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初入托福備考的學(xué)生可能會(huì)感受到,托福寫作也許并不是我們想象中的那么簡(jiǎn)單。相比托??谡Z(yǔ),對(duì)于中國(guó)學(xué)生來說,托福寫作也可以算的上是第二大弱項(xiàng)了。其中語(yǔ)法、用詞以及邏輯思維是寫作的問題所在。只有在日常生活中多讀些范文,了解托福寫作中滿分作文的邏輯思維,從哪方面考慮問題,句型難度,才可更好的進(jìn)行鍛煉。 在以下內(nèi)容中,我們就為大家分類整理一下常見的托福寫作題目,希望能為你的備考帶來幫助。




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.







Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to success at college or university?

1. Tutors in university.

2. The encouragement from family and friends.

3. High-quality education from high school.




Which approach is the best?

1. Hire more teachers to teach in a small class

2. Preschool education before kindergarten

3. To provide some training courses so that teachers can be more professional



Agree or disagree? It is better for the younger people to take risk and explore new things than the older people.



People can solve important problems bythemselves or with the help from their family members, so there is no need forthe government to help them.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Most people can solve important problems in their lives by themselves or with the help of their families; help from the government is often unnecessary.


獨(dú)立寫作 重復(fù)2014年7月6日

(A/D) People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.

√ Agree:

Point 1: to broaden one’s horizons/develop one’s interests.

Point 2: to enlarge one’s friend circle.

Point 3: combination of one’s career & interest

Similar Topics:

Topic 1: Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.

Topic 2: It is more likely for people with more skills to succeed.



To be a successful person, one must be open to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind. (160618大陸)


題目大意:要想取得成功,人們必須要接受新的觀點(diǎn)并且愿意改變自己原有的觀點(diǎn)。此題目選擇同意比較好寫,在去想分論點(diǎn)時(shí),有兩種方式可以用:第一種就是去想why, 理由一:接受新的觀點(diǎn)可以更好地適應(yīng)變化的環(huán)境;理由二,接受新的觀點(diǎn)可以與別人建立良好的關(guān)系。第二種去拆分舉例,拆分職業(yè): 第一種職業(yè)IT 行業(yè)的人;第二種職業(yè)老師。



A: A/D: To be a successful person, one must open up to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind.

B: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be successful.

A卷題目是絕對(duì)詞類話題;B卷題目為建議類話題/二選一話題). 注意區(qū)別處理這兩類題目。





Under the current society full of intense competitions, how to achieve success has never failed to arouse deep concern and interest among the general public. Thereof, a good deal of accomplished businessmen and elites are strong believers of the claim that to be a successful person, one must be open to new ideas and willing to change his or her mind.Towards such a complicated issue, I am in favor of the above claim for the following reasons.

In the first place, being receptive to new ideas can help people to better adapt to the constantly changing environment and thus become successful. As is common sense, no matter what fields or areas you are engaged in, change has become the perpetual topic, which means that what you held firmly onto before may become outdated and even misleading overnight. In other words, only those people with open mind towards new things can keep pace with the changes of time and are more likely to achieve success. By contrast, rejecting any new ideas and never changing one's mind, people will be gradually surpassed or even replaced by other competitors. A good case in point is the collapse of Nokia Company, the once most famous cell phone brand. On account of showing no acceptance to the new operating system Android, the Nokia has announced bankruptcy and has been acquired by Microsoft Company. The same logic can apply to any individuals who are stubborn.

Besides that, embracing new ideas can help people to build harmonious rapport with more people, leading to the higher likelihood of becoming successful. More scrutiny has made it conspicuous that an attitude of open-mindedness is strongly correlated to one's popularity among others, especially in a work team. The underlying reason is that anyone who has a willingness to listen to new thoughts tends to leave a good impression and thereof gains help or assistance from others when faced with troubles in the path to success. Also, being open-minded helps you work through interpersonal or intra-team conflicts that arise when people work in close quarters. By contrast, insisting on one' own view stubbornly usually not only build a barrier for establishing the friendship but also serves as the origin of quarrel or conflicts with other people. Put it another way, people without a spirit of listening and cooperation have difficulty in completing any projects, let alone, become successful.

Indeed, accepting new ideas may make people feel uncomfortable, because they are forced to get out their comfort zone. However, the above reasoning does not bear deep analysis. To illustrate, it is an indisputable fact that success relies on nothing but innovation driven by constantly taking in original and creative ideas and thoughts. Consequently, factoring what has been mentioned above, we can conclude that showing acceptance to new ideas and changing one's mind accordingly are of great necessity for the sake of achieving success.


Everyone is longing for success; therefore, everyone eagerly searches for every method to reach that end. Having an inclusive and open would definitely serve as a good panacea for everyone who wants to achieve something in the life. Nevertheless, it is not the only way toward one’s heyday, for one’s success derives from the combined factors, like tenacity and resilience.

Admittedly, a man with an open mind for new ideas is half way for success, for these innovative ideas and philosophies offer one with another outlook when facing a deadlock or dilemma. What’s the most important, new idea brings about creation to our life. The modern society has witnessed the rapid and pervasive changes of technologies along with subtle social reforms. It is the new ideas from other people and other places that lead James Dyson, the inventor if G-force vacuum cleaner, to a great success; it is embracing the new method from the excellent athletes that helps Jimmy Li create his special set “Jimmy Li Jump”.Furthermore, changing our mind and listening to the new ideas from others is conducive to cooperate with other people. A man cannot succeed without the assistance from others. An open mind for new ideas and thoughts are easy for people to share different ideas, therefore, it is beneficial for cooperating within certain groups or teams. A cooperative people would certainly get more help, thus to succeed in a more earlier way. However, an open mind for outside ideas is surely the only way for one to succeed, for there are a lot of other people gaining success through other ways!

Being tenacious and persistent represent a continuous effort in one’s specific career. The secret to happiness is hard work and effort, not “quick-fixes”. Great ideas only cannot guarantee one’s efforts and actions. Only by the down-to-earth efforts and hard work can the final success gained! If James Dyson did not experiment for over 5200 times after he got a new idea from others, we would not have witnessed the birth of this new and highly efficient vacuum cleaner. Therefore, tenacity and persistence provide a sure way to one’s success.

Furthermore, a positive and optimistic attitude towards failure can also serve as a facilitator for one’s success. A lot of people failed because they feared the new challenges or feared to fail again. People with negative attitudes may be loath to take action even if they embrace new ideas from others. A positive mindset can serve as a catalyst for one’s success. If James Dyson didn’t hold hopes for his production promotion and give up during his experiment, we would have seen his products prevail the global market. Thus, a sound mindset and positive attitude propels one to success.

In a nutshell, a successful person is not made just in one day. A lot of factors contribute to a successful people, like new ideas, tenacity and a positive mind, to name just a few. Only in this way can a person expect success as soon as possible










The mostimportant thing for government to improve health care is to clean theenvironment.






Do you agree or disagree: The most important thing for government to improve health care is to clean the environment.

As economy advances, the consequences caused by industrial development become starker and various environmental problems cover the whole world. Then comes one of the most serious issues that people’s health is confronted with huge challenges. Surely, a number of solutions have been raised and discussed and as for whether the most important thing for the government to improve health care is to clean the energy, I cast doubt on it.

Undeniably, cleaning the environment is an effective way to ensure people’s health. For instance, if the air pollution can be bridled, there will be fewer chances for citizens living in Beijing or TianJin suffering the respiratory diseases. Besides, citizens in Flint City could drink clean water if the water source was not acidified to erode the pipeline of tap water. However, the threats human beings are faced with do not only come from the environmental problems and the government has to lay more emphasis on the other two areas.

For one thing, the outbreak of viruses that could sparkle off widespread epidemics is a killer to human beings. Reflecting history can help us explore how the devastating viruses tortured human beings and the death toll was astounding. For instance, the once spread of cholera once caused the death of more than a million civilians in Russia and malaria is a kind of serious malady that could cause the death of several hundred thousand in Africa in the past. The good news is those viruses were under control finally after the efforts made by numerous medical experts. However, in recent years, people are still under huge threats of many newly found viruses like Ebola, Zika that still remain highly dangerous and could trigger huge damage to people’s physical health. Even worse, a reported man in America was found dying of Zika virus. Therefore, it is more urgent and indispensable for the government to invest to the development of medical technology.

For another thing, while analyzing the influence factors leading to the sub-health of most city employees, the deficiency in engaging sports can be found as one of the primary contributors. Therefore, there is necessity for the government to build more available sporting facilities nearby the communities for city workers who have to be fully involved in their career and cannot vacate enough time to either go to Gym or farther places for exercises. Take friends around me as an example. Most of them cannot afford to spend time in playing sports, one of who called Jason working as a software engineer can only get off work till 10 o’clock PM. Another friend of mine has to travel across the country for business trips several times a month. The combination of long-term involvement in career and no chance to work out lead to the obesity and the declining immunity. However, if there is a public Gym constructed around my friends’ residency, the possibilities of doing exercises could be higher and the physical conditions could be better. Accordingly, to maintain the physical health of citizens, it is more practical for the government to invest more to the construction of sports infrastructure as far as my friends are concerned.

In a word, even though cleaning environment means a lot to the citizens’ health care, developing medical technology and building sporting facilities can be more related to our health.










