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時(shí)間: 楚薇20 分享



Last year when I was on my way to my hometown in a train, I had an interesting conversation with an unknown person and the conversation lasted for several hours. I live in the city and my hometown is about 7-8 hours away from the place I live. I usually go to my hometown by bus but that time I travelled in a train. I was in a second class compartment of the train and there were almost 10 other people travelling in the same compartment. I found a couple with 2 kids were sitting just opposite side of me next to me was sitting a person who seemed around 45 years old. I was sitting beside the window and he asked me to open it. He then thanked me and asked me about myself. The conversation went on and I learned that he is a senior employee of a large Government organization. I was bit confused that he was travelling in a second class compartment at cheap rent.

He started a topic about how the kids and young people from the new generation have little passion on learning and busy doing unproductive staffs. I started defensing the young generation and expresses the difference the new generation has with their ancestors. The conversation started to turn into a debate and both of us used our logic and reasoning. The conversation was interesting and I was actively participating on it mostly because he had good and polite way of conversation. He told his reasoning for this belief but when I showed him my logic, he did not protest just for the conversation’s sake. Rather he agree that he learned many new facts about the new generation and their way of thinking and lifestyles. He also confessed that the generation gap is unavoidable and the positive changes should be accepted by them. Besides this main topic some other topic arrived like the political situation of our country, the educational system currently we have and what should be done to eliminate many of your major problems.

The conversation lasted for about 4 hours until he left the train at his station. I usually do not continue longer conversation with strangers and often find people start talking about silly issues with no moral values. But the conversation I had with this person in the train was interesting and I enjoyed it. I felt like there is a big gap between the first generation and the new generation and both generations do not listen and think deeply about the other generation and that’s causing a huge gap between them. I enjoyed to learn many thought of our first generations and was appalled about some of the misconceptions. I was also relived to learn that they have a positive attitude towards the changes which are for good reasons. His way of conversation was also positive and that’s why the overall conversation was enjoyable.


While my journey in a train to my hometown, I had a very interesting conversation with a person named Smith (...say a name...) who was a journalist of a daily newspaper. I can't recall his last name but he was a man around 35 years and sat next to me in the train.

I usually read books in long journeys or listen to music. That day I was reading a book by Dan Brown and the person who sat next to me asked about the book. This is how the conversation started. The conversation was mostly about writers in general, the political condition in our country, the role of an ideal leader, journalism, corruptions and the major problems of our country. I rarely continue longer conversation with strangers but that conversation I had in the train was pretty different and lasted almost 3-4 hours.

This conversation was interesting mostly because of three reasons: one, the person I had the conversation with was a smooth talking person with good knowledge and experience. Secondly, the way the conversation started and progressed was really interesting. I took my whole effort to debate on issues that I did not agree and also agreed with the notion that was similar to my viewpoint. Though this person was around 12 years senior to me, he never took any advantages of it and even he did not give any hint about it in the issued I disagreed with him. He treated me as an equally skilled opponent on many issues and listened to me very attentively. Finally, the place and circumstances when the conversation took place was really interesting. I must say, I learned many things from the opinion and experience he shared that day.

雅思口語(yǔ):Describe an interesting conversation you had with others

The most interesting conversation I have had was with a foreigner name Victor, during my in last summer vacation.

At that time, I volunteered in an international academic conference held by my college. My job was to pick up foreign guests from the airport and accompany them to go to my school. Before the first day, I was quite worried because of my poor English skills, fearing that I can’t have smooth conversation with my guests and thus fail my task.

But maybe it’s my lucky day, my worries were gone after I met the first guest Victor. He was an old man who lookedexactly like an intellectual. His personality was opposite to his serious appearance. he was talkative and have a good sense of humour. The ice was soon broken when he told me that he was a big fan of Chinese culture and asked me about all the things he was interested in like a curious child. Although I was more than willing and tried 100 percent to cater to his curiosity, I couldn’t fully understand. Some funny jokes were made because of this. For example, when I introduced Jingan Temple, a famous bustling commercial district, he asked me in confusion why the temple was built within city and how the monks could concentrate on their meditations. Anyway the misunderstanding didn’t hurt our exchanges. Instead, we were rolling with laughter throughout the drive. We even lost the track of time until we got the destination.

This experience boosted my confidence in English language, and more importantly I learned my home country more through a foreigner’s perspective.



1. What’s the difference between face-to-face conversation and phone conversation?

2. Which one do you prefer? Face-to-face conversation or phone conversation?

3. Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?


1.What’s the difference between face-to-face conversation and phone conversation?

People talk about small trivial subjects on the phone. I mean, phone conversation is usually todeliver some urgent message. Most people would prefer to communicate face to face when itcomes to important matters. I mean, generally it is like that. You see, important matters are alwaysdiscussed face to face. For example, nobody would settle down the contract terms over the phone.They’d sit down to talk about it. I guess that’s why country leaders fly around to visit each otherfor important matters, rather than talking on the phone. Right? So, I suppose face to faceconversation is more effective than phone communication.

2.Which one do you prefer? Face-to-face conversation or phone conversation?

Personally, I prefer face to face conversation. One, because face to face conversation is moredirect. You see, when we sit down face to face, we have multiple other ways to communicate witheach other besides verbal language. A person’s facial expressions, body gestures, and eye contactcan all tell us certain things. These messages will increase our communication quality, for sure.However, if we are talking on the phone, all communication is done by verbal sound. Not thatlanguage is not effective, but language alone sometimes leads to misunderstanding, and it is notalways reliable. Like, I wouldn’t be able to tell if someone is lying to me when I’m on the phone. SoI’d rather spend the time sitting down to have a talk if possible.

3.Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?

Disadvantages, yeah, there certainly can be. I mean, regardless of the many merits that face toface communication carries with it, you do have to travel to meet someone if you want to talk faceto face. That traveling can take up quite a bit of time, especially when you live in big cities wheretraffic conditions are often terrible! Apart from that, as` I mentioned earlier, face to facecommunication is more straightforward and direct. So if the subject is sensitive, and theconversation doesn’t go smoothly, it can embarrass the communicators. The atmosphere may getawkward instantly.
