雅思口語Part3:與朋友共進晚餐 Describe a dinner that you had with your friends
Describe a dinner that you had with your friends
? When it happened
? Where it happened
? Who you had dinner with
? And how you felt about the dinner?
? I have had many memorable dinners with my friends
? Here I would like to talk about a dinner, which I had with my friends Ravi and Mohan at Rangla Punjab last month.
? Rangla Punjab literally means colorful Punjab
? It is a very famous restaurant on the national highway, between Jalandhar and Phagwara.
? It was Ravi’s’s birthday and so he treated us to a dinner at Rangla Punjab.
? I felt really good about the dinner because I had never been to this restaurant before
? The entry ticket to the restaurant is Rs.400
? It includes dinner
? Cultural programs go on throughout the evening
? Dinner is pure vegetarian and is served with traditional Punjabi hospitality
? First they served us buttermilk
? Then they served fritters and salad
? In the Main course there were three four types of vegetables, dal and many types of flat breads
? In dessert we were served rice pudding
? In the end they offered jiggery, which had cardamom and cinnamon added to it.
? I loved all the dishes
? We all enjoyed a lot
? The waiters were very friendly and literally forcing us to eat more than more
? We even took a camel ride over there.
? On the whole it was a wonderful experience.
1. Do Indian people like to eat at home?
Yes, Indian people like to eat at home. Occasionally, they go out and enjoy different types of food.
2. How often do Indian people eat out?
Well, India is the very vast country, and it is very difficult to answer this question. Usually Indian people like to eat at home, and only sometimes go out on some special occasion, or when they have guests
3. Why do some people like to eat alone?
Some people like to eat alone, maybe because they don’t like other people’s company or maybe they don’t want to share their food.
4. Are there any disadvantages of eating outside?
Eating outside is expensive and not healthy. To make the food more tasty, they add too much oil and spices, which are not good for health.
5. What’ s the difference between having meals at home and in a restaurant?
Meals at home are healthier as we generally do not add too much oil, and also add spices and salt according to our taste. Where as, this is not the case when we eat out. Secondly, eating out is generally costlier.
6. Why do some people keep eating unhealthy food even if they already know the harm?
Some people keep eating unhealthy food even if they already know that it is harmful, because they go after the taste and ignore the risks to health. Another reason maybe, that they cannot afford healthy food.
I had many meals and I took part in many celebrations and parties and among them the meal I had with my teachers and classmates in my high school was a very important one and I still remember it.
I had the meal at our school community center. The meal was thrown as part of the fare-well of our batch from the high school. The party was help in the evening and our teachers, classmates and some of the members of the school committee as well as our guardians were present. My father was present with me and he was sitting next to me in the meal.
This was a special meal because this was the last meal I had with my classmates who had been my friend for more than 4 years. I was bit sad to admit to myself that I won’t see most of them in my life again and I was happy that I had such a good memory about my school, teachers and friends.
There was a short speech by 2-3 of our teachers and by 2-3 guardians and after that the meal was served. Many items were served in the feast and we all ate voraciously as we were hungry. I enjoyed the desert very much. I returned home at late night with my father and started feeling that I will never forget this event and the good meal I had with my teachers and friends whom I might not meet again.
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蹦出一個話題:What kinds of things make you laugh? 劍7中TEST 2的題目。于是討論。討論結果多種多樣,覆蓋了很多口語考試中的題目。在此不一一列舉。大多數同學想到了喜劇、笑話,還有朋友聚會。當然,還有一些不一樣 的答案……此處和大家分享。
煽情版:Being with parents is the very thing that can make me laugh.
作為即將離開父母、遠赴大洋彼岸的十幾歲的孩子們,homesick將會成為他們生活中不可缺少的一個部分。在接下來的至少4年時間里,他們和 父母相處的時間可能只能用“天”來計算了。從Foundation到Bachelor一般要4年,每年暑假(中國的春節(jié))回家呆90天,四年一共是360 天。期間,睡覺要用去1/3,走親訪友、同學聚會、逛街購物再用去1/3,只余下120天可以呆在家里。而這120天中,能夠真正和父母坐在一起聊聊家常 的時間,每天也就只有4個小時。算下來,there are only 20 days we can REALLY be with our parents in the following 4 YEARS!!! 這難道不是一個驚人的數字嗎?每一個留學的孩子在假期結束時,都會以分、以秒來計算和家人相處的時間,因為一旦走出海關,登上飛機,自己面前的是又一個長 達9個月的分別……So this laughter is not just the sound “ha-ha”, it is a feeling of happiness, a sense of safety, a true emotion from the bottom of our heart, which can be found ONLY when we are home.
實話實說版:A score of 7 can definitely make me laugh.
這是一個學生給出的答案。(我被她的過分直白“震汗”了~~-_-||)雖然她并沒有把答案完整地說出來,但是當她說出a score of 7的時候,眼睛中透出的一份期盼、一份得意和一份不敢相信,已經很好地詮釋了她的語言。對于很多中國考生來說,一次考個7分(average or overall)總會讓我們有一點點白日夢的感覺,但又不是完全不能實現(xiàn)。這個7分是一個肯定、一個成就,也是一個禮物,一份驚喜。如果你的表情足夠配 套,那么這份直白和勇敢一定能夠打動考官的!
The reason why a 7 can make me laugh is because it is not only a score, it symbolizes my achievement in English study. It means I didn’t make effort in vain! Not to exaggerate, a 7 in IELTS for me is like a Nobel Price for those scientists! (不過這時候注意考官情緒,畢竟我們不是去“要”一個7分回來。如果覺得自己沒有表達好,可以加上后面的句子作為彌補。) Maybe now it IS a daydream, but I bet it WON’T be long for me to get a real 7, coz I believe No Pains, No Gains. 發(fā)揚灰太狼精神么“我會回來(拿7分)的”!
多米諾原則版:“Anything” can make me laugh.
如果你在“人物 PEOPLE”方面準備比較充分,它就可以是: Meeting someone special can make me laugh. 然后,你可以大大方方地把話題轉到a singer, a host/presenter, an actor/actress, a teacher, a neighbor……
物體OBJECT和地點PLACE:Reading an old letter/Seeing a photo can make me laugh coz it reminds me of my sweet memory when I was …… 好了,聰明的你們會想到該怎么繼續(xù)了。其實,回憶可以是一樣的,說個比較不一樣的東西就可以了。
想到這些就記下來。其實雅思口語的標準是交流。一個10歲的小女孩在口語考試中取得了6分的成績,不是因為她用了多么高深的詞匯和多么復雜的語 法,而是她真實純粹地表達了自己的想法,而且每次犯了錯誤都會很可愛地打自己一下作為“懲罰”。畢竟,我們對面的是有血肉之軀的考官,并非冰冷的機器。所 以,讓自己的語言有“交流”的意義能夠幫助我們取得一個好成績。
答:首先要知道雅思口語考試中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把這部分的問題自問自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要練習2個話題,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,這樣考試中就可以有備無患了。一共70多個,那么每天2個就可以了。
考過雅思的人都知道口語的分數有的時候要受外界因素的影響。首先如果你的話題卡是你熟悉的題目,那么你的分數會高。例如,a friend/a leader。這兩個卡片在一分鐘的準備時間內,你應該后一個談的好吧。其次,要達到6分,時態(tài)非常重要。考官問你, when did you last go to the park?那你必須要使用過去時,否則分數肯定在6一下。所以6分就是語法,詞匯的運用。例如,beautiful campus是個錯誤的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.這種小細節(jié)也要注意。