1 ESP: English for Specific/Special Purposes 專門用途英語
2 BE: Business English 商務(wù)英語
3 Correspondence for Import & Export 進出口函電
4 Good quality stationery1 優(yōu)質(zhì)信箋信紙
5 Neat typing 整潔
6 Even spacing 間隔勻稱
7 Short paragraphs 段落精短
8 Correct Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation2 語法、拼寫、標點正確
1 potential business 潛在業(yè)務(wù)
2 prospective3 customer 潛在顧客
3 customers of long standing4 長期顧客
4 potential supplier 潛在供應(yīng)商
5 trade fair 貿(mào)易博覽會
6 the latest issue of 最新一期…
7 integrated software package 完整軟件包
8 substantial order 大宗訂單
9 quantity discount 數(shù)量折扣
10 cash discount 現(xiàn)金折扣
11 list price 標價、目錄價格
12 export terms 出口條件
13 pictured/illustrated catalog 帶插圖的商品目錄
14 article number / Art. No. 貨號
15 bulk buyer 大買戶
16 business concern 商行
17 business relations / relationship 業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系
18 business status 業(yè)務(wù)狀況
19 commercial counselor 商務(wù)參贊
20 commercial counselor’s office 商務(wù)參贊處
21 means of packing 包裝方法
22 parent company 母公司
23 sales literature 促銷資料
24 trading association 貿(mào)易關(guān)系
25 trade journal 行業(yè)刊物
26 firm offer 實盤
27 non-firm offer: offer without engagement 虛盤
28 trade discount 同業(yè)/批發(fā)折扣
29 bill of exchange (bill / draft; B/E) 匯票
30 documents against payment: D/P 付款交單
31 shipping documents 裝運單據(jù)
32 line of business 業(yè)務(wù)/經(jīng)營范圍
33 specific inquiry 具體詢價
1 regular customer 老顧客
2 be in a position to do 能夠
3 for your consideration/reference 供你方考慮/參考
4 promotional novelties 促銷小禮品
5 profit margin 利潤賺頭/幅度
6 by separate post/mail/cover: separately 另郵/函
7 bathroom fittings 浴室設(shè)備
8 building contractor 建筑承包商,營造商
9 net price 凈價
10 cash with order: CWO 訂貨付款,隨訂單付現(xiàn)
11 sample cutting 剪樣
12 ceiling price 限價
13 consumer goods 消費品
14 counter-offer 還盤
15 counter-bid 還價
16 current/prevailing price現(xiàn)價
17 durable goods: durables耐用品
18 fancy goods 花俏商品
19 gross price 毛價,總價
20 lead time 從訂貨到交貨的間隔時間
21 offer sheet 報盤單
22 quotation sheet 報價單
23 retail price 零售價
24 rock-bottom price 最底價
25 make an offer / a quotation報盤/價
26 offer firm 報實盤
27 quote a price報價
28 credit status 資信狀況
29 correspondent bank 往來行
30 publicity brochure 宣傳小冊子
31 down payment 預(yù)定金
32 find a ready sale/market for 暢銷
33 end-user 最終用戶
34 Ex Works: EXW 工廠交貨(價)
35 Cost & Freight: CFR 成本加運費
36 Cost, Insurance and Freight: CIF 成本加保險費運費
37 Carriage & Insurance Paid to: CIP 運費保險費付至…
38 Carriage paid to: CPT 運費付至…
39 Delivered At Frontier: DAF 邊境交貨
40 Delivered Duty Paid: DDP 完稅后交貨
41 Delivered Duty Unpaid: DDU 未完稅交貨
42 Delivered Ex Quay: DEQ 目的港碼頭交貨
43 Delivered Ex Ship: DES 目的港船上交貨
44 Free Alongside Ship: FAS 船邊交貨
45 Free Carrier: FCA 貨交承運人
46 Free On Board: FOB 裝運港船上交貨
1 captioned order 標題所述訂單
2 by courier 由快遞公司傳遞
3 make out a contract 繕制合同
4 make up the order 備貨
5 please sign and return one copy for our file 請簽退一份供我方存檔
6 bulk delivery 大宗貨物的交付
7 replenish stocks 補充庫存 / 進貨
8 maximum discount 最大折扣
9 contractual obligation 合同義務(wù)
10 counter-sign 副署,會簽
11 counter-signature 連署簽名
12 general terms and conditions一般交易條件
13 import license: I/L 進口許可證
14 mode of payment 付款方式
15 proforma invoice: P/I 形式發(fā)票
16 prompt shipment 即期裝運
17 provisional order 臨時訂單
18 purchase confirmation: P/C 購貨確認書
19 purchase contract 購貨合同
20 purchase order: P/O 訂單
21 regular order 經(jīng)常訂單,定期訂單
22 regular purchase 定期購貨
23 repeat order 重復(fù)訂單,翻單
24 sales contract: S/C 銷售合同
25 trial order 試銷訂單
26 accept an order 接受訂單 /訂貨
27 acknowledge an order (賣方)確認訂單
28 arrive at / come to an agreement 達成協(xié)議
29 book an order 接受訂單/貨
30 cancel an order 撤銷訂單/貨
31 complete an order 處理訂單,備貨
32 confirm an order (買方)確認訂單
33 decline an order 謝絕訂單
34 deliver an order 交付訂貨
35 draft a contract 起草合同
36 enter into a contract 訂立合同
37 fill / fulfill / make up an order 處理 訂單,備貨
38 meet an order 備貨
39 place an order 下/放訂單,訂貨
40 process an order 處理訂單,備貨
41 refuse / reject an order 拒受訂單
42 supply an order (根據(jù)訂單)供貨
43 unit price 單價
1 obtain indemnity 獲得賠償
2 a cover note 承保單
3 a marine policy 海洋運輸保單
4 a floating policy 全額保單
5 an open policy 預(yù)約保單
6 a valued policy 定值保單
7 declaration form 啟運通知書
8 a claims form 索賠申請書/表
9 be for the buyers’ account 由買方付款
10 assessor’s report 估損報告
11 survey report 貨物檢驗報告
12 insurance certificate保險憑證
13 insurance claim 保險索賠
14 insurance surveyor (保險公司)貨物檢查員
15 a complete write-off 報廢東西
16 at your end 在你地
17 the People’s Insurance Company of China: PICC 中國人民保險公司
18 the state-owned company/enterprise 國有公司/企業(yè)
1 bar code 條形碼
2 bulk cargo 散裝貨;統(tǒng)裝貨
3 bulky cargo (體大質(zhì)輕的)泡貨
4 bulky parcel 大宗包裹
5 color assortment 顏色搭配
6 country of origin 原產(chǎn)地國
7 customary packing習(xí)慣包裝
8 equal assortment 平均搭配
9 flexible container 集裝包/袋
10 gunny bag 麻袋
11 iron drum 鐵桶
12 lot number 批號
13 metric ton 公噸
14 open-top container 開頂式集裝箱
15 state-of-the-art 最先進的
16 gross weight 毛重
17 net weight 凈重
18 indicative marks指示性標志
19 shipping marks 裝運標志;嘜頭
20 warning marks 警告性標志
21 neutral packing 中性包裝
22 nude cargo 裸裝貨
23 packing list 裝箱單
24 paper bag 紙袋
25 long ton 長噸
26 short ton 短噸
27 seller’s usual packing 賣方習(xí)慣包裝
28 size assortment 尺寸搭配
29 trade mark 商標
1 ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估計到達時間
2 ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 估計離開時間
3 Secure the vessel 弄到船只
4 Cargo capacity 載貨能力
5 Charter party 租船合同
6 Air waybill 空運提單
7 Carrying vessel 運貨船
8 Direct steamer 直達船
9 Dock receipt 碼頭收據(jù)
10 Document of title 產(chǎn)權(quán)單證
11 Freight prepaid 運費已付
12 Freight to collect 運費到付
13 General cargo vessel 雜貨船
14 Negotiable instrument 可流通/轉(zhuǎn)讓票據(jù)
15 Sailing schedule 船期表
16 Sailing date 啟航日期
17 Shortlanded memo 短卸單
18 Take delivery of 取貨
19 Make delivery of 發(fā)貨
20 Dispatch money 速譴費,快裝費
21 Freight ton 運費噸
22 Measurement ton 尺碼噸
23 Weight ton 重量噸
24 Weight memo 重量單
25 Ocean transportation 海洋運輸
26 Full container load: FCL 整箱貨
27 Less than container load: LCL 拼箱貨
28 Bill of lading: B/L 海運提單
29 Partial / part shipment 分批裝運
30 Port of destination 目的港
31 Port of shipment 裝貨港
32 Shipping advice 已裝船通知
33 Shipping order 裝船通知單,裝貨/運單
34 Shipping space 艙位
35 Storage cost/charges 倉儲費
36 Time charter 定期租船
37 Voyage charter 定程租船
38 Time of shipment 裝運/船期
1 aggregate amount 總價/金額
2 L/C amendment advice 信用證修改通知書
3 accepting bank 承兌行
4 days of grace 寬限期
5 expiry date 失效期
6 extension of the L/C 信用證展期
7 operative instrument 有效票據(jù)
8 waiver of legal rights 放棄合法權(quán)利
9 banking/bank charges 銀行手續(xù)費
10 cash against documents 憑單付現(xiàn)/款
11 cash against documents on arrival of goods 貨到后憑單付現(xiàn)/款
12 conversion rate 兌換率
13 exchange rate 外匯率
14 financing of projects項目融資
15 fine bank bill 有信用的銀行匯票
16 first class bill 信譽好的匯票
17 foreign exchange: forex 外匯
18 protest for non-payment 拒付證書
19 protest note 拒付通知書
20 finance a project 為項目提供資金
21 honor a draft 承兌匯票
22 dishonor a draft 拒付匯票
23 protect a draft 備妥貨款以支付匯票
24 clean shipped on board bill of lading 清潔的已裝船提單
25 opening / issuing bank 信用證開證行
26 correspondent bank 往來行
27 advising/notifying bank 通知行
28 blank endorsement 空白背書
29 more or less clause 溢短裝條款
30 bona fide holder 善意真誠持有人
31 accompanying documents 隨附單據(jù)
32 time/usance L/C 遠期信用證
33 without recourse 無追索權(quán)
34 mail transfer: M/T 信匯
35 telegraphic transfer: T/T 電匯
36 demand draft: D/D 票匯
37 debit note 索款通知書
38 D/P after sight 遠期付款交單
39 financial standing財務(wù)狀況
40 status inquiry資信調(diào)查
1 short-open (信用證)少開
2 arbitration body 仲裁機構(gòu)
3 arbitration clause 仲裁條款
4 breach of the contract 違反合同;違約
5 color deviation 色差
6 compulsory arbitration 強制性仲裁
7 faulty goods/packing 有毛病的貨物/包裝
8 force majeure 不可抗力
9 legal action 訴訟
10 non-conformity of quality 質(zhì)量不符
11 non-performance of the contract 不履行合同
12 settlement of claims 理賠
13 shoddy goods 次貨
14 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁
15 slip up 出錯
16 wear and tear 磨損;損耗
17 customs examination 海關(guān)檢查
18 fair average quality: FAQ 中等品,大路貨
19 commodity inspection bureau: 商品檢驗局
1 confirming house 保付商行
2 opportune moment 恰當時機
3 please ignore this letter 不必復(fù)函
4 authorized agent 指定代理人
5 channel of distribution 銷售渠道
6 del credere agency 保付代理
7 exclusive distribution總經(jīng)銷
8 exclusive / sole agency 獨家代理
9 exclusive sales 包銷
10 exclusive sales agreement 包銷協(xié)議,獨家經(jīng)銷協(xié)議
11 general agency 總代理,一般代理
12 forwarding agent: forwarder 貨運代理,運輸代理商
13 procurement authorization: P/A 采購授權(quán)書
14 salesmen’s traveling and entertainment expenses 銷售員旅費及交際費
15 volume discount 總購量折扣
16 trade volume 貿(mào)易額;交易額
17 volume of business 營業(yè)/交易額
18 advertising agency 廣告公司
19 advertising agent 廣告代理商/人
20 agency commission 代理傭金
21 annual turnover 年營業(yè)額,年成交量
22 buying agent 采購代理商/人
23 commission house 傭金商行
24 insurance agent 保險代理商/人
25 sales room 拍賣場,售貨處