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  不受顧客歡迎 be out of favor with the customers

  (訂單)任務(wù)繁重 heavy commitments

  外匯匯率 rate of foreign exchange

  無與倫比 be superior beyond comparison

  辦個工廠 to run a factory

  有關(guān)的 covering

  銀行手續(xù)費和保證金 bank charges as well as deposit

  備貨 to get the goods ready

  訂艙 book the shipping space

  裝運 to effect shipment

  放心 rest assured

  諸如此類 and what not

  質(zhì)押資金 tie up one’s capital

  簽發(fā)信用證 to issue an L/C

  開信用證 to open an L/C

  出示單據(jù)議付 presentation of shipping documents and negotiation

  一定、務(wù)必 without fail

  展期20天 to extend for 20 days

  憑樣交貨 shipment per sample

  允許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船 partial shipment and transshipment allowed

  信用證少開了5000美元 the credit is short-established to the amount of $ 5000

  買得起 afford to buy

  裝船延期 to postpone the shipmen t

  盡力 to exert oneself

  及時交貨 timely delivery

  著手發(fā)運貨物 set about making delivery

  在有效期內(nèi) be within validity

  撤盤 to withdraw the offer

  金融狀況 financial status

  裝船通知 shipping advice

  裝船須知 shipping instruction

  超過船舷 pass over the rail

  一勞永逸地告訴你 to tell you once and for all

  活到老學(xué)到老 one lives to learn

  租船 to charter a ship

  承擔(dān)費用 to bear charges

  履行責(zé)任 to discharge/fulfill responsibilities

  裝運港 loading port

  關(guān)稅 custom duty

  合同號 contract number

  外行 layman

  或者說 or rather

  貨物吊上船 the goods on the hook

  拍賣這一庫存 to sell off the stock

  海關(guān)手續(xù) custom formalities

  虧本 lose out

  按嚴(yán)格程序 be in strict rotation

  提前裝運 to advance shipment

  確保準(zhǔn)時裝運 to ensure punctual shipment

  交易量 volume of trade

  (工人)上三班 work three shifts

  在手的過期未交貨訂單 back orders

  打退堂鼓 to back out

  忙季 busy season

  旺季 high season

  蕭條季節(jié) slack season

  銷售季節(jié) shopping season

  上市、旺季 be in season

  下市、淡季 be out of season

  木箱 wooden case

  紙盒 cardboard box

  關(guān)稅配額 custom quota

  海關(guān)放行 custom clearance

  海關(guān)官員 custom officer

  安排裝船 arrange shipment

  加速裝船 expedite shipment

  延期裝船 extend shipment

  提前裝船 advance shipment

  延遲裝船 postpone shipment

  期貨 future

  艙位訂滿 the shipping space has been booked up

  直達輪 direct steamer

  增加貨物被盜或損壞的風(fēng)險 add to the risks of pilferage and damage

  修改信用證 to amend L/C

  整批裝運 ship the whole lot at one time

  提出建議 to put forth a proposal

  急需這批貨 be in urgent need of the goods

  在途中 be in transit

  信用證條款與合同條款嚴(yán)格一致 the stipulations in the L/C are in strict conformity with that of the contract

  目的港 port of destination

  聚乙烯包裝物 polythene wrapper

  櫥窗展覽 window show

  立足市場 find a footing in the market

  趕時髦 to keep up with fashion

  式樣新奇、時尚 novel and fashionable design

  顏色鮮亮 bright color

  迎合顧客口味 to meet customers’ taste

  按照 as per

  攜帶輕便 light to handle

  保證安全 to ensure safety

  為……而感謝 be obliged for

  分公司 branch office

  小圓桶 keg

  麻袋 gunny bag



  鐵皮圓桶 drum

  茶葉箱 chest

  捆 bundle

  琵琶桶 barrel

  包裝費用 packing charges

  裝箱單 packing list

  包裝指示 packing instructions

  出口包裝 export packing

  內(nèi)包裝 inner packing

  外包裝 outer packing

  中性包裝 neutral packing

  適合海運的包裝 seaworthy packing/packing suitable for sea voyage

  遠洋運輸 ocean transportation

  瓦楞硬紙板箱 three-layer cardboard boxes

  搶眼又搶錢 catch the eyes as well as the purse

  平安險 From Particular Average

  水漬險 With Particular Average

  一切險 All Risks

  額外保險 extra premium

  偷竊、提貨不著險 risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)

  破碎險 risk of Breakage

  油漬險 risk of Oil

  滲漏險 risk of Leakage

  玷污險 risk of Contamination

  罷工暴動、民變險 risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion

  淡水、雨淋險 risk of Fresh Water Damage

  提出索賠 to lodge a claim

  由某人付款 for one’s account

  商贊處 Commercial Counselor’s Office

  按發(fā)票金額 at the invoice value

  檢驗報告 a survey report

  獨家代理 sole agency

  短交 short delivery

  豬鬃 bristle

  有廣泛的業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系 have a wide connection with/be closely connected with/ do considerable business with/ have close contact with/ be in close contact with

  銷售代理人 sales agent/selling agent

  采購代理人 purchasing agent/buying agent

  獨家代理人 exclusive agent/sole agent

  傭金代理人 commission agent

  廣告代理人 advertising agent

  代理協(xié)議 agency agreement

  年成交量 annual turnover

  不遺余力 spare no effort

  生意興隆 a prosperous business

  在這一方面 in this connection

  紅豆 Red Bean

  銷售條款 sales terms

  銷售合同 sales contract

  銷售額 sales turnover

  銷售代表 sales representative

  市場活躍 market active

  市場呆滯market dull

  市價下跌 market declining

  行市堅挺 market firm

  行市疲軟 market easy

  市況平穩(wěn) market stable

  市況堅挺 market strong

  市況不明 market uncertain

  市場疲軟 market weak

  控制市場 to control the market

  穩(wěn)定物價 to stabilize the price

  加倍努力 double your efforts

  看透心事read one’s mind

  國內(nèi)需求會急劇上漲 the domestic demand will go up sharply

  定個時間 fix the time

  紡織品 textile

  電器產(chǎn)品 electricity products

  化工產(chǎn)品 chemicals

  達成協(xié)議 come to terms with

  增添和刪除 addition and deletion

  市場下跌(熊市) with the market being bear

  會議紀(jì)要 meeting minutes

  附件 accessory

  中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會 CCPIT

  仲裁委員會 Arbitration Commission

  求助于仲裁 resort to arbitration

  享有很高聲譽 enjoy a high prestige

  仲裁裁決 arbitral award

  完好無損 sound and intact

  中國商檢局 China Commodity of Inspection

  符合出口標(biāo)準(zhǔn) be up to the standard of export

  優(yōu)質(zhì)干蘑菇 well-dried mushrooms of fine quality

  向…...要求賠償 to approach …. For compensation

  當(dāng)場 on the spot

  證明 certify/verify/testify

  在途中 during transit/en route/on the way

  提出索賠 to lodge/make/raise/issue/file/register/put in/ bring up a claim

  短重 short weight

  就貨進行索賠 claim on goods

  就損壞索賠 claim for damage

  就數(shù)量索賠 claim for amount

  向某人索賠 claim with/against somebody

  接受索賠 to accept a claim

  受理索賠 to entertain a claim

  同意索賠 to admit a claim

  駁回索賠 to dismiss a claim

  拒絕索賠 to reject/decline/turn down a claim

  解決索賠 to settle a claim

  放棄索賠 to waive a claim

  撤回索賠 to withdraw a claim

  提單清潔的 Bill of Lading is clean

  剪樣 cutting

  權(quán)威部門authorized department

  合同中寫明的 specified in the contract

  接受索賠 to entertain a claim

  不可挽回的損失 get retrievably lost

  檢驗費 inspection fee

  理賠方面公平合理 be prompt and equitable in settling claims

  澄清問題 get the matter cleared up

  貨物發(fā)霉不能食用 the contents are moldy and unfit for consumption

  密封 airtight

  塑料薄膜口袋 plastic bag

  迅速發(fā)貨 immediate/rush dispatch of the goods

  董事會 board of directors

  為……鋪平道路 pave the way for

  友善的洽談 amiable negotiation

  留下深刻鮮明的印象 leave a deep and vivid impression on somebody

  主持會議 to preside over a meeting

  擴音器 public address system

  再見,一路順風(fēng)(法)Bon Voyage

  檢票 check in

  與國際接軌 bring in line with the international practice

  登艙 go on board

  世界貿(mào)易組織 World Trade Organization (WTO)








