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  對(duì)于備考bec中級(jí)的朋友來說,能夠做真題是比較好的方式,為了方便大家備考,下面小編給大家?guī)怼綛EC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 1-Test2,望喜歡!

【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 1 - Part 2 Section 2

   Some people tell you that what a dissatisfied customer really wants is to have the opportunity to spend his money again. You may have to resort to this, a refund or perhaps some form of credit. However, this may lose a customer and will certainly lose that particular deal. Try a bit of persuasion. Remind your customer why he chose your product in the first place, give him a new one and save him the trouble of making further decisions. 19 It's often the case that a complaint about faulty equipment really means the customer is doing something wrong. Of course, considerable tact is called for when this happens. Don't make them feel foolish. What they need is some guidance, and this should be provided without further cost. Make sure any damage done has been put right, and then set up the familiarisation session. Problem solved, customer happy, equipment saved from any more misuse. 20 When a customer complains, it's important to be sympathetic, but business-like as well. Do apologise, of course, and then, taking a personal interest in the way the equipment will be used, suggest a newer, more recent model rather than simply replacing the original one. This is often a good solution, because it not only deals with the complaint, but also the client feels they've got away with a bit extra to make up for the inconvenience. 21 I don't think all complaints can be dealt with in the same way. Basically, you've got to solve the immediate problem to try to keep the customer's confidence. Sometimes guaranteeing your product for a longer period can be a good way to do this. Fix what's wrong as quickly as possible and show you're prepared to do so a second time if necessary. Point out that the customer won't have any worries, at least not until they need an upgrade. 22 It's a good idea to let the customer know why there's been a problem. It shows you are prepared to be honest, and you might win a bit of sympathy. They realise that things don't always go right for the supplier either. But the most satisfactory thing to do is to offer a refund. Then, of course, they are more likely to deal with you again when they need a replacement.

  【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 2 - Part 1 Conversation 1

  Hints:TomBillcolumn Along-term01:14 處的語氣詞Ah 不用寫 英式拼寫對(duì)話人之間以換行區(qū)分

  Hi, Tom here. Could I speak with Bill? Sorry, he's out. Can I take a message? Thanks. It's about some queries Bill had about the balance sheet I prepared. Which balance sheet exactly? The one for the last financial year? Actually, it was the one for the last quarter. OK, got that. There were several things Bill wanted to check. Firstly, he asked about the liabilities figures. He thought the figures in column A might be for current liabilities, but in fact those figures indicate the long-term ones. OK, I've got that. What next? The assets figures. He wondered exactly what they cover. Actually, I've put the current assets there, but I've still got to work out the fixed assets and the intangible assets before I include them. Thanks. Anything else? One last thing. Also about assets. Bill wasn't sure what the figures in brackets in section four refer to. He thought they might represent average figures for the last two years or something like that. In fact, they show losses over that period. Thanks. I'll pass all that on.

  【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 2 - Part 1 Conversation 2

  Hints:GeorgeKristoffMelbourne however; instead英式拼寫

  Hi, George. This is Kristoff calling from Australia. It's about the contract negotiation for constructing the factory in Melbourne. Our client doesn't want to agree the date for the completion of the second stage, even though it was accepted when we put in our tender. We specified that we couldn't complete in less than six months. Now they're saying they want it brought forward a month. This is a problem, because they want to put in a penalty clause which states that for every week we are late, we have to pay three per cent of the total cost. I can't agree to this at all. We're already using our best technical employees, and the only way we can complete in five months is if we use more unskilled staff right from the beginning, which'll mean a substantial investment which we hadn't budgeted for. There's one incentive, however; instead of the usual bonus, we'll be awarded the contract for their next project if we can meet their new deadline.

  【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 2 - Part 1 Conversation 3

  Hints:Joe FischerWilmae-commercemorning - he’llOK - anythingYes - when英式拼寫對(duì)話人之間以換行區(qū)分Hello. Joe Fischer speaking. Joe, it's Wilma here. Can I have a word with you about the e-commerce website? Of course. How did the interviews go? Well, we recruited an excellent business analyst this morning - he'll join the team in a week or so. There's still a gap for a software engineer, though, and we'll have to fill that as soon as possible. I'll ask around and see if anyone is able to transfer from other projects. Thanks. Also, do you think you could produce a report for senior management by the end of the week? They'd like an idea of the timing of the project. No problem. What else should I include? Let us know exactly what hardware you'll need. The budget already allows for that. OK - anything else? Yes - when you describe the project, would you make sure you spell out the objectives in clear, straightforward language? Certain members of the Board have their doubts that it will bring about the results we promised. OK.

【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 1-Test2相關(guān)文章










對(duì)于備考bec中級(jí)的朋友來說,能夠做真題是比較好的方式,為了方便大家備考,下面小編給大家?guī)怼綛EC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 1


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    bec的真題對(duì)我們的備考非常有參考價(jià)值,為了方便大家,下面小編給大家?guī)怼綛EC中級(jí)真題聽力】第三輯Test 4,望喜歡!【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第三輯Test 4

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    大家都知道bec中級(jí)考試難度不算低,所以我們要好好復(fù)習(xí),為了方便大家備考,下面小編給大家?guī)怼綛EC中級(jí)真題聽力】第三輯Test 2 - Test3,一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧

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    大家都知道bec中級(jí)考試難度不算低,所以我們要好好復(fù)習(xí),為了方便大家備考,下面小編給大家?guī)怼綛EC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test 3 - Test4,一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧

  • 【BEC中級(jí)真題聽力】第四輯Test2
