136

最好的思想源于對普通事情的興趣 103

最重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)總是源于偶然,尋找一個答案時往往能找到另一個問題的答案 56

研究者應專注于能取得實際利益的目標 129

研究者應專注于造福最多人的目標 59






過去有意義有作用 9、74、133可以幫今天作決定、134

古今不同 57


藝術(shù)價值=公眾易于理解 55


資助與integrity 7


領袖應當5年讓賢 8、111、149

A. 專家與大眾

專家V.S.新手 誰的貢獻大 27

專家/領袖應當掌握社會的決策與判斷權(quán)(來制定政策) 60、108、110、139


專家/領袖是否有權(quán)對大眾隱瞞信息 69

B. 特點

時勢造就 62

具有高道德標準 104、107

能夠合作/競爭 128


媒體殺了英雄 44、75、84

代表社會最高理念 22、84、122

只能被后人而非同時代人理解 41


會帶來學習/進步 34、49、76、118

能夠證明、發(fā)現(xiàn)觀點的價值 66、79、146

國民安樂(well-being of the common people)

研究領域的目標 59

偉大國家的標志 28、94、113、120統(tǒng)治者科學家藝術(shù)家、121、125、127、143、145領導人、147、85個人/集體


競爭/合作才能培養(yǎng)領導者 122、123、126

競爭可以提高學習質(zhì)量 45、138

不擇手段 53

(公司)賺錢/公益 128


行為/態(tài)度由個人/社會決定 11、78、99、38社會群體

現(xiàn)代社會表>里 93

時代精神=年輕人的潮流 77

時代精神=城市體現(xiàn) 2、5、117

成功=個人風格 142


A.一舉成名 OR 踏實努力?

年輕人 51、71

先做后想 61

政府 19

研究者 129

B.經(jīng)濟發(fā)展 VS 環(huán)境/文化藝術(shù)

法律保護保護區(qū) 10、125、148

瀕危物種 31、63、67

歷史遺跡 119



公正/不公正的法律 65

法律應靈活,因時因地而改變 21


B. 問題類

質(zhì)疑能使人真正理解問題 66、141

丑聞能使人關注問題 4

質(zhì)疑權(quán)威會使社會進步 18、189

不應相信事實,因為它是時代性的 87



Emotional intelligence defines EQ, which stands for emotional quotient, is a fairly new concept in the scientific community, yet it has become one of the most controversial topics. For thousands of years, people have thought that IQ is destiny, but it has turned out to be not nearly as much as we thought. Daniel Goleman, a psychology professor at Harvard, wrote a ground-breaking book about the EQ factor. His book argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely in terms of how well we do in life. To be emotionally intelligent relies on many factors, which include knowing one?s feelings and using them to make life decisions they can live with.

1. Being able to manage one?s emotional life without being hijacked by it—not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.

2. Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling one?s impulses in order to pursue their goals.

3. Empathy—reading other people?s emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.

4. Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony—being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.


Self-esteem, like optimism, is essential in order to maintain a healthy emotional life. People who have confidence in themselves, their ideas and views, and what they are all about tend to be more emotionally stable than people who lack self-confidence. Being self-confident gives people the impression that you are reliable and trustworthy. Studies have showed that children who lack self-esteem are more likely to have emotional problems such as depression, violent fits and suicidal tendencies. People who have high self-esteem are less likely to be affected by any negative comments; they know that it?s what they think of themselves that counts.

Teaching a child to have self-esteem is very important. Children?s expectations about their abilities begin at home. If parents show confidence in children?s behaviors and judgments, children are more likely to set a higher standard for themselves, in their social and personal life. Developing a child?s self-esteem through constant praise and reinforcement, as advocated for many years, may actually do more harm than good. Helping a child feel good about themselves works only if those feelings are attached to specific accomplishments.


The excitement over the concept of emotional intelligence begins with its applications for raising

and educating children, but extends to its importance in the work place and virtually all human relationships. Studies show that the same EQ skills that result in your child being perceived as an enthusiastic learner by his/her teacher, or being liked by his/her friends on the playground, will also help him/her twenty years from now in his/her job or marriage. In many studies, adults do not appear to be that different from the children they once were. The extent to which EQ skills can affect the workplace is still surprising. A study found out why scientists were performing poorly at their jobs in spite of intellectual and academic intelligence equal to their high-achieving colleagues. The researchers studied the E-mail patterns of all the scientists and found that the employees who were disliked because of poor emotional and social skills were being left out by their colleagues, much the same way as the nerd was left out of games on the playground. EQ is as important as IQ when it comes to success.


66 學習的生理學

Thought, in a general sense, is commonly conceived as something arising from the stimulation of neurons in the brain. Current understanding of neurons and the central nervous system implies that the process of learning corresponds to changes in the relationship between certain neurons in the brain. Research is ongoing in this area.

It is generally recognized that memory is more easily retained when multiple parts of the brain are stimulated, such as through combinations of hearing, seeing, smelling, motor skills, touch sense, and logical thinking.

Repeating thoughts and actions is an essential part of learning. Thinking about a specific memory will make it easy to recall. This is the reason why reviews are such an integral part of education. On first performing a task, it is difficult as there is no path from axon to dendrite. After several repetitions a pathway begins to form and the task becomes easier. When the task becomes so easy that you can perform it at any time, the pathway is fully formed. The speed at which a pathway is formed depends on the individual, but is usually localized resulting in talents.

第六大類 政治類

2 哲學與政治

Philosophers have forever been concerned with political and social matters. Not only have they asked how politics work but mainly, how they should work. These philosophers have been concerned with the nature and justification of political obligation and authority and the goals of political action. Although their doctrines have differentiated, and numerous have been utopian in concept, they have all shared the same ideas and convictions that it is the political philosopher?s duty to distinguish between what is and what ought to be, between existing political institutions and potentially more humane institutions. Throughout the centuries, philosophers have debated over the moral issues involved in the search for the ideal society. Three influential philosophers in this field have been Plato, John Locke and Karl Marx. Their philosophies and utopian states have continually influenced political actions and thoughts throughout the ages.

19 掌權(quán)者的文化

The idea of unmarked categories originated in feminism. The theory analyzes the culture of the powerful. The powerful comprise those people in society with easy access to resources, those who can exercise power without considering their actions. For the powerful, their culture seems obvious; for the powerless, on the other hand, it remains out of reach, élite and expensive.

The unmarked category can form the identifying mark of the powerful. The unmarked category becomes the standard against which to measure everything else. For most Western readers, it is posited that if a protagonist?s race is not indicated, it will be assumed by the reader that the protagonist is Caucasian; if a sexual identity is not indicated, it will be assumed by the reader that the protagonist is heterosexual; if the gender of a body is not indicated, it will be assumed by the reader that it is male; if a disability is not indicated, it will be assumed by the reader that the protagonist is able bodied, just as a set of examples.

One can often overlook unmarked categories. Whiteness forms an unmarked category not commonly visible to the powerful, as they often fall within this category. The unmarked category becomes the norm, with the other categories relegated to deviant status. Social groups can apply this view of power to race, gender, and disability without modification: the able body is the neutral body; the man is the normal status.













GRE作文考試比較有特色的一點就是所有題目都已在考試前給出,開放性的題庫讓各位考生有辦法對所有題目進行準備,但實際情況是海量的題目往往會讓剛開始準備的考生看花了眼,下面就給出最新整理的GRE作文題目分類大全,并做一定的分析,希望大家都能在準備寫作時有的放矢的安排計劃。GRE作文題庫分類大全+分析GRE作文題目分類常見問題分析1. 對作文題目只分大類,導致實際可操作性差。比如XDF的分類,總共就只有8個,但是光寫8篇作文肯定不夠。這就需要我們每一類下面還要根據(jù)寫法和內(nèi)容而具體分成各種小類,以達到一


  • gre作文總數(shù)字數(shù)要求多少

    ETS官方對于GRE寫作兩部分issue和argument的字數(shù),是沒有固定的限制的,沒有具體的規(guī)定考生需要寫多少個英文單詞。那么gre寫作字數(shù)多少合適? 接下來一起

  • GRE寫作5.5分經(jīng)驗分享


  • gre作文4分算是低分嗎?怎么樣才能到4分


  • GRE作文機考注意事項
