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雅思口語是雅思考試中比較難得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口語上都很頭疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口語的答題模板是非常重要的,下面就為大家推薦雅思口語part2考官范文:a useful website,大家可以參考

雅思口語part2考官范文:a useful website

喜歡上的網(wǎng)站Describe a useful website that you like to visit.

Useful phrases:

(Talking about Taobao…)

Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of eBay.com 好的,那么當(dāng)我看到這個話題的時候,我第一想到的網(wǎng)站是淘寶網(wǎng),這個網(wǎng)站應(yīng)該可以說是相等于(國外的)eBay.com.

There’s a huge range of stuff you can buy on this website.

(“stuff” just means “things”, and is uncountable, so no “s” at the end. It’s used a lot in spoken English)

One of the best things about this website is that the prices are generally a lot cheaper than in the shops.

I mainly go on it to buy things like clothes…

I know that shopping online can be quite risky, because the product often isn’t as good as it looks on the website, but if you do enough research, such as read (through) the customer reviews of the product you’re thinking of buying, then I think you can avoid this kind of thing happening to you, because you’ll be able to get an idea of (你將能夠了解) how reliable the supplier is.

(Talking about www.ted.com )

Ok right then, well (好的,那么) the website I’d like to talk to you about is Ted dot com, which you might (well) have heard of before, and possibly even been on (你可能聽說過,也可能上過).

And as for what’s on the website, well to put it simply, it’s basically a huge collection of video speeches by various people from all kinds of fields,

So it’s a really great resource (一個極好的資源) for learning stuff

It’s completely free, you know, it doesn’t cost anything to listen to the talks,

And what’s great about it is that (它很好的一點就是) you can choose Chinese or English subtitles(字幕) for most of the talks, and also download them onto your computer.

I also like to read the comments (評論) written by other people who have watched the talk.

I go on it (probably) something like two or three times a week(我大概每周量、三次上這個網(wǎng)站) , so pretty much every other day (所以差不多每隔一天)

I’m normally on it while I’m having my lunch (我一般吃午飯的時候在上個網(wǎng)站) because most of the talks are between about 10 to 20 minutes

As for why I think it’s a good website – well first and foremost , it’s because the (vast) majority of talks are incredibly interesting, at least in my opinion anyway (至少在我看來), so there’s a tremendous amount you can learn from them. (能夠從它們學(xué)到很多很多!)

…I think it’s wonderful to have a website like this, which brings all these great talks together in one place

…and another good thing about it is that the talks on the website don’t go on for too long (不延續(xù)太久). You know we’ve all listened to speeches which drag on and on(拖延很久), but these ones are (generally) all quite short and to the point(直切主題的).

(Talking about Yahoo)

…what I like about Yahoo is that the news articles are always very short and concise(簡明的), you know, not too wordy (文字略嫌羅唆) like a lot of other news websites.

…and another good thing about the articles on Yahoo is that they are generally written in a pretty colloquial (口語的) style, which makes them easy to read.

(Talking about the BBC World Service Website)

…I would say it’s definitely one of the best English learning resources on the web, because you can listen to the radio live for 24 hours a day…

…and as well as this (除此之外), there are loads of other radio programmes you can also listen to.

(loads of = lots of – and used mainly in spoken English)

(Talking about Renren website人人網(wǎng))

Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Renren dot com, which (I suppose you could say) is the Chinese equivalent of Facebook.

…it’s basically the Chinese version (版本) of Facebook.

…it’s a social networking site (社交網(wǎng)站)

…you can upload photos onto the website so that your friends can enjoy looking at them.

雅思口語解析:A website you like to visit

在描述website 這個雅思話題其實大家有很多選擇,例如像論壇,貼吧,新聞,B站等等,但是為了能夠生動形象的解釋出你都干了什么,為什么喜歡等等。

推薦大家一個比較好說,最重要的是幾乎全民都在用的一個網(wǎng)站那就是淘寶T-mall了。購物誰不喜歡對吧,網(wǎng)上的東西特別全,價格又比實體店便宜,而且還不用出家門。這樣你為什喜歡就全都解釋完了對不對。再者大家對淘寶的熟悉度至少不會出現(xiàn)硬著頭皮想理由的狀況。所以雅思口語考試碰到A website you like to visit我們就可以嘗試著說淘寶,甚至類似的網(wǎng)站就可以啦。

There are dozens of websites I browsed every single day, but the one I’d like to talk about is T-mall, founded by Ma Yun. You can see his name on the list of the power celebrity of the world.

T-mall has most the Chinese service users and officially recognized as the most popular internet company in China. At the initial phase, the main business is online trading, but as it grows, Ma Yun expanded the scope of business of T-mall to better serve our online life. We can take E-commerce and online payment fast and in safety.

To be honest, I am not a super fan of T-mall at the very beginning, but years ago, one of my friends recommended it to me. I take it as a mighty website. Since that, I browse it everyday. Without exaggeration, it has been part of my life.

You can imagine that the moment of clicking the page, you’re just siting in the shopping mall and pick anything you want without the consideration of time, you even don’t need to leave your cozy home. Then three to five days later, the parcels will come to you.

On top of that, I can pay the living expenses, like phone bill, water and electricity bill. There is no need to wait in a line at different banks for hours.

In my eyes, T-mall is a super helper of my life. I always wonder what my life would be like without it. It should be nothing than a disaster.

出了說website,淘寶的背后就是馬云的阿里巴巴這家大公司啊,所以a big company you are interested in 是不是又可以說這個,







開頭:背景 + 改寫題干 + 個人觀點

支持方:觀點(1,2,3) + 論證(1,2,3)

反對方:觀點(1,2)+ 論證(1,2)+ 反駁

結(jié)尾:總結(jié)個人觀點 + 建議(可選)


開頭:背景 + 改寫題干 + 個人觀點

支持方一:觀點1 + 論證1,2…

支持方二:觀點2 + 論證1,2…

反對方: 觀點+論證1,2…

結(jié)尾:總結(jié)個人觀點 + 建議(可選)

(P.S. 四段適用于論點較豐富的烤鴨,五段適用于論證較犀利的烤鴨)。


很多烤鴨的最大問題就是無法在短時間內(nèi)確定大作文的素材,這無非有兩種情況:想法過多無從選擇vs. 想法太少無從下筆??记暗母鞣N預(yù)測素材的狂轟爛炸想必已經(jīng)把眾烤鴨從迷茫推到了惶恐的路上。其實靜下心來想一想,每個人的思路都是有個人風(fēng)格的,我們要做的,不是鸚鵡學(xué)舌的把別人的想法填充進自己的大腦,而是把自己的想法(P.S.三非原則:非反人類,非反社會,非反國家)用合適的方法表達出來,這才是考官想要看到的你的文章的individuality。




素材總算有了,可是如何把觀點寫的有足夠的說服力是另一個橫在烤鴨們面前的大山。蓋老師在教學(xué)中發(fā)現(xiàn)眾烤鴨普遍糾結(jié)于論點的展開,即如何論證觀點的正確性。觀點再犀利,如果只有一句話,就難以站穩(wěn)腳跟。此時的烤鴨們面臨多重選擇,蓋老師的建議是,舉例>對比>因果>讓步>假設(shè)>解釋。能舉例決不放棄(To illustrate…/Take…for example/For instance,…/a case in point is that…);沒有例子巧妙對比(compare with…/…rather than…/without… /by contrast,…); 對比不行勿忘因果(due to…/owing to…/as a result of…/as…); 因果不清讓步強調(diào)(even though…/although…/even if…/in spite of…);有高分想法而又用的來虛擬語氣的孩紙,還可以試試假設(shè)(provided that…/suppose…/so long as…/only if…);大腦不轉(zhuǎn)時,解釋論證能救急(that is to say,…/what I mean is that…/by that I mean…/in other words,…)。烤鴨們只要在這六種論證方法中任選其三靈活應(yīng)用,已足夠?qū)懗鲆黄鷦踊顫?,主旨明確,寓意深刻,考官喜愛的文章了。



雅思寫作并不是看全篇從句的使用率,而是看句型的變化率。這就要求烤鴨們在考試之前就確定自己的句型變化順序,也就是把文章中大作文將要出現(xiàn)的18句話(以四段式舉例:開頭3句,支持段7句,反對段5句,結(jié)尾段3句)和小作文將要出現(xiàn)的10句話的每一句都規(guī)劃好其應(yīng)用的句型,力求形成自己獨立的句型模版,這樣才能在考試中有充足的句型變化且不至于遺忘亮點的設(shè)置。舉例來說,大作文開頭段可以分別用主語從句,狀語從句和賓語從句進行組合:What has never failed to fascinate human beings, for many years, is that…. Although different individuals usually take opposite sides toward this issue, I personally reckon that….這就保證了不會出現(xiàn)“如有雷同,純屬巧合”的尷尬。要知道,一個模版如果已經(jīng)在考官腦中留下過印象,那作文將必然被埋葬在6分以下。


若按武功分類,寫作絕對屬于內(nèi)功,沒實戰(zhàn)過幾篇文章的烤鴨們,所謂上6沖7都是空談。很多烤鴨在復(fù)習(xí)的后期,結(jié)構(gòu),素材,論證,句型等基礎(chǔ)功都已扎實,可是仍然被排擠在寫作高手的圈外, 就是因為練得不精不夠,沒有一個對文章的全局把握,自然發(fā)揮不出武功的整體威力。那么練多少才算夠呢?蓋老師的經(jīng)驗是,四十篇滅絕師太,三十篇東方不敗,二十篇敬仰膜拜。而眾多時間短暫,想在年底前跟雅思分手的烤鴨們,十大六小的精練那是必須的。






雅思口語八點注意:2.見到老外的第一眼要主動向他打招呼,最好是能上前和他握手。在考官帶你到考室的路上他會讓你把包放在門外的小椅子上,同時讓你把手機等移動設(shè)備關(guān)掉,這時你應(yīng)該主動搶著說 i have switched it off.在門口你要讓考官先進入考室,如果你先進去了要等考官進來了再坐下,坐之前先要問:may i sit down?這樣會讓考官覺得你很懂禮貌,從旁觀者角度上說,從一開始你就占據(jù)了主動。





雅思口語八點注意:7.如果碰到自己很難回答的問題,就不要正面回答,比如你可以說:i don't have many ideas about this but in my mind, there may be... or i guess...但千萬不要說 i don't know. 同樣你也可以獲得更多的時間來考慮一個問題,那時你可以說:let me see...等等。



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