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雅思口語話題part2高分范文之:改進公共設(shè)施(public place you think need improvements)

Describe a public place that you think need improvements

You should say:

What the place is

When do you go there

What do you like and dislike in the public place

The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week.

There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the internet, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time.

However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.

雅思口語話題part2高分范文之:未來居住的城市(city or country you want to live)

Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future

You should say:

What is it

Where is it located

Why do you like it

The city I most want to live in the future is Guangzhou. It is located in Guangdong Province, southern China. It's not far away from Hong Kong.

I like to live in this city for several reasons. First of all, it's warm in winter. I personally don't like cold weather. I can still wear sweaters or shirts in December in Guangzhou. Secondly, Guangzhou has a great job market. Career planning is one of the most important things for me. When I consider the city is livable or not, I pay more attention to the job market of the city. Guangzhou is one of the most developed cities in China. In the future, it will need all kinds of professionals to build the city better. I believe this will be a good opportunity. The last reason is the delicious food in Guangzhou. Guangzhou is famous for dim sum, and dim sum is my favorite food.

雅思口語話題part 2范文:本國河流(important river in your country)

Describe an important river/ area of water in your country

You should say:

How long the river is

Where it is

What it looks like

Why it is important


在祖國的大地上流淌著的兩條最大的river,想必各位烤鴨都不會陌生,長江和黃河,這兩條河都可以拿來說一說。這題今天正好有學生問到。說長江是不是Long River?

(我想說這個直譯真的挺好的,但是先輩們已經(jīng)把長江的英文名取好了,不叫l(wèi)ong river,我們得叫它the Yangtse River)。不過,黃河我們可以放心得叫它the Yellow River. 除此之外,對于想說河流的同學們,如果長江黃河離家不是那么近,沒去過,沒話說的話,可以說一說家附近的河流。若實在還是沒有思路的話,可以說說一片水域。什么叫水域呢?英文已經(jīng)解釋很直白了,就是area of water,有水的那一片地方都能說。

1-4月雅思口語新題part2范文:important river


Speaking of an important river, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, which is the biggest and longest river in China. It’s about 6,300 kilometers long.


The Yangtse River lies in the south of China. It stretches to 11 provinces in China and drains nearly one-fifth of the land areas of China.


If you see it on the map, you will find it looks not that special, maybe just like any other rivers, for example, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you won’t feel like it’s something that other rivers can copy.


I remember when I was in the grade 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to Sanxia, where we saw the most stunning view of the Yangtse River along with the tall green mountains like Shennv Feng.


It is indeed very important, not only for the local residents who need the water for life, but it is also crucial for the entire nation, because there’s the Three Gorges Dam lies on it, and it ha’s been generating a lot of electrical power, which is used for all the families and industries in China.

雅思口語話題part2范文:親友聚會處(a place you often visit with your friends or family)


Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

You should say:

Where the place is

How you know the place

How you go there

Why you want to visit

Today, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my company/my house named “ABC”

As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my little trip to “ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.

The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I?m sitting in a garden of my own.

Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a personal project such asreading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by other people.

It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.

Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.


to share with you: in this context, to share with someone means to tell someone about something, you are going to share some information or a story with another person; in another context you could share an actual thing with someone, like share a meal with another person or share something that you have, like some fireworks, with another; “I?d like to share a story with you about my grandmother when she was a young girl.” “He doesn?t want to share the fish he caught with us.”

hang out with my friends: to spend time with friends, talking, relaxing, visiting; “He likes to hang out with his friends at the pizza place after school.”

therefore: used when you want to give more information or explain the reason for something; consequently; for that reason; “I am going to be in New York next week; therefore, I?d like to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”

on weekends: use the preposition on when talking about things you do on Saturday and Sunday, the weekend; in this case we use the plural because you are talking about weekends in general, rather than a specific weekend; “He likes to play golf on weekends.” British English prefers to say at the weekend or at weekends.

to make time for: to prioritize things so that you have time to do a certain thing that you want; you have to make time for something in order to ensure that you do it, if you don?t make time for something, you won?t do it; “He wants his father to make more time for him on weekends.”

located on a quiet street: when we are talking about the location of something we use the preposition on, something is located on the corner, on the right or left side, on a hill, on a mountain; you can also use in for things located in another area, like the office is located in the building on the left side of the street or the video store is located in the mall, as in inside the mall; “Our new restaurant is located on one of the busiest streets in San Francisco.”

Additionally: used to give more information; “Additionally, the scientists found that there were two more species in the area that had never been discovered.”

hanging gardens: plants and flowers that are hanging in pots from the ceiling; “The hanging gardens in the train station made the place feel very warm and welcoming, unlike most train stations.”

Separated from: apart from, away from; in a different part of a place; “The children?s play area is separated from the main part of the building; it is a great place where families can take their children to play outside.”

hustle and bustle: describes the noise and high level of activity; “My grandfather hates the hustle and bustle of the city; he prefers the calm and quiet of the countryside.”

city life in: used to describe the activity, noise, movement of people and traffic in a city; use the preposition in or of; “The city life in New York is famous for the variety of things you can do while there: Broadway shows, concerts, restaurants, bars, museums and so much more.”

to reflect: to think deeply about something; “After the meeting, he needed time to reflect on his options before making a final decision.”

concentrate on: to think about something in a focused way, without distractions; “He found it hard to concentrate on his homework while his friends were playing video games in his room.”

writing in my journal: you use the preposition in when talking about writing in a journal or notebook; “I like to write in my journal right before I go to bed.”

serves: in this context it is referring to what is offered at the café; it?s what a food establishment offers to their customers; “They don?t serve meat at this restaurant because it is a vegetarian restaurant.”

the employees: the people who work at the café or restaurant; “The employees were upset with their boss and didn?t want to go to work.”

Over a nice cup of coffee/tea: in this context, using the word over means that you are doing something, like visiting, while you drink a cup of tea; “We finalized our joint business venture over dinner last night.” (This means that we finished talking about our joint business venture while we ate dinner together.)

escape from reality: to leave the reality of something, like your life or a specific situation; you want to escape from reality especially if reality is something that is difficult for you to handle, like a difficult job, having lots of work to do, etc. “Many people drink alcohol to escape from reality, though this strategy has its own problems.”

enjoy ourselves: to have fun, to have a pleasant time; “We enjoyed ourselves last kend at our friend?s beach house.”






5.雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個細節(jié)

6.雅思英語口語Part 1中最難的十話題




雅思口語的備考需要我們不斷地去積累,下面小編給大家?guī)淼攸c類雅思口語話題part2高分范文整理,一起來看看吧!雅思口語話題part2高分范文之:改進公共設(shè)施(public place you think need improve


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