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  雅思口語Part 2 話題精講:

  Describe a scienice subject that you are interested in

  You should say :

  What it it ?

  When you started to get interested in it ?

  What you have leant from it ?

  Why you are interested in it ?


  1.I ‘d like to talk about virtual reality which is a cutting edge technology .It generates realistic images,sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment.Now,it’s developing rapidly.Those global tech powerhouses,like:Google,Apple,Huawei,have already invested billions of US dollars in this field.

  2.I‘m particularly interested in it.A couple of months ago,a company called Magic Leap released a video clip on YouTube.It shows a the applications of virtual reality technology in the real life.That’s impressive.From then on,I fell in love with it.

  3.The more I know about it,the more I realized that it’s something that will completely change the world.I see it as an unstopable trend.I‘ve read some articles about it on some science magazines,for example:Popular Science,Discovery.Since it’s still developing,I‘m pretty sure that I‘ll learn more about it in the future.

  4.lastly,I ‘ll tell you about why I ‘m so interested in it.I strongly believe it would change our life,and bring opportunities.The world will not be same.Let me give you one example:Thanks for the rapid devepment of virtual reality .Tomorrow,students and teachers may no longer need classrooms anymore .They may have lessons at any time,any place.I believe the more I learn about it,the more benefits I'll get.So that’s why I’m particularly interested in it.

  Thank you for your time.


  1.I ‘d like to talk about virtual reality which is a cutting edge technology:(高分開頭,講過多遍不解釋了)virtual reality: 虛擬現(xiàn)實 / cutting edge technology :尖端科技

  It generates realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment:它可以創(chuàng)造出真實的圖像, 聲音還有其他的感官刺激來還原逼真的環(huán)境。

  it’s developing rapidly:它正在迅猛的發(fā)展。

  global tech powerhouses:國際科技原動力

  A couple of months

  a company called Magic Leap released a video clip on YouTube:(這句話里有非謂語called在考試的時候在語法上有加分)一家叫做明日科技的公司在youtube上發(fā)布了一段視頻。

  From then on: 從那時開始(詞組)

  The more I know about it,the more I realized that it’s something that will completely change the world:(這是對比句,有加分)我越了解它,就越來越意識到這將改變?nèi)澜纭?/p>

  I see it as an unstopable trend:我認為虛擬現(xiàn)實是一個不可被阻擋的潮流。

  Since it’s still developing,I ‘m pretty sure that I ‘ll learn more about it in the future:(連詞的使用, 復(fù)雜句)因為它還在發(fā)展,我很確定在將來我會了解更多。

  lastly,I ‘ll tell you about why I ‘m so interested in it:(這是很好用的連接句,來告訴考官我講到最后一個問題了,也可以起到承上啟下的作用)

  12.the more I learn about it,the more benefits I'll get:(對比句)

  13.Thank you for your time:(禮貌會給你帶來更好的印象分)

  雅思口語Part 2范文:感興趣的學(xué)科

  You should say:

  what branch of science it is;

  when you studied it;

  how you studied it;

  and explain why you are interested in it.




  Geography was my favourite subject in my academic year and I have learned so many things from the history books I read and learned from teachers related to geography and they were so interesting that I later did my graduation majoring Geography.

  Learning about the geography is really interesting and useful. From the pictures and texts, I learn the differences between different areas and know the reason why sandstorm always break out in my city. I know Paris is a romantic city located in Europe while Australia is a country with heaps of sheep. I could see kaola sleeping in the tree in my textbook also could run after elephant in Africa, the landscape and diversity of species gives me a sense of peace.

  After I finished my school, I took Geography as my major and that has greatly influenced me the way I look at the world it teaches me to learn to live in harmony with nature and pay more attention to the balance of ecology.


  地道用詞:break out

  heaps of sheep

  diversity of species

  live in harmony with nature

  the balance of ecology

  高分句型: From the pictures and texts, I learn the differences between different areas and know the reason why sandstorm always break out in my city.

  After I finished my school, I took Geography as my major and that has greatly influenced me the way I look at the world it teaches me to learn to live in harmony with nature and pay more attention to the balance of ecology.


  You should say:

  what branch of science it is

  when you studied it

  how you studied it

  and explain why you are interested in it




  In my high school part, I had to study some subjects of science and biology was one of them. I loved the subject for some interesting reasons. In fact, it was the subject that I paid more attention than any other subjects in my school days. Here is a brief description of the subject.

  Biology mostly deals with the biological issues of the beings including humans, animals and plants. So, it was my preferred subject than the other science courses in school. I loved the practical part of the subject. Often I had to cut through different little creatures like frogs, cockroaches, mice etc, to create a diagram of the inner portion of the animals.

  Mr Augustine was our teacher for this subject in the high school. He was a gentle man and scholar. He knew how to teach the subject. Actually, the school assigned another young teacher for the subject, but the teacher was too young to teach. Based on the complaints from the students, the authority changed the teacher and Mr Augustine replaced the former one. To be honest about the matter, I have not seen a devoted teacher like him. All of the students were like his own children. He loved them and never made rude remarks even if they failed to bring home works or forget to bring other assignments.

  I did not have any idea about the inner parts of living beings. The subject helped me a lot to gather knowledge about the biological issues. After having the practical classes, I came to know about that how the inside of a living being looks like. I also knew the names of the organs and what their functions were to keep humans and other living beings alive. Moreover, I became expert in peeling the skins of the dead animals. In fact, I was afraid of blood and injuries. The fear disappeared after participating the practical class. Further, I learned some other precious knowledge from this subject.

  Biology has helped in my real-life situations. Now I know how everything inside a body works. I know what may happen if they are damaged or diagnosed with any disorder. As a result, I am not afraid of diseases or injuries. Besides, biology also helped me to clear the misconceptions about the human body. I did not have the knowledge that the inside of a body could be so complicated and gradually I became aware of the immunology and the internal organs. It was easier for me to understand the reasons for falling ill and how to recover from the illness. Moreover, Biology also helped me to pick the right form of sport for me.


  地道用詞:cut through

  living beings

  高分句型:In fact, it was the subject that I paid more attention than any other subjects in my school days.

  After having the practical classes, I came to know about that how the inside of a living being looks like.

  I also knew the names of the organs and what their functions were to keep humans and other living beings alive.

  I did not have the knowledge that the inside of a body could be so complicated and gradually I became aware of the immunology and the internal organs.

  雅思 口語 中描述喜歡的學(xué)科

  You should say:

  what branch of science it is

  when you studied it

  how you studied it

  and explain why you are interested in it




  The subject that I'd like to describe is Physics that was taught in our school. We had this subject in each year of our high school and each year a new teacher used to teach us the subject. Even we had to read physics in college as Science was my major. I remember Mr Alex, Burter, John, David and Mrs Jeniffer took Physics in different years. We were lucky to have good Physics teachers who could make the subject interesting and enjoyable.

  Our teachers used to tell us stories first and then would explain the theory, experiment or math of the textbooks. They would then relate the story with the study. Later they would explain us the real examples and facts. Sometimes they used to take us to the Physics labs and explain how something works. I have learned numerous things of physics from simple definition of mass to the complex explanation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. My foundation of physics grew up and expanded with the help of those teachers.

  The subject itself is utterly interesting if one can have a passion for it. It is one such subject that one would start loving it if s/he starts understanding the underlying concepts of it. Physics is all around us and the lesson I learned from my School had helped me greatly throughout my higher academic years.


  高分句型:Sometimes they used to take us to the Physics labs and explain how something works.

  I have learned numerous things of physics from simple definition of mass to the complex explanation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

  The subject itself is utterly interesting if one can have a passion for it.

  It is one such subject that one would start loving it if s/he starts understanding the underlying concepts of it.

  Physics is all around us and the lesson I learned from my School had helped me greatly throughout my higher academic years.


  You should say:

  what branch of science it is

  when you studied it

  how you studied it

  and explain why you are interested in it




  Well, my favourite science area is chemistry ever since I was a middle school student. Though I just learned some basic part of chemistry at the high school level, it was a really eye-opener because it gave me a fuller understanding of the natural world by teaching me about the periodic table, the mole concept, types of chemical reactions, atomic theory and etc.

  Chemistry is very difficult to learn, but it also tells me about chemicals and their interactions and it can help you to understand the world around you, since everything is comprised of chemicals. Cooking, for instance, often employs chemical reactions to achieve different types of cooked foods. Baking is a prime example of this type of use, as it often employs ingredients like baking soda that react with acids in the recipe and help the cake or cookies to rise when heated. This process is a chemical reaction. Additionally, taking a chemistry class will allow you to better understand other sciences, like biology or anatomy and physiology, as all life is uses chemical reactions. Besides, chemistry allows me to stay in the lab to take lots of different engaging experiments, such as making smoke bombs. I believe that experimenting is best part of taking a chemistry class.



  chemical reaction

  take a class

  高分句型:Baking is a prime example of this type of use, as it often employs ingredients like baking soda that react with acids in the recipe and help the cake or cookies to rise when heated.

  Additionally, taking a chemistry class will allow you to better understand other sciences, like biology or anatomy and physiology, as all life is uses chemical reactions.




3.雅思英語口語Part 1中最難的十話題



6.雅思口語 什么樣的詞匯考官才喜歡?

