1. IGO inter-government organization 政府間國際組織
2. NGO non-government organization 非政府間國際組織
3. ICS international chamber1 shipping2 國際航運公會
4. BIMCO Baltic and international maritime3 council 波羅的海國際海事協(xié)會
5. CMI committee maritime international 國際海事委員會
6. IMO international maritime organization 國際海事組織
7. LNG liquified natural gas 液化天然氣
8. LPG liquified petroleum4 gas液化石油氣
9. SF stowage factor 貨物積載因數(shù)
10. IMDG Code international maritime dangerous goods code 國際海運危險貨物規(guī)則
11. ISO international standard organization 國際標準化組織
12. SOC shipper's own container 貨主箱
13. COC carrier's own container船公司箱
14. TEU twenty-foot equivalent units 計算單位,也稱20英尺換算單位
15. FCL full container load整箱貨
16. LCL less container load 拼箱貨
17. CY container yard集裝箱堆場
18. CFS container freight station 集裝箱貨運站
19. DOOR 貨主工廠或倉庫
20. DPP damage protection plan 損害修理條款
21. SC service contract 服務合同
22. B/N booking note 托運單
23. S/O shipping order 裝貨單,也稱下貨紙、關單
24. M/R mate's receipt收貨單,也稱大副收據
25. M/F manifest 載貨清單,也稱艙單
26. S/P stowage plan貨物積載圖,也稱船圖、艙圖
27. D/O delivery order 提貨單,也稱小提單
28. MSDS maritime shipping document of safety 危險貨物安全資料卡
29. D/R dock's receipt場站收據
30. EIR(E/R) equipment interchange receipt 設備交接單
31. CLP container load plan集裝箱裝箱單
32. SOF statement of facts 裝卸事實記錄
33. B/L bill of lading提單
34. HB/L house bill of lading 代理行提單,或稱子提單、分提單、貨代提單、無船承運人提單、倉至倉提單等
35. Sea B/L (Master B/L, Ocean B/L, Memo5 B/L) 海運提單,或稱母提單、主提單、船公司提單、備忘提單等
36. On board B/L, Shipped B/L 已裝船提單
37. Received for Shipment B/L 收貨待運提單
38. Straight B/L 記名提單
39. Open B/L (Blank B/L, Bearer B/L) 不記名提單
40. Order B/L 指示提單
41. Clean B/L清潔提單
42. Foul6 B/L (Unclean B/L) 不清潔提單
43. Direct B/L直達提單
44. Transshipment B/L轉船提單
45. Through B/L 聯(lián)運提單
46. Combined Transport B/L (Intermodal Transport B/L, Multimodal Transport B/L) 多式聯(lián)運提單
47. Minimum B/L最低運費提單,也稱起碼提單
48. Advanced B/L 預借提單
49. Anti-dated B/L倒簽提單
50. Stale B/L 過期提單
51. On Deck B/L 甲板貨提單過期
52. Switch B/L 轉換提單
53. NVOCC non-vessel operations common carrier 無船公共承運人或無船承運人
54. 《Hague Rules》《海牙規(guī)則》,正式名稱為《統(tǒng)一關于提單若干法律規(guī)定的國際公約》
55. 《Visby Rules》《維斯比規(guī)則》,正式名稱為《關于修訂統(tǒng)一提單若干法律規(guī)定的國際公約》
56. 《Hamburg Rules》《漢堡規(guī)則》,正式名稱為《1978年聯(lián)合國海上貨物運輸公約》
57. SDR special drawing rights 特別提款權
58. LOI letter of indemnity7 保函,也稱損害賠償保證書
59. SLAC shipper's load and count 貨主裝載、計數(shù)
60. SLACS shipper's load, count and seal 貨主裝載、計數(shù)和加封
61. STC said to contain 內容據稱
62. SWB seaway bill海運單
63. V/C voyage charter 航次租船,簡稱程租
64. T/C time charter 定期租船,簡稱期租
65. TCT time charter on trip basis 航次期租
66. COA contract of affreightment 包運租船,簡稱包船
67. C/P charter party 租船合同
68. F/N fixture8 note 確認備忘錄,也稱訂租確認書
69. GENCON "金康"合同,全稱為BIMCO 統(tǒng)一雜貨租船合同
70. NYPE Form "土產格式",全稱美國紐約土產品交易定期租船合同
71. BALTIME "波爾的姆格式",全稱為BIMCO標準定期租船合同
72. BARECON'A'標準光船租船合同A格式
73. SINO TIME 中租期租合同
74. DWT dead weight tonnage 載重噸
75. GRT gross registered tonnage 總登記噸,簡稱總噸
76. NRT net registered tonnage 凈登記噸,簡稱凈噸
77. LOA length over all船舶總長度
78. BM beam 船寬
79. MT metric tons公噸(1000千克)
80. LAYCAN layday/canceling date 受載期與解約日
81. LINER TERMS 班輪條款,即船方負擔裝卸費
82. BERTH9 TERMS 泊位條款,即船方負擔裝卸費
83. GROSS TERMS 總承兌條款,即船方負擔裝卸費
84. FAS free alongside ship 船邊交接貨條款,即船方負擔裝卸費
85. FI free in 船方不負擔裝貨費
86. FO free out 船方不負擔卸貨費
87. FILO free in ,liner out 船方不負擔裝貨費但負擔卸貨費
88. LIFO liner in, free out 船方不負擔卸貨費但負擔裝貨費
89. FIO free in and out 船方不負擔裝卸費
90. FIOST free in and out, stowed and trimmed 船方不負擔裝卸費、平艙費和堆艙費