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托福TPO3口語task3題目 Reading Part:

Hot Breakfasts Eliminated

Beginning next month, Dining Services will no longer serve hot breakfast foods at university dining halls. Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning. These cold breakfast foods, such as breads, fruit, and yogurt, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast items that we will stop serving, so health-conscious students should welcome this change. Students will benefit in another way as well, because limiting the breakfast selection to cold food items will save money and allow us to keep our meal plans affordable.

托福TPO3口語task3題目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

(woman) Do you believe any of this? It’s ridiculous.

(man) What do you mean? It is important to eat healthy foods.

(woman) Sure it is! But they are saying a yogurt is better for you than an omelet or than hot cereal? I mean, whether something is hot or cold, that shouldn’t be the issue. Let’s say maybe on a really cold morning, in that case, which is going to be better for you, a bowl of cold cereal or a nice warm omelet? It’s obvious. There’s no question.

(man) I’m not gonna argue with you there.

(woman) And this whole thing about saving money.

(man) What about it?

(woman) Well, they are actually going to make things worse for us, not better. Cause if they start cutting back and we can’t get what we want here on campus, well, we are going to going off campus and pay off-campus prices. And you know what? That’ll be expensive. Even if it’s only two or three mornings a week, it can add up.

托福TPO3口語task3題目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinion and explain her reasons for holding that opinion.


1. Reading keys

(1.1) Announcement: replace hot items with cold items in the school cafeteria

(1.2) Reason 1: cold foods are healthier

(1.3) Reason 2: students can save money from the change

2. Listening keys

(2.1) Woman disagrees with it

(2.2) Reason 1: cold items isn’t better than hot food

(2.2.1) Details: warm omelet is better than cold cereal in a cold morning

(2.3) Reason 2: it won’t save money for students

(2.3.1) Details: people can’t get what they want on campus → go off campus to buy food → off campus food is more expensive → students will end up spending more money over time


The school is planning to stop serving hot breakfast at the university dinning hall, because cold items are healthier and doing so can bring down the cost of campus meal plan. In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the school's plan for the following reasons. First of all, she dosen’t think that cold food for breakfast is a good idea. Especially in a cold morning, a warm omelet can make you a lot more comfortable than something cold. Second, she thinks cutting back the menu will make student’s life a lot harder. People are going to be forced to go off campus to get what they want. And off campus food is usually more expansive. Over time, students will end up spending a lot more money.

托福TPO3口語task4題目 Reading Part:

Cognitive Dissonance

Individuals sometimes experience a contradiction between their actions and their beliefs – between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing. These contradictions can cause a kind of mental discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. People experiencing cognitive dissonance often do not want to change the way they are acting, so they resolve the contradictory situation in another way; they change their interpretation of the situation in a way that minimizes the contradiction between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing.

托福TPO3口語task4題目 Listening Part:

Now listen to part of a lecture about this topic in a Sociology class.

Professor (male) This is a true story from my own life. In my first year in high school, I was addicted to video games. I played them all the time and I wasn’t studying enough. I was failing Chemistry that was my hardest class. So this was a conflict for me because I wanted a good job when I grew up and I believed, I knew, that if you want a good career you gotta do well in school. But I just couldn't give up video games! I was completely torn.

And my solution was to change my perspective. See, the only class I was doing really badly in was Chemistry. In the others, I was OK. So I asked myself if I wanted to be a chemist when I grew up? And the fact is I didn't. I was pretty sure I wanted to be a sociologist. So I told myself my chemistry class didn't matter, because sociologists don’t really need to know chemistry. In other words, I changed my understanding of what it meant to do well in school. I reinterpreted my situation. I used to think that doing well in school meant doing well in all my classes. But now I decided that succeeding in school meant only doing well in the classes that related directly to my future career. I eliminated the conflict, at least in my mind.

托福TPO3口語task4題目 Question:

Using the example discussed by the professor, explain what cognitive dissonance is and how people often deal with it.


1. Reading keys

(1.1) Term: cognitive dissonance

(1.2) Definition: the discomfort caused by the conflict between our actions and believes

(1.3) Fix: to see the problem from a new perspective

2. Listening keys

(2.1) Example

(2.1.1) Conflict

( Playing video games caused him a poor grade

( He knew he should stop and study harder

(2.1.2) Perspectives

( Old one: doing well in school = doing well in all subjects

( New one: doing well in school = doing well in the courses that are related to future career

(2.1.3) Reason

( He didn’t want to be a chemist in the future

( He wanted to be a sociologist

(2.1.4) Conclusion

( Chemistry class was not important to him


Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort caused by the conflict between our actions and believes. People tend to change their perspective to deal with it. The professor talks about his own experience. He was addicted to video games in high school and that caused him a poor grade in chemistry class. His solution was to change his perspective. Because he didn’t want to become a chemist, he thought that chemistry class was not that important to him anyway. He used to think that doing well in school meant doing well in all classes, but to solve the conflict, he decided that doing well in school meant only doing well in the classes that are related directly to his future career.





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