Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future
You should say
What the sport is
Where you watched it
Why you choose to watch it
And explain why you want to try it later
Are there many people around you play the sport?
雅思口語 part2 參考范文
Gosh, this topic is hard for me, I don ’ t really go to many sporting events, and it isn ’ t especially an interest of mine. However, I can think of one which enticed me to go and watch, I ’ ll tell you as much as I can about the event, how often it takes places and why it was, to me at least, interesting!
The sporting event I went to was Le Tour de France – except it wasn ’ t! For one year only the opening stages took place near to where I live in South Yorkshire, but more of that later.
The event is a world famous cycling race. It takes place every year, in a series of stages which are mainly in France, but it does occasionally pass through other countries. I think it started around 1903 and has taken place each year since then – apart from during the two world wars when obviously it was suspended. The cyclists are professional riders, and the tour is gruelling. To be honest, I get very confused about how it is all timed and organised, but I do know that for each stage, the rider who has completed it in the fastest time gets to wear a yellow jersey for the next stage of the tour.
The race has fallen foul of cheating over the years, famously Lance Armstrong who won it some seven times I think was later banned for drug taking. However, more recently cycling has cleaned up its act and gained in popularity. Although I ’ ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn ’ t have wanted to miss out.
I was really proud to be one of the supporters on what was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Tour de France passing through practically on my doorstep ( I live in Sheffield ) .
雅思口語 Part 3
Which sports is watched by both young people and the old people in your country?
Are people watching the American balls game in your country, like the baseball
Do you think that there are too many sports programmes in the TV?
Why do you think many companies use the athletes to advertisement?
Do you think instead of watching sports games, many people are too lazy to do
How you feel about the advertising that use the sports stars
After a difficult start to the competition, when England did well to keep their heads above water in the match against the very strong Brazilian team (result: 1- 1), the England team have been on a roll, winning every match including last night's spectacular game which ended in a 3- 0 win. However, they can't afford to put their feet up because the next match will be the hardest yet.
比賽前經(jīng)過一個艱難的開始,當英格蘭表現(xiàn)良好,在與非常強大的巴西隊比賽中活了下來(結(jié)果:1 - 1),英格蘭隊連續(xù)的贏, 贏得每一場比賽,包括昨晚的壯觀的比賽中3 - 0獲勝。然而,他們現(xiàn)在放松不起,因為下一場比賽將是最艱難的。
keep your head above water
on a roll
enjoying continual success (享受連續(xù)的成功,結(jié)合短文中的用法,意思類似中文中的“碾壓”,一邊滾動,一邊壓倒其他對手,所以是連續(xù)勝利)
put your feet up
編輯點評:雅思口語考試中的Part 2,最容易被忽視的兩大細節(jié)是什么呢?請看下文: 雅思口語考試持續(xù)時間約為11到14分鐘,經(jīng)歷三個部分,其中第六分鐘開始的Part Two一直讓眾多烤鴨們黯然神傷。與Part 1和Part 3不同,這一部分考官不參與討論,全聽考生個人獨白??忌喈斢谑切枰糜⒄Z進行兩分鐘的即興演講,語言的組織能力以及流暢性將會在此部分盡顯無遺。為了能將這一兩分鐘的speech進行到底,烤鴨們絞盡了腦汁,使出渾身解數(shù),然而其結(jié)果卻往往不盡如人意。
其中最重要的就是eye contact(眼神交流)。敢于與考官四目相對是自信的體現(xiàn),也是交流的基本條件。把考官當作朋友,把Part 2的獨白自然的“講”給他聽,而不是自顧自的“表演”。講的同時關(guān)注對方,通過眼神的交流可以知道聽者是否理解,是否有疑惑,從而及時作出調(diào)整保證交流的有效。如果缺乏了這種眼神的互換,只顧自己說,說錯了,考官聽不清了都無從知曉,分數(shù)也就因而失去了。我們很多考生也知道這一點,只不過做不到。一看到考官的眼睛就緊張。這里可以采取的一個小方法是試著去看考官的額頭或鼻子,由于距離較近,考官會有錯覺認為你是在看他眼睛。
眼神的交流對口語考試只能起到輔助的作用,內(nèi)容更為重要。怎么樣在個人獨白的過程中體現(xiàn)交流?那就需要連貫性用語。這不僅是有效交流的利器,還能降低Part 2任務(wù)的難度。舉例說明如下:
以Describe a city 為例??忌鶤的回答:Beijing is a large city. It is the capital of China. Beijing has many tourist attractions, such as, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace. Beijing Roast Duck is very delicious. Peking Opera is amazing. Beijing successfully held the 2008 Olympic Games. …
看考生B的回答:OK, the city I am going to talk about is Beijing. Well, as you may probably know, it is a large city. And um, it is the capital of China. I suppose if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it offers tourists so many wonderful places to go, you know, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and uh, of course, the Summer Palace. Another reason to visit Beijing is the Roast Duck, which is really, really delicious. I am sure you are gonna love it! Also, you can’t miss the Peking Opera. It’s amazing!...
RAFLE專家點評:考生B還未將A 列的信息點都講完就已經(jīng)明顯在篇幅上勝出了。這要歸功于連貫語(劃線處)的使用,不僅內(nèi)容顯得更豐富了,表達方式也更自然了,條理似乎也清晰了,這才是交流。
縱覽各類卡片題,發(fā)現(xiàn)一個共同的關(guān)鍵詞,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物題),Describe an object you use everyday(物品題),Describe a shop you often go to(地點題),Describe a family event(事件題)。很多考生會集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物題中會試著用很多語言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,長長的睫毛,粉粉的臉頰,厚厚的嘴唇。且不論該考生是否都能將這些中文描述對應(yīng)的恰當英文找到,除非是口語基礎(chǔ)相當不錯的考生,不然挑這些內(nèi)容去講無疑是搬起石頭砸自己的腳。人物題還算是比較容易描述的了,那碰到物品題描述一個家用電器怎么辦,如何去Describe?以a washing machine為例,我們能想到的內(nèi)容可能是顏色,Its color is white. 大小,It’s one meter high. 別的似乎沒什么可講的了。這個時候就可以增加議論或評價。對于顏色,可以添加的內(nèi)容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而對于大小,也可評價一番It is actually the smallest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space.
很多考生覺得雅思口語話題難,就是因為沒話說,特別是看似較為抽象的話題,如Describe a success??傆X得success肯定是較為光鮮的事跡,對照自己似乎找不到素材。其實如果把success具體化,看作是successfully did sth,構(gòu)思就會容易許多??梢灾v成功地網(wǎng)上交友、購物,與網(wǎng)絡(luò)話題結(jié)合,可以講成功地交到一個知心益友,與朋友話題相結(jié)合。又如part 3中的一些抽象問題,如How has technology changed people’s life? 如果單單從較高層面總的去概括科技如何改變生活會覺得語言內(nèi)容上頻頻受限,而換個角度,如果把change具體化,舉自己的家庭為例,講起來就順口多了。Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.
如A piece of good law,這個難倒了眾多考生的殺手題觸及到我們較為不熟悉的領(lǐng)域——法律。而轉(zhuǎn)身一想,法律其實是無所不在的,建議考生可以將其轉(zhuǎn)移為環(huán)境問題,所以可以去講“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和執(zhí)行;亦可轉(zhuǎn)換成工作問題,講“勞工法”(The Labor Law)。