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今天喝大家探討一個題目:describe a goal you want to achieve in the future,很多孩子就開始暢想未來的職業(yè)了,正好跟a job you would like to have in the future可以完美合并。于是這個口語話題的答案就變成了“當上總經理,出任CEO,迎娶白富美,走上人生巔峰”的故事。也有一個思路是跟雅思口語中“環(huán)境法”放在一起,以后做一位environmentalist也不錯嘛??傊膫€雅思詞匯儲備足,就往哪個方向說就對了!下面的素材是那種“造福全人類”性質的,大家可以搞起來:

I want to open a cosmetic company in the future, which I’m positive would be profitable ‘cause today basically every girl couldn’t live without cosmetics.

However, most cosmetics are harmful to our skin if we keep using it for a long time, ‘cause some ingredients they use which contain toxic chemicals can be detrimental. And I heard that we absorb up to 60 percent of what we put on our skin. Then it is not surprising when many skin problems occur like itchy rash, dull skin tone, pimples, allergy and even cancer. So my goal is to develop a series of healthy cosmetic products that would cause no skin disorders.

And I would hire my favorite actress _ as my spokesperson. She’s really influential and convincing, so she can help project a more positive image of my company.

After a few years, my company would definitely go public, and I would open branches all over the world. I’m sure my products would benefit more people of all ages and all skin types, and not just female customers. Men can also use our products. So basically everyone is my target customer.

Right now my goal might sound a little ambitious, and my mom always says I’m being too unrealistic. But I believe if I keep working for it, everything’s possible.



Describe a goal you'd like to achieve in the future.

You should say:

what it is;

why you would like to achieve this goal;

whether you can achieve the goal easily;

and explain what you need to do to achieve this goal.








As a senior student that always sit in front of the laptop or books, I think I live a very unhealthy lifestyle, you know, kind of sedentary lifestyle.Actually, I'd like to make somechanges to keep fit. As a result, the0goal I'd like to achieve in the near future is to keep doing certain exercises at least once a week. Firstly, I need to start with some easy sports, like jogging. These kinds of sports don't need too much space and many facilities to do, all you need is just a pair of sneakers. Then, after several months of regular jogging, I will begin to show up in the gym to join the aerobics classes. In thisstage, I will need greater amount of exercises and more professional training. Finally, I'd like to book a badminton court at least twice a month to playing badminton with my family members, which can strengthen the family bonds as well.


It is not easy to achieve this goal for me actually, because I have heavy workloads everyday. But once I decided to make a difference, I will spare my time for sports. Because for me, it's now or never




Describe an aim or goal that you hope to achieve in the future.

You should say

- what the aim is

- when you hope to achieve it

- what you need to do to reach your goal

- and why this goal is important to you.


I’m going to describe a future aim of mine, which is to write a book. I’d like to write a novel, so the story or plot would be fictional, but it would probably be influenced by some of my own experiences, ideas and views.

Unfortunately I have no idea where to start or what my novel would be about, so I can’t imagine achieving this aim until later in my life. Maybe it will be something that I do as a hobby when I retire, or I might suddenly be inspired to start writing much sooner. It’s just a vague objective at the moment.

I think it must be extremely difficult to find the motivation to write a novel, so more than anything I would need time, commitment and the passion to keep working until I finished. I would probably need to set a goal of writing for a certain amount of time each day, and of course I’d need a good idea for a story in the first place.

This goal interests me because I’ve always wondered how people manage to create a work of fiction from nothing; I’ve always wondered whether I could do the same, and whether I’d be capable of bringing a story to life. I’ve always enjoyed reading, and I’d like to follow in the footsteps of my favourite authors.

雅思口語Part3話題范文:plan in the future

1. What different sorts of personal plans do people usually make in their everyday lives?

Well I’d say it varies a lot between people, because I mean, some people like to make plans for pretty much everything they do, you know, like what to spend their money on, what food to eat, and how to use their free time effectively, whereas other people don’t really make that many plans, and kind of just live life in a carefree manner.

I’d say = I think

pretty much = 差不多

live life in a carefree manner = 悠優(yōu)哉哉地過生活

2. When a student is doing a big assignment, why is it a good idea to make some plans before they start?

Well first of all, if they didn’t make any plans, then I think it would be very difficult for them to carry out the work in a methodical way, so it’s likely that they would run into a lot of problems. So in other words, I guess what I’m saying is that planning well at the beginning will help a student better understand the requirements of the assignment and therefore give them a good indication of how to manage their time.

run into… 碰到

A good indication of…= a good idea of…(好的指示)

3. In general, what sorts of plans do governments all over the world usually have?

Wow, that’s a pretty tough question, and I’ve never really thought about it before, but I suppose governments around the world have to make all kinds of plans, such as military, economic, and social plans, becausethey’re responsible for the overall well-being of a country.

4. What are some of the major problems facing the whole world today?

That’s a good question, and I’d say that, unfortunately, we seem to be facing quite a number of problems, such as pollution, climate change, unemployment, lack of drinking water,…what else,…um, …oh and social inequality. So these would be some of the main ones, and I’m sure there are more!

5. Who do you think should be responsible for solving these problems?

Well obviously, a lot of responsibility lies with the government, but depending on the problem, I think we all have to take some responsibility if we want to truly get rid of the problems. So taking air pollution as an example, if everyone makes a conscious effort to use environmentally-friendly transport whenever possible, then I think the air quality will improve dramatically.

makes a conscious effort = 自覺努力

6. What do you think is the major environmental problem facing the world today?

Thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably water pollution, because in many parts of the world, clean drinking water is in extremely short supply, and it's a basic necessity for human survival. So if we continue to pollute the water supply, then it’s exacerbating the problem, which could have detrimental consequences in the future.

exacerbating the problem = make the problem worse (使問題更嚴重)

detrimental consequences = terrible consequences (非常不利的后果)















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