


時間: 楚薇0 分享



1.東西丟了:lost the key,can’t found the note

2.剃頭:hardly bald, hairstyle change for not covering the eyes, cut curl hair

3.搭車:pick up the third one at the airline, give me a ride to the office

4.穿衣: a jean and T-shirt for interview is casual, clothes is wet before the concert

5.花需要光: put the flower to the window, the bookcase will prevent the sunlight, need the fresh

6.忘了: slip my mind, forgot to give the note to someone

7.圖書館: spend the whole day in the library, make the photocopy at library, meet at the library, return the books to the library, library is a better place to study

8.室友: looking for a roommate, roommate should apologize, roommate is too noisy,

9.吃的:fish can’t be eat, berry is a bush even for a bird, bread is over toasted, vegetables are over cooked, bread may be in the refrigerator,

10.借東西: lend me calculus book(calculator), borrow the money from check, borrow car for shopping

11.天氣:clean up for picnic, cold enough for skating, snowing too much to fly, so hot that we need an air conditioner,

12.作業(yè)能否完成:wait till the last minute, chemistry test without time for reading, fill out the financial aid form without the priority, paper extended to the next week

13.第三者: have done it for me

14.排隊: magazine to kill the time, read the magazine twice, go early for not queue

15.得病看醫(yī)生: need another doctor, it is open till 10 at the health center, take the pill the doctor assigned,

16.沒空幫忙: can’t give you a ride due to the meeting tomorrow morning,

17.鍛煉減肥: lost weight, two blue clothes but one with the large size

18.電影或音樂會: see the concert twice make sense again, sell ticket to you so that you come with me, lectured by some professor is worth watching,

19.還書: return so as not to pay fine, help me return the books,

20.重新考慮以前的決定: reconsider your decision,

21.轉(zhuǎn)讓: movie ticket

22.加入社團: garden club, find another committee member to replace,

23.認(rèn)不出來: beard, bother is different,

24.住房: find an apartment under 500 dollars, find a larger apartment, live nearer to the campus

25.放松: join a entertainment club for leisure, spend more time outdoors,

26.約會: (appointment), reschedule one of the appointment

27.關(guān)門了(過期了): museum closed, cafeteria closed,

28.照相: film run out, film not processed, film not good

29.同去: come go with me

30.太吵: too noisy, can’t concentrate



藝術(shù)類場景的細(xì)分就比較復(fù)雜了。首先,藝術(shù)類可以簡單分為:藝術(shù)家及藝術(shù)形式,藝術(shù)史(art history),藝術(shù)理論,藝術(shù)保護(art conservation)這四個話題。其中,藝術(shù)形式涉及的內(nèi)容就更多了,按目前TPO里的講座來看,具體的藝術(shù)形式可以有:電影、歌劇、詩歌、散文、話劇、建筑、雕塑、繪畫、音樂及樂器、舞蹈等。這個話題主要是說藝術(shù)家及其風(fēng)格特色;藝術(shù)史著重的是與藝術(shù)有關(guān)的人或事情的發(fā)展,歷史價值;藝術(shù)理論比較抽象,我們可以這么理解,如果藝術(shù)家和藝術(shù)形式是在講具體的畫,畫中的景,景用的顏色等,那么藝術(shù)理論就是在說,顏色要怎么調(diào),景色要怎么選…;藝術(shù)保護類的文章,顧名思義,不僅說具體的藝術(shù)品,還會討論如何保護不會損壞,如何修復(fù)。





比如,繪畫這個場景中常出現(xiàn)的詞匯有:brush 畫筆;canvas 帆布、畫布;sketch 素描、描繪;figure人物;gallery 畫廊;pigment 顏料……

文學(xué)類的文章中常出現(xiàn)的詞匯有:chapter 章節(jié);biography 傳紀(jì);fiction 小說;character 人物;tale 故事;plot 情節(jié)……

電影類的文章中常出現(xiàn)的詞匯有:edit 編輯;sciencefiction 科幻;costume 戲服;Narration 旁白……



比如說,TPO 1的第1篇講油畫的講座中就出現(xiàn)了N次movement這個詞,“so, you‘ve probably studies both of these movements, separately, separatemovements, realism and impressionism in some of your art history courses…”, ”thisgives her an understanding of body movements and actions, how humans move andstand still”這兩個句子當(dāng)中movement明顯不是同一個意思,后一句中的movement是常見的“移動”的意思,但第一個句子中的movement的意思,就絕對不是移動,根據(jù)上下文,應(yīng)該是類似style的意思。當(dāng)然,后句中still也是熟詞僻義,表示靜止的意思。朗閣海外考試研究中心的專家在研究和跟蹤考試的過程中發(fā)現(xiàn),藝術(shù)類中的一詞多義最多,比如setting, 常見意思為“設(shè)置”,藝術(shù)里表示“背景”,這還算是一個藝術(shù)場景中比較普遍的詞匯;pattern, 常見意思為“模式”,還有“花紋”的意思;vibrant, 常見意思為“有生命力的”,藝術(shù)講座中還有“明亮”的意思,比如vibrant color; hero, 在藝術(shù)類文章中還可以表示“男主角”。



一般來說,講藝術(shù)家及藝術(shù)形式的文章是相對比較簡單的,雖然藝術(shù)類的大背景很多同學(xué)不算熟悉,但ETS選擇的藝術(shù)家、藝術(shù)品、藝術(shù)風(fēng)格基本都是比較易于接受和理解的,比較生活化的。比如說,在繪畫類的講座中,有提過梵高,有提過莫奈,有提過很多著名的畫家,他們的風(fēng)格和作品都是普通人可以理解的,但沒有提過畢加索,因為他老人家的風(fēng)格就是沒有固定的風(fēng)格,他的畫很多人看著也不理解,聽了講解也似懂非懂,他的畫體現(xiàn)的內(nèi)容還有社會的扭曲這樣抽象、深層次的內(nèi)容,他的造詣很高,但很多作品不大眾化。一般來說,藝術(shù)家及藝術(shù)形式類文章不會找這些如此不大眾化的內(nèi)容,而且,作為語言類考試,雖然會有講具體藝術(shù)專業(yè)的內(nèi)容,但一般不會考到。同樣以TPO 1中的第1篇講座為例,文章中有講述具體的某幅油畫是怎么畫的,這樣的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)了3次,“It’s anoutdoor scene, an everyday scene. It’s kind of bleak(畫面蕭條), which you can really see those broad brushstrokes(筆觸很寬)and the blurry lines(線條模糊).”和“Impressionist painters tended to apply paintreally thickly(油彩有的厚), and in big brushstrokes(大筆觸), so the texture of the canvas was rough.”以及“the background of the painting, this woman with the pumpkins,is wrapped in a blanket of broad thick brushstrokes(畫的背景就是以厚厚寬寬的筆觸畫上去的一層油彩), and, it’s all kinds of zigzagging brushstrokes(鋸齒狀筆觸)and lines, kind of chaotic almost when you look atit close. And there are vibrant colors. There’s lots of orange, with littlehints of an electric blue peeking out(點綴著星星點點的閃電藍(lán)).” 以上這么多內(nèi)容,說法雖專業(yè),但一個字也沒有考到!綜上,講藝術(shù)家及藝術(shù)形式的文章對于詞匯量沒什么大問題的考生來說算是不難的。

藝術(shù)史同樣也是比較容易的,藝術(shù)史當(dāng)中強調(diào)的是歷史,有的時候會結(jié)合具體的藝術(shù)家,藝術(shù)風(fēng)格進行分析,比如TPO 3的第2篇講座,講電影史的,就有提到兩個不同的電影制作家,以及各自的風(fēng)格;而有時,藝術(shù)史就單純的在講歷史事件的發(fā)生或者發(fā)展,比如TPO 8的第2篇講座,講藝術(shù)史的,就是在講女子藝術(shù)學(xué)校的發(fā)展,沒有提到具體的藝術(shù)作品或者藝術(shù)風(fēng)格。只要單詞不是硬傷,這類文章也很好理解。

而講藝術(shù)理論和藝術(shù)保護的文章,可能就沒前兩種那么簡單了。雖然沒有哪篇藝術(shù)類文章開頭說的是“Listen to part of a lecture in an art theoryclass”,但藝術(shù)理論類的文章確實不一樣,其中不牽涉到具體的藝術(shù)風(fēng)格、藝術(shù)作品、藝術(shù)家,就是單純在講理論,比如,TPO 27的第4篇講座,就是在講3原色的理論;托福聽力機經(jīng)中也有出現(xiàn)過考golden ratio黃金分割的理論及其應(yīng)用。這些文章之所以難,原因之一是比較抽象,當(dāng)然,如果本身對于內(nèi)容背景,比如三原色理論或者黃金分割的概念非常清楚的,那聽力理解肯定比較充分。但對于背景知識不是很了解的考生,這樣抽象的文章,就會聽得似懂非懂,這就好比去聽這樣的一句話“The term cognition refers to mental states likeknowing and believing, and to mental process that we use to arrive at thosestates”, 詞匯都沒問題,翻譯過來的意思是:認(rèn)知這個術(shù)語指的是心理狀態(tài),比如知道,或者相信,同樣也指心理過程,通過這些心理過程會達(dá)到之前說的心理狀態(tài)。且不論英文,中文的意思都比較抽象,不具體,沒例子,所以理解起來肯定會有困難。在ETS發(fā)布的官方指南(OG)中,對于聽力22分以上的考生是認(rèn)定為水平高的考生,而ETS認(rèn)為高水平的考生具備的聽力能力當(dāng)中就有這么一條:“understand abstract or complex ideas”,因此意思抽象的文章絕非偶然,是肯定會有的,是ETS安排好的來考察考生聽力能力高低的一項。

當(dāng)然,除了意思抽象之外,藝術(shù)理論類的文章還有一個難點,同樣也是藝術(shù)保護類文章的難點:學(xué)科交叉內(nèi)容比較多。在OG中,就有這樣的要求,考生需要“understanddifferent kinds of material on a variety of topics”,這指的就可以是學(xué)科交叉。學(xué)科交叉就是指會涉及到其他學(xué)科的內(nèi)容,比如TPO 15的第3篇講座,講的是阿基米德重寫稿的保存和恢復(fù),其中的保存部分就涉及到了物理的內(nèi)容,ultraviolet light, X-ray等這樣的詞匯和概念;同樣剛剛提過的TPO 27的第4篇講3原色的講座,也講到了心理學(xué)(psychology, emotions),物理學(xué)(spectrum, wave length)。學(xué)科交叉的難點在于對于聽力細(xì)節(jié)把握的要求比較高,容錯率比較低,如果有些內(nèi)容沒聽懂,很有可能就不理解學(xué)科間是如何轉(zhuǎn)換的,不理解藝術(shù)類的文章怎么就突然說到物理的光譜、波長,這樣一來,對文章的理解就會有不到位,畢竟“recognize how pieces of information are connected”也是OG中給出的托福聽力高分要點之一。


如果藝術(shù)類場景詞匯有所欠缺,最好的方式不是買本單詞書去背,而是利用“學(xué)科聽力法”,即不按TPO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…這樣的順序去聽,而是按話題去聽,把藝術(shù)類話題的講座都找出來,短時間內(nèi)練習(xí)完,那么重要的、常見的單詞肯定會在數(shù)篇文章中不止一次的聽見,從而加深印象。當(dāng)然,為了應(yīng)對藝術(shù)類文章中的一詞多義或者熟詞僻義,那就需要在對文章理解的過程中不得過且過,抓住每一個理解不順的細(xì)節(jié),因為如果有內(nèi)容理解不順,肯定說明它不是你想的那個意思。對于眼熟,但是意思說不太通的單詞,一定要有耐心去翻字典查一查。



eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

ate - past tense of eat, 吃的過去式

bear - a big, hairy animal

bear - to be able to withstand something

bare - exposed

bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的過去式

bread - a type of food 面包

be - is 主動詞 be

bee - an insect 蜜蜂

caught - past tense of catch 抓的過去式

cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 輕便小床

fan - a device for moving air 風(fēng)扇

fan - short for fanatic 狂熱,愛好

groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

grown - fully mature 長大的

hart- 雄鹿

heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心臟

herd - a group of animals 牧群

heard - past tense of hear 聽的過去式

I - me, myself 我

eye - body part we see with 眼睛

made - past tense of make 做的過去式

maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女傭

no - opposite of yes 不

know - be aware of something 知道

roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的過去式

rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 劃船的現(xiàn)在式

rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

wring - twist 絞,扭

ring - noise a bell makes 敲鐘,打電話

scent - smell 氣味

sent - past tense of send 郵寄的過去式

see - to view something

sea - large body of salt water

threw - past tense of throw

through - finished or completed, also, to give direction (Go through the tunnel)

tail - cats and dogs have them 尾巴

tale - a story 故事

there they're their

week - 7 days

weak - not strong

worn - well used 用舊的,疲倦的

warn - to give notice of potential danger 警告

wood - what we get from trees

would - past tense of will

wore - past tense of wear 穿的過去式

war - what we call it when two countries' armies are fighting

one - a single unit

won - past tense of win


Yule- 圣誕季節(jié)



(一)火成巖(igneous rock)是指巖漿冷卻后(地殼里噴出的巖漿,或者被融化的現(xiàn)存巖石),成形的一種巖石。


花崗巖 granite: a very hard grey rock, often used in building

玄武巖 basalt: a type of black rock produced by volcanoes

黑曜石 obsidian: a type of rock that looks like black glass

浮石 pumice: very light grey rock from a volcano

granite basalt obsidian pumice


Dating was used to establish that half of the sandstone in the samples was formed at the same time the granite in the Appalachian Mountains was formed. TPO-1

(二)沉積巖(sedimentary rock)是在地表不太深的地方,將其他巖石的風(fēng)化產(chǎn)物和一些火山噴發(fā)物,經(jīng)過水流或冰川的搬運、沉積、成巖作用形成的巖石。


煤 coal: a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock

砂石 sandstone: a type of soft yellow or red rock

石灰石 limestone: a type of rock that contains calcium

頁巖 shale: a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat pieces

石膏 gypsum: a soft white substance

白云石 dolomite: a kind of sedimentary rock

coal sandstone limestone shale gypsum dolomite


It was formed from sandstone that solidified somewhere between 150 and 300 million years ago. TPO-1

Another difference, very important today for distinguishing between older lake beds and newer ones, is the location of the limestone formations. TPO-9

(三)變質(zhì)巖(metamorphic rock)是指受到地球內(nèi)部力量(溫度、壓力、應(yīng)力的變化、化學(xué)成分等)改造而成的新型巖石。固態(tài)的巖石在地球內(nèi)部的壓力和溫度作用下,發(fā)生物質(zhì)成分的遷移和重結(jié)晶,形成新的礦物組合。


大理石 marble: a type of hard rock that becomes smooth when it is polished

石英石 quartzite: hard metamorphic rock consisting essentially of interlocking quartz crystals

板巖 slate: a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces

片麻巖 gneiss: a laminated rock similar to granite

marble quartzite slate gneiss


Then they shipped these plastic casts to workshops all over the empire, where they were replicated in marble or bronze. TPO-18













下面小編給大家整理了一些托福聽力材料,考高分離不開大量的練習(xí)。預(yù)祝大家取得好成績。托福聽力素材:30個美國校園場景1.東西丟了:lost the key,can’t found the note2.剃頭:hardly bald, hairs


  • 托福聽力真題及答案


  • 托福聽力七個高效復(fù)習(xí)方法


  • 高一托福100分是什么水平

    托福?考試 是由美國教育考試服務(wù)中心(ETS)測評研發(fā)的一個學(xué)術(shù)英語語言測試,托福?考試通過考察聽、說、讀、寫這4個技能方面以體現(xiàn)參與者在學(xué)術(shù)語言任

  • 托福閱讀真題與答案:新藝術(shù)風(fēng)格
