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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享



一. 雅思口語(yǔ)考前技巧






二. 雅思口語(yǔ)考中技巧


1. 回答問(wèn)題要得體


2. 表現(xiàn)要自然


雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2題庫(kù):愛(ài)冒險(xiǎn)的人

愛(ài)冒險(xiǎn)的人 Describe an adventurous person who you know.

You should say:

who the person is

how you know this person

what this person does that is adventurous

and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.

雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2范文:愛(ài)冒險(xiǎn)的人



I think the most adventurous person I have ever known has to be my brother. It was in the last year of his Bachelors that he realized his flair for travelling. When everyone was looking for jobs, he decided to travel. Earning some money through freelancing he started travelling. It was in those travels that he picked up day jobs, to let him survive and let the journey going.

It was after one long year that I met him and the stories that he told were amazing. He went hitch hiking from Dehradun to Kanyakumari, taking with him an initial amount of only 1000 rupees. So, there were times when he took lifts, did jobs to let him earn some money and mixed with local people. In the entire journey he was able to learn the basic language for almost 5 languages and can now very well interact with us using those language. He made friends and there are people he goes to meet even now.

When I asked if he did any adventurous sports, he replied saying he did lived an adventurous life. And this was something that did strike me.

Knowing absolutely nothing about what can happen the next moment and then having the faith that everything will work out fine is something that he has learnt from this trip. Although he has taken up a job, but the adventure in him is still alive, the reason why he takes trips every six months.

雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2題庫(kù):重讀的書(shū)

You should say:

which book it is

why you want to read it again

what is it about

and explain why you want to read it again.

雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2范文:重讀的書(shū)

主題: 托尼羅賓斯的終極力量


I remember one book in particular that I enjoyed reading previously that I would like to read again. The title of the book is Ultimate Power, by Tony Robbins. He’s an author who specialize in motivational material and this book helped me a lot the first time I read it.

It’s one of the most popular books in this genre, probably because it helps people on a personal and professional level to achieve more and get more out of life. The author has become quite famous since writing the book and has helped many celebrities and famous people to perform better and attain a better quality of life overall.

It’s like reading a guide to personal achievement in all aspects of life; it covers topics like discovering what you really want out of life, how to think differently and overcome your fears and phobias that are holding you back from doing things, enhanced techniques for interacting more successfully with all kinds of people, how to copy the habits and techniques of other successful people, and shows you how to be more confident and become financially independent.

You could think of it as a blueprint to reinventing the parts of yourself or your life that you’re unsatisfied with. The first time I read it I put some of the ideas into practice and it helped me become much better at certain aspects of life, but that was a good few years ago and I didn’t implement all the ideas. I think if I re-read it now I would probably find some other things I would like to try – to improve my professional performance especially.

So, Ultimate Power is a book I would definitely like to read again when I have some free time, because I think it offers invaluable advice for people who want to constantly improve themselves.

雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2題庫(kù):買(mǎi)過(guò)不常用的東西

不常用的東西 Describe something you bought but have not used very much

You should say:

What this thing is?

When did you buy it?

Why you have not used it very much?

How did you react?

雅思口語(yǔ)Part 2范文:不常用的東西

主題: 一件御寒外套


Okay, so about a year ago I had to travel to another country where the weather was a lot colder than where I live. I was going to be there for about a week; I was attending a conference there in connection with my work, and I looked online to see what the temperature was in the city I would be visiting and I got quite a shock.

I realized that I didn’t have any really suitable clothes for such cold weather, so I decided that I would buy a warm coat to wear while I was there. I couldn’t find anything locally because the weather here is so nice and warm all year round there is no need to wear a coat or jacket – so I ended up buying a warm coat online.

I’m glad I did because when I landed at the airport it was freezing cold and raining also. I was really happy that I had something warm to wear. In fact I wore that coat every day while I was there, whenever I had to go outside.

But apart from the week I spent there I’ve never worn it since. There’s just no need here, so it’s been hanging in my closet since I got back, for more than a year now. I’m sure it’ll come in useful again if I ever visit another cold place in the future, but it’s not something I use often nor am I likely to.

It’s a shame really because it’s really nice but I just don’t need a warm coat in my daily life here. Maybe I could lend it to someone else who is going to travel to a cold place. I’m sure they’d appreciate it.




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