ANNIE: Karen, do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you about something.
KAREN: Sure. What is it?
ANNIE: I think you can give me some advice.
You have worked here longer, and I just want to know what you think.
KAREN: I'm glad to help you. But what is it you want to ask about?
ANNIE: I am worried about the meeting this morning.
KAREN: Why? I think the meeting went well.
ANNIE: Really?
KAREN: Yes. But what are you worried about?
ANNIE: I'm afraid I was too rude.
KAREN: Rude? You weren't rude at all, Annie. Why do you think you were rude?
ANNIE: Well, I maybe talked to Mr. Drummond too directly1.
I thought I maybe said too much. I don't want him to be angry.
KAREN: I understand. But really you weren't rude at all.
You said what you thought. I think he appreciates that.
ANNIE: Really?
ANNIE: But I am new here, and I'm not sure he is used to that.
KAREN: You mean because you are a woman?
ANNIE: Yes. And he is the president of the company.
KAREN: Listen, Annie. You shouldn't worry about Mr. Drummond.
He is a very good man to work for. He is not sexist at all.
He appreciates people for their ideas.
And he is willing2 to take suggestions from men or women.
ANNIE: I am very happy to hear that, Karen.
It's good to know I'm working in such a company.
KAREN: I agree with you on that, Annie.
I've worked for Derek Drummond for nine years now.
I feel he appreciates his employees3 for their work, not their gender4.
I would never change jobs.
ANNIE: Good. Thank you for telling me this.
KAREN: Any time. If you have a good idea, don't be afraid to speak up.
This is a company that appreciates initiative5.
A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking.四通公司,您好,我是Mary.
B: Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please.你好,我想找Hunter先生。
A: May I ask who is calling, please?請問您是哪位?
B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company.我是IBM電腦公司的Herbert Wood.
A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line.謝謝,Wood先生,請稍等。(打內(nèi)線電話)Hunter先生,IBM電腦公司的Wood先生找您。
C: Can you find out what he wants?你可以問他有什么事嗎?
A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller)I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about.好的,Hunter先生。(對來電者說)對不起Wood先生,讓您久等了。Hunter先生現(xiàn)在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事對他說。
B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don't know whether he is interested in that or not?是的,我想買一些計算機軟件,另外再談一談開發(fā)一些其它的軟件。我不知道他是否有興趣。
A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please?(to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software.我明白了,非常感謝,Wood先生。請你等一下好嗎?(打內(nèi)線電話)Hunter先生,Wood先生想買一些計算機軟件。
C: I see. Put him on line two.好的,請轉(zhuǎn)到2號線。
A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. I'll put you through to Mr. Hunter.好的,Hunter先生。(對來電者)Wood先生,不好意思讓你久等了,我把你的電話接給Hunter先生。
A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you?下午好,銷售部,我能幫你什么忙嗎?
B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please?可以和Bush先生說話嗎?
A: I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?我要看一看他是否在。請問我得告訴他誰打來的?
B: John Smith.
A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I'm afraid. Can I help you?請別掛機,Bush先生正在和總經(jīng)理開會,我可以幫你忙嗎?
B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week.好的,我想跟他討論一下我們上星期簽訂的合同。
A: I don't think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is free?我想會議不會開得太久,我讓他有空給你打電話,好嗎?
B: Yes, that would be easiest.是的,那樣最好了。
A: Could I have your name again, please?請再一次告訴我你的姓名,好嗎?
B: Yes. It's John Smith.好的,我叫John Smith.
A: And the number?電話號碼呢?
B: 021-64358796
A: OK. You'll be hearing from Mr. Bush later in the morning then, Mr. Smith.好的,Smith先生,早上晚些時候,你會收到Bush先生的電話。
B: Thank you for your help. Good-bye.謝謝你的幫助,再見。
A: You are welcome. Good-bye.別客氣,再見。
A: Madison Industries. This is Cathy Winer speaking. Can I help you?Madison工業(yè),我是Cathy Winer,我能幫您嗎?
B: Good afternoon. Could you connect this call with Mr. Black, please?下午好,麻煩你接到Black先生,好嗎?
A: May I know who's calling?請問您是哪位?
B: This is Mary Fox of A.B.C. Computer Co…I'm calling on behalf1 of Mr. Tom Backer, the general manager of our company.這里是A.B.C電腦公司的Mary Fox.我是替我們公司總經(jīng)理Tom Backer先生打電話。
A: I am sorry, Ms. Fox. Mr. Black is now in a meeting. May I have your number and ask him to call back later?對不起,F(xiàn)ox小姐。Black先生正在開會,請告訴我你的電話號碼,我會讓他給你打電話的,好嗎?
B: I'm afraid Mr. Baker2 would like to speak to Mr. Black right now. He has got an urgent3 matter to discuss with Mr. Black without delay.我想Baker先生想現(xiàn)在和Black先生說話,他有緊急事情與Black先生商量,不能拖延。
A: OK. Then, would you please hold the line?(one minute later)好的,請你別掛機。(一分鐘后)Ms. Fox, the line is through. Mr. Black is ready to answer the call. Go ahead. Fox小姐,電話接通了,Black先生可以和你通話了,請吧。
B: Thank you for your kind assistance4, Ms. Winer非常感謝你的善意幫助,Winer小姐。
A: You are welcome.別客氣。
A: Good morning. NTT Co…早上好,NTT公司。
B: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ira Black, head of the Export Section, please?你好,可以和出口部負(fù)責(zé)人Ira Black先生通話嗎?
A: I'm sorry. Mr. Black has just gone out. May I ask who's calling?對不起,Black先生剛出去??梢詥栆幌履悄奈粏?
B: This is John Carter from Ace5 Consultant6. Would you please tell me when I could get a hold of him?我是Ace咨詢公司的John Carter.請你告訴我什么時候能找到他。
A: I really have no idea when Mr. Black could be available in the office. Could you call back later or would you mind leaving a message?我真的一點都不知道Black先生什么時候會在辦公室。您可以過一會兒再打來或者給他留言嗎?
B: I think it's better for me to leave a message. But it's important and urgent. Please make sure he gets this message.我覺得還是留下一個口信比較好。不過這件事很要緊,請一定將留言傳達(dá)給他。
A: I see. I'm sure to pass your messages to Mr. Black.明白了,我一定把您的留言傳達(dá)給Black先生。
B: Good. Would you mind telling him that due to some sudden changes, do not fill out any orders for NNC Corporation7 until further notice?It's very important. I'll explain later.那就好,你可以告訴他,由于意外變化,在進(jìn)一步通知之前,請勿給NNC公司發(fā)貨。事關(guān)重大,稍后我會做出解釋。
A: Okay, let me repeat your message to see if I've got it all.行。我重復(fù)一遍留言,看看是否記全了
