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Describe an old person you respect

You should say:

Who he/she is

When you knew his/her

What you know about him/her

Why you respect him/her






Sample answer:

The old person I would like to describe is my English teacher, Adam. He teach me oral English. Last year, I met him in class.

Adam is from American. He has white hair and a pair of green eyes, very special right, just like expensive emerald in jewelry stores. He always wears his hippes multi-pocket jeans, which he calls ‘his style’. My classmates consider it funny, I think it suits him quite well, though. Besides, he is very friendly to us, because except that jeans, what he usually wears is a smiling face.

In my eyes, He has a sense of humor. He feels free to make fun of himself in class. He is so talkative that we give a nick name called ‘Mr punchline’. And after class, he sometimes hang out with us for sports or other activities. So friendly in my point of view.

He has talent I suppose. He could imitate many characters speaking English on screen like Minions, which is my favourite characters by the way.

All the above is reasons for my respect to him. However, the most reason why I respect him is that he is responsible for everyone of his student. He care all of us, indeed. We do like him and his class.

So that is Adam, the old man I respect so much.




Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of Mandela International Day


18 July 2013


On Nelson Mandela International Day, I join women and men across the world in honouring a man whose strength, vision and magnanimity changed South Africa and the course of the 20th century.


A UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador since 2005, Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


The life of Nelson Mandela is an education to us all – an example of perseverance in overcoming adversity, of courage in braving the steepest challenges, of moral clarity in promoting reconciliation and peace.


Nelson Mandela has taught the world that the dignity of women and men is the only foundation on which to build just societies. He has shown us that peace is not an ideal, or something abstract, but a way of living, a way of interacting with others and with the world.


On this day, let us pay tribute to Nelson Mandela by upholding and sharing the values that inspire him. In a world where all societies are transforming and every woman and man faces rising pressures, let us all stay true to the moral compass set by Nelson Mandela. Respect, mutual understanding and reconciliation are the strongest foundations for peace and freedom. In this spirit, we must help others, we must reach across all dividing lines, and we must cherish the world we live in. This is UNESCO’s message today.


雅思口語P2話題范文:old person you know and respect

Describe an old person you know and respect.

You should say:

who the person is

how you know the person

how long you have known this person

and explain why you respect this person

sample answer

I’m going to tell you about one of my teachers who taught me in middle school. He was a great influence on me and someone I still admire and look up to – a real role model.

Barry – that’s his name – taught me Geography and Biology for about 2 years I guess. He was also my form teacher and so we saw lot of each other when I was at school. Like quite a few teachers he hadn’t been a teacher all of his life – in fact he’d had a successful career in the army before he took up teaching. That I think is what made him a little different from the rest of the staff – he had a lot of outside interests in life.

As I was saying he taught me at middle school when was I around 11 or 12. But our relationship went much further than that. He became something of a family friend and he still comes to visit us quite often and he’s even shared Christmas Day with us once or twice. So I suppose you could say we have known each other for over 20 years now – though naturally I see much less of him now that I have moved away from home.

He has lots of qualities. For example, he was a strong disciplinarian at school and insisted that everyone tidied their desk and was polite. But his greatest quality for me is his sense of humour and enthusiasm. When we used to have lessons with him he was able to make a class of small boys want to learn because he wouldn’t just tell us funny stories he would show how us how enjoyable studying nature could be – even though I had no real interest in the subject.

Why do I look up to him so much? Well, if I was a teacher I’d want to be just like him – someone who is able to make other people want to learn.


雅思口語滿分技巧1. 了解考場狀況和考試流程,完全進入狀態(tài)


雅思口語滿分技巧2. 了解最近雅思口語題目的趨勢,熟悉考題出現(xiàn)的規(guī)律


雅思口語滿分技巧3. 靈活應(yīng)對考試中的疑難話題



雅思口語滿分技巧4. 重視整個考試的開頭和結(jié)尾





雅思口語滿分技巧6. 提前準備適合自己的口語高分詞匯

在備考的時候,準備一些常用的7分詞匯和技巧,在適當?shù)臅r候脫口而出,會給你的考試增光添色,同時要在考前的練習過程中,掌握好 paraphrase的方法,因為在考試的過程中,由于緊張或者是本身詞匯的匱乏,在自己不會的單詞上面會卡殼,而口語是相對比較靈活的,在這種情況下,需要我們用其他的話去替代那個卡殼的點,這樣你的口語就會順暢、自然。

雅思口語滿分技巧7. 調(diào)節(jié)心理狀態(tài),不畏懼,不膽怯






考生應(yīng)該盡量避免傳統(tǒng)的背誦套句或者是模版的口語學(xué)習方式,去學(xué)習口語范文中地道的詞組搭配以及英美人士的思維方式,更加關(guān)注詞組和邏輯思維兩個層面,下面是小編搜集整理的關(guān)于雅思口語范文老人的資料,歡迎查閱。雅思口語范文:尊敬的老人Describe an old person you respectYou should say:Who he/she isWhen you knew his/herWhat you know about him/herWhy you respect him/her【頭腦風暴


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