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  1. Underlying10 Contract – Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written contract for the sale of goods. Incoterms, therefore, refer to the contract of sale, rather than the contract of carriage of the goods. Buyers and sellers should specify11 that their contract be governed by Incoterms 2000.

  1. 管轄合同 — 國際貿易術語解釋通則在設計上是用于書面的貨物銷售合同的。所以,國際貿易術語解釋通則援引銷售合同而非貨物運輸合同。買賣雙方應該明確他們的合同受《國際貿易術語解釋通則2000》管轄。

  2. EXW and FCA – If you buy Ex Works or Free Carrier you will need to arrange for the contract of carriage. Also, since the shipper will not receive a bill of lading, using a letter of credit requiring a bill of lading will not be possible.

  2. EXW和FCA — 如果你以EXW或FCA購買商品,你需要商定運輸合同。而且,由于托運人不接受提單,使用要求提供提單的信用證是不可能的。

  3. EDI: Electric Data Interchange – It is increasingly common for seller to prepare and transmit documents electronically. Incoterms provides for EDI so long as buyers and sellers agree on their use in the sales contract.

  3. 電子數據交換 — 賣方采用電子方式填寫和傳遞文件已經變得越來越普遍。國際貿易術語解釋通則對電子數據交換已經作出了規(guī)定,只要買賣雙方在銷售合同中同意采用即可。

  4. Insurable Interest – Note that in many cases either the buyer or the seller is not obligated to provide insurance. In a number of cases neither party is obligated to provide insurance. However, both the seller and buyer should be aware that they may have insurable interest in the goods and prudence12 dictates13 purchase of insurance coverage14.

  4. 可保利益 — 注意,在多數情況下,不是買方就是賣方沒有辦理保險的義務。在許多情況下,任何一方都沒有辦理保險的義務。然而買賣雙方應該明白,他們在貨物上有可保利益存在,基于謹慎原則要購買保險。

  5. Customs of the Port or Trade – Incoterms are an attempt to standardize15 trade terms for all nations and all trades. However, different ports and different trades have their own customs and practices. It is best if specific customs and practices are specified16 in the sale contract.

  5. 港口或行業(yè)習慣 — 國際貿易術語解釋通則試圖對所有國家和所有行業(yè)的貿易術語實行標準化。然而不同的港口和不同的行業(yè)都有它們自己的習慣和做法。最好在銷售合同中明確這些具體的習慣和做法

  6. Precise Point of Delivery – In some cases it may not be possible for the buyer to name the precise point of delivery at contract. However, if the buyer does not do so in a timely manner, it may give the seller the option to make delivery within a range of places that is within the terms of the contract. For example, the original terms of sale may state CFR Port of Rotterdam. The Port of Rotterdam is huge an the buyer may find that a particular point within the port is best and should so state in the sales contract and in the trade term. Also, since the buyer becomes liable for the goods once they arrive, he or she may be responsible for unloading, storage and other charges once the goods have been made available at the place named.

  6. 準確的交貨地點 — 在某些情況下,要求買方在合同中指定準確的交貨地點是不可能的。但是,如果買方不及時指定準確交貨地點,賣方就有權在合同條款規(guī)定范圍內的多個地點交貨。例如,原銷售條款可能規(guī)定CFR鹿特丹港。鹿特丹港很大,而且買方可能會發(fā)現,該港口某特定地點是最佳的,那么就應該在銷售合同和貿易條件中加以說明。而且,由于一旦貨物到達,買方就應對貨物負責。一旦貨物在指定地點交付以后,他或她可能要負責卸貨、倉儲和其他費用。

  7. Export and Import Customs Clearance17 – It is usually desirable that export customs formalities be handled by the seller and import customs formalities be handled by the buyer. However, some trade terms require that the buyer handle export formalities and others require that the seller handle import formalities. In each case the buyer and seller will have to assume risk from export and import restrictions18 and prohibitions19. In some cases foreign exporters may not be able to obtain import licenses20 in the country of import. This should be researched before accepting final terms.

  7. 出口和進口清關 — 出口海關手續(xù)有賣方辦理,進口海關手續(xù)由買方辦理是最理想的。然而,某些貿易術語要求買方辦理出口手續(xù),另外一些術語要求賣方辦理進口手續(xù)。在每種情況下,買方和賣方將不得不承擔來自進出口限制和禁令的風險。在某些情況下,外國出口商可能無法從進口國取得進口許可證。在接受最終的條件之前,應該對這一點進行研究。

  8. Added Wording – It is possible, and in many cases desirable, that the seller and buyer agree to additional wording to an Incoterm. For example, if the seller agrees to DDP terms, agreeing to pay for customs formalities and import duties, but not for VAT21 (value Added Taxes) the term “DDP VAT Unpaid” may be used.

  8. 附加措辭 — 買賣雙方有可能同意在國際貿易術語上附加一些措辭,這在許多情況下是比較理想的。例如,如果賣方同意采用DDP條件,同意支付海關手續(xù)費和進口關稅,但不支付增值稅,就可以使用“DDP增值稅未付”條件。

  9. Packing – It is the responsibility of the seller to provide packaging unless the goods shipped are customarily shipped in bulk (usually commodities such as oil or grain). In most situations it is best if the buyer and seller agree in the sales contract on the type and extent of packing required. However, it may not be possible to know beforehand the type or duration of transport. As a result, it is the responsibility of the seller to provide for safe and appropriate packaging, but only to the extent that the buyer has made the circumstances of the transport known to the seller beforehand.

  If the seller is responsible for packing goods in an ocean or air freight container it is also his responsibility to pack the container properly to withstand shipment.

  10. Inspection22 – These are several issues related to inspections23: a) the seller is responsible for costs of inspection to make certain the quantity and quality of the shipment is in conformity24 with the sales contract, b) pre-shipment inspections as required by the export authority are the responsibility of the party responsible for export formalities, c) import inspections as required by the import authority are the responsibility of the party responsible for import formalities, and d) third-party inspections for independent verification of quality and quantity (if required) are generally the responsibility of the buyer. The buyer may require such and inspection and inspection document as a condition of payment.

  10. 檢驗 — 下面是與檢驗有關的幾個問題:(a)賣方負責確定發(fā)送貨物與銷售合同規(guī)定的質量和數量一致的檢驗費用;(b)出口國當局規(guī)定的裝船前檢驗由辦理出口手續(xù)的一方當事人負責;(c)進口國當局規(guī)定的進口檢驗由辦理進口手續(xù)的一方當事人負責;(d)為獨立地確定質量和數量的第三方檢驗(如果需要的話)通常由買方負責。買方可能要求把此類檢驗和檢驗證書作為付款的條件。

  11. Passing of Risks and Costs – The general rule is that risks and costs pass from the seller to the buyer once the seller has delivered the goods to the point and place named in the trade term.

  11. 風險和費用的轉移 — 通常的規(guī)則是,風險和費用自賣方將貨物交付到貿易條件指定地點是從賣方轉移給買方。









國際貿易術語解釋通則的注釋 1. Underlying10 Contract Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written contract for the sale of goods. Incoterms, therefore, refer to the c


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