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  Common mistakes in interviews and how to avoid them

  The good news is that although there are many common mistakes, they’re all avoidable. Rather than just listing the things you can get wrong, we’ve also included practical advice below on what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

  1. Not preparing

  Lack of preparation for your interview is one of the biggest ways to guarantee a major downfall. For instance, you’re likely to be asked about your personal statement in a university interview, so if you can’t remember what you actually wrote in it, you’re not likely to do a very good job of answering questions about it. Similarly, in a job interview, you’re in for trouble if you can’t answer questions such as “which parts of the job most appeal to you?”

  How to avoid it

  Although you might think it’s impossible to prepare for an interview when you don’t know what questions you will be asked, mistakes through lack of preparation are easily avoided.

  – Re-read your personal statement (or covering letter) and have a think about what kind of questions you could be asked. Write down some notes to help clarify your possible responses.

  – Revise any books you mentioned on your personal statement. Do some additional reading about them, such as some literary criticism, to prepare you for possible academic discussion.

  – Thoroughly1 read through all the information you can get your hands on about the course and what it involves. Note down the aspects of the course that you most like the look of, and why.

  – Keep an eye on news stories relating to your subject in case these should come up in conversation. Have an opinion on them, as this will show that you keep abreast2 of developments related to your subject.

  – Prepare for obvious questions, such as “what are you reading at the moment?” if you’re interviewing for English.

  – For job interviews, thoroughly research the company, including reading through its recent press releases. Also read through the job description and be prepared to answer questions on how you can meet its requirements, and what experience you have that shows your capability3.

  You can’t prepare for every question, and indeed interviewers may put questions to you because they know you will almost certainly not know the answer; they may want to test your reaction to unfamiliar4 problems. But you can definitely prepare for the basics and avoid embarrassing silences.

  2. Confusing the course with another one

  ou are expected to have read up on the course in detail, so making any kind of faux pas about what it involves is a big no-no. Talking about a subject that’s not on the course, because you’ve confused it with a course at another university, is unlikely to go down well with your interviewers. To this end, it’s also advisable to avoid asking a question along the lines of “what topics will I be studying?”; you may think that it shows you’re taking an interest, but in fact it shows that you haven’t read up on the course. The same applies to job interviews; you’re probably applying for several jobs at once, but that’s no excuse to confuse the particulars of the one you’re interviewing for.

  How to avoid it

  Before you go into the interview, refresh your memory about this particular course or job by reading the details in your prospectus5, on the university website or on the employer’s website.

  3. Showing doubts

  Displaying any kind of doubt about whether this is the course or job for you will get you crossed off the list immediately. Don’t ask your interviewers whether you’ll be able to change to a different course if you change your mind, and don’t let them know if this was actually your second-choice course or job (even if it was). You need to convince them that this is THE one and only course for you and your enthusiasm needs to come across.

  How to avoid it

  Remain positive and enthusiastic at all times!

  4. Relying on your achievements

  However impressive your list of achievements is, this isn’t what the interview is about; you can’t just fall back on them. Your interviewer will have seen your qualifications, grades and awards on your application form. The interview is there so that they can look beyond these achievements to find out more about who you are, what your motivations and opinions are and how you approach academic problems.

  How to avoid it

  Try not to hijack6 the conversation with boasting about your achievements; if you’re asked what you think about something, it’s not enough to say that you’ve won an award in a related area – you need to demonstrate your intelligence by engaging in academic discussion.

  5. Dishonesty

  Just as you should never lie on your personal statement, you should never lie in an interview situation either. The interviewer is likely to spot it straightaway. For example, however tempting7 it might be to claim in your English interview that you’ve read a particular text, because you think it would make you look good, it’s far better to be honest and say you haven’t read it. No interviewer will expect you to have read everything, and things will be far worse for you if you say you’ve read a text and you then get questioned on your opinions about it – when you haven’t any!

  How to avoid it

  Avoid a red face with a positive answer such as, “I haven’t read it yet, but it’s next on the list – and I did enjoy this other work by the same author…”

  7. Arrogance8

  Do not assume that just because you’ve been invited for a university interview there’s a place with your name on it. For job interviews, you can be even less sure about your chances of securing the job, with the odds9 higher because there are likely to be even more candidates for one position. The interview stage is to help the university make up their minds about you, and if you come across as overly cocky, you may find that the interviewer doesn’t warm to you.

  How to avoid it

  Again, remain professional and put your opinion across respectfully.

  8. Boredom10

  You need to maintain enthusiasm and interest throughout the interview if you are to make a good impression. If you appear bored during the interview, what are you going to be like to teach, or as an employee? Apparent boredom can also be taken as a sign that you’re not particularly interested in the subject you’ve applied11 to study.

  How to avoid it

  Even if you’re not that interested in a particular topic of conversation (few people find every aspect of their course fascinating), don’t let it show. Keep focused on the conversation and don’t allow your mind to drift.

  9. Negativity

  Even if you’re not being negative about the course itself, any hint of negativity on your part may come across as a lack of interest in what you’re being interviewed for. If you’re negative, this may be what the interviewer remembers about you – and that’s not the kind of person they want on their course or in their business; negativity spreads and you could be someone who could bring down the mood of a class or team. What’s more, in a job interview, never talk negatively about your previous employer, if you have one. The interviewer will recognise that you could be talking about them in this way in the future.

  How to avoid it

  Even if you feel like saying something negative, adopt a positive and enthusiastic demeanour for the duration of the interview. If you feel yourself about to say something negative, either don’t say anything or turn it into a positive.

  10. Not making eye contact

  Body language is very important in interviews, as it says a lot about the kind of person you are. It also speaks volumes about your ability to cope under pressure; you’re in a high-pressure environment in an interview, but you’ll be put into other high-pressure situations as part of your university course or job, so your interviewer will be assessing how well you cope with it. Not making eye contact makes you come across as shy and unconfident, and it’s a little rude, too.

  How to avoid it

  Make frequent eye contact with your interviewer, and if there’s more than one interviewer, look confidently from one to the other. If one of them asks you a question, maintain more eye contact with them while you’re answering their question.

  11. Dressing12 inappropriately

  Turning up to an interview dressed informally (think T-shirt, jeans, trainers) is a huge mistake because it shows that you don’t have respect for the institution or company and haven’t bothered to make an effort for them.

  How to avoid it

  Always dress smartly for an interview: a smart suit for boys and a smart dress, trouser suit or smart top and skirt for girls. Don’t neglect your shoes; smart black shoes, or optional heels for girls, rather than trainers or Converse13.

  12. Being late

  It seems astonishing to think that anybody could even consider being late to an interview, but it does happen. It’s not always the candidate’s fault, of course – traffic, for instance, can throw a spanner in the works. Poor organisation14 also leads to tardiness15.

  How to avoid it

  Lateness can be avoided by allowing far more time than you think you’ll need to get to the interview, or even staying nearby the previous night if you’re travelling a long way. If you’re stuck in unexpectedly severe traffic, or some other emergency befalls you on your journey, phone the university or department to let them know you’re running late. They’ll be much more understanding if they know the reason and can reschedule you than if you simply don’t turn up, or turn up late without prior explanation.

  We hope you’ve found these tips useful and that you can attend your next interview feeling more confident. The main takeaway from this article is the old Boy Scouts’ motto: Be Prepared!


 ?、買:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

  A:Yes, in most circumstances.

  ②I:Are you available for travel?

  A:Yes, I like traveling. I am young, and unmarried. It‘s no problem for me to travel frequently.

  ③I:How about overtime1 work?

  A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it‘s necessary, but I don’t think we will work overtime everyday.

 ?、躀:How long do you think we can depend on your working here?

  A:As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities,the days you can depend on my working here will become a limitless number.

 ?、軮:Do you like regular work?

  A:No, I don‘t like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities2 and new challenge, but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

 ?、轎:What salary do you expect

  A:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

 ?、逫:Do you work well under pressure

  A:Working under pressure is exciting and challenging. I don’t mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. People can, I Can.

 ?、郔:Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

  A:No,nothing in particular.

  ⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?

  A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.









大家在去面試時(shí),有沒有會(huì)碰到下面這些問題呢?接下來,小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了面試常見的錯(cuò)誤英語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 面試常見的錯(cuò)誤英語 Common mistakes in interviews and how to avoid them The good news is that although there are


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