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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  一) :句中沒(méi)有謂語(yǔ),或者雖然已有謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,但需填的詞與已存在謂語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)一致,且中



  例1. ……

  The first card ____________(design) by J.C.Horsley as a commercial endeavor.

  例2. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation,

  _________(close) my book and walked away.

  例3. All over the world, people move from place to place. More and more people__________

  (leave) towns and farms to move to cities. This to cities is called


  例4. Smaller cars are just one of the directions that the car industry is taking. Also the

  industry ___________________

  (produce) cars that pollute less and have a less harmful effect on the environment these days.

  例5. Nobody knows what _____________________(happen) if she had refused to pay.

  例6. His fear of failure kept him from classroom games that other children __________(play)

  with joyous abandon.

  例7. „„The (happy) of people don’t (necessary)have the best of

  everything; they just make the most of everything that _______(come) along their way.

  例8. …….The country life he was used to ____________ (change )greatly since the opening


  例9. The international agreement, intended to encourage children not to smoke and

  ___________ (help) people kick the habit, ____________ (sign) on February 27 last


  (二) :若句中已有謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,又不是并列謂語(yǔ)時(shí),所給動(dòng)詞就是非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。若是非謂

  語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞就要確定用 doing形式,done形式,還是 to do 形式。非謂語(yǔ)的形式一定要考慮它

  與其邏輯主語(yǔ)之間 的關(guān)系。

  例10. „„ but it is not enough only ______________(memorize) rules from a grammar


  例11. „„_________(speak) out your inner feeling won’t make you feel ashamed, on the


  技巧1 :作主語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ)時(shí),通常用 形式表示習(xí)慣或一般情況; 用 形

  式表示具體情況或?qū)?lái);用 表示已發(fā)生。

  例12.„„ ____________(complet) the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more

  hours a day.

  例13. The young student did all that he could ______ (pass)the examinations.

  例14. Some people say that oldest children, who are smart and strong-willed, are very likely


  技巧2:作目的狀語(yǔ)或者在固定結(jié)構(gòu)中,一般用to do形式。

  例15. He saw the stone, ______(say) to himself: “The night will be very dark.”

  例16. The headmaster went into the lab, ________ (follow) by the foreign guests.

  技巧3 :分詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ),原因狀語(yǔ),條件狀語(yǔ)等時(shí),要看它與邏輯主語(yǔ)的關(guān)系確定形式。與句中主語(yǔ)是主動(dòng)關(guān)系使用現(xiàn)在分詞;與句中主語(yǔ)是被動(dòng)關(guān)系使用過(guò)去分詞。

  例17. There will be a meeting, _______(start) later this year to review the film.

  例18. „„.Lessons_________(learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people.

  技巧4 :分詞做后置定語(yǔ)也要看它與被修飾詞之間的關(guān)系確定形式。與所修飾的名詞是主動(dòng)關(guān)系使用現(xiàn)在分詞;與所修飾的名詞是被動(dòng)關(guān)系使用過(guò)去分詞。

  例19. At 9:07pm, Sept.25, The Shenzhou VII spacecraft was lifted by the long March Ⅱ-F

  carrier rocket into space. The launch of the Shenzhou VII is China’s third manned space _____________(send) astronauts into space.

  技巧5 :名詞前有 first, second,…last, only修飾時(shí),后面要用to do / to have done 做后

  例20. Mr. Green was disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ______(repair)

  go wrong again.

  例21. Can you tell me the way you thought of ___________ (work )out the problem.

  技巧6 :固定結(jié)構(gòu)如: have sth. done , the way to do 等。


  1.I was delighted and was about to accept her proposal when she suggested we first [38]____

  (go) to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge.

  2.Peter ___________ (leave) for London on business upon my arrival, so I didn’t see him.

  3.I have to go to work by taxi because my car _____________ (repair) at the garage.

  4.I went down there, ________ (pay) my penny and got a receipt.

  5.There, [40]__________ (place) neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five

  pennies—her tip!

  6.„I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left [40]___________ (complete) the test!

  7.My pupils, [40]________ (include) Donnie, adored her.

  8.It remains __________ (see) whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.


  例1. I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and ______ gets there almost in a second.

  技巧1① :主句缺主語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ),一定是填

  例2. Whenever he was discouraged or faced with difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child _________ had put it there.

  技巧1②:定語(yǔ)從句缺主語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ),一定是填適當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)系詞,如: 例3. I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car broke (break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered should have the honor of receiving me„„

  技巧1③:名詞性從句缺主語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ),根據(jù)句子意思填適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,如:who/ whom誰(shuí), which哪一個(gè)/些, what東西/話/地方, whoever, whichever, whatever, whomever

  例4. While she was getting me settled (settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to

  技巧2①:定語(yǔ)從句缺地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)用________________, 缺時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)用_________________,缺原因狀語(yǔ)用____________。

  例5. „It is said that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. __________________ he was discouraged or faced with difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful girl„„.

  例6. „.____________ old you are, it’s not too late to make your life more interesting. 技巧2②:狀語(yǔ)從句





  例7. It is said that ______ short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(920-1279)was very anxious to help _____ rice crop grow up quickly.

  技巧3:名詞前面 若沒(méi)有限定詞(冠詞,形容詞性物主代詞,不定代詞),很可能是填限定詞。

  例8. „ The little girl looked ______ at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: “Daddy, it’s not empty. I” The father was crushed. He fell ___ his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

  技巧4 :介詞 的使用要注意搭配和上下文語(yǔ)境提示。

  例9. „Two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso______ Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars.

  技巧4 ① :兩個(gè)或幾個(gè)單詞或短語(yǔ)之間沒(méi)有連接詞,可能是填連詞。

  例10. „ all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me _______ almost

  instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about.

  技巧4 ② :同一個(gè)主語(yǔ)發(fā)出兩個(gè)或幾個(gè)動(dòng)作,且時(shí)態(tài)一致,中間沒(méi)有連詞,一定是填連詞。

  例11. I wanted to see as much of the city as possible in the two days _____ I was to

  return to Guangzhou.

  例12. He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ______ he felt very happy.

  技巧4 ③ :若兩句(一個(gè)主謂關(guān)系算一句)之間沒(méi)有連詞,也沒(méi)有分號(hào)或句號(hào),一定是填并列連詞或從屬連詞。

  例13 What is acceptable in one country ______be considered extremely rude in another.

  例14 He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he ______

  bring home a regular salary.

  技巧5:若結(jié)構(gòu)完整, 空格后的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞是原型,且又與上下文時(shí)態(tài)不一致或主謂不一致


  例15 „ _____ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat


  例16 ______ with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.

  例17 „ as ______ took them just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous


  例18 Dating sites also make _____ easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in.

  例19 This made the goat so jealous _____ it began plotting against the donkey.

  例20 Cynthia’s story shows vividly that people remember more how much a manager cares

  _____ how much he pays.

  例21 It is said that ______ used to be a theatre here.

  例22 One day, he came up with an idea __________ he would pluck up all of his crop a few

  inches. He did so the next day.



  These changes only became possible as my memory improved. First it was stored

  tubes, then on later on very small chips. As result I totally


  shape. time my

  memory has developed so much an elephant, I never forget I have been told! And my memory became that even I couldn’t believe!



  [例1] The youngster immediately fell ________ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue


  [例2] In a __________ (danger) part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to…

  [例3] Teachers must try their best to make most of their students __________ (interest) in

  the subject.


  [例4] When China’s ancient scientific and technological ______________ (achieve) are

  mentioned, the nation will generally refer to the Four Great Inventions.

  [例5] „instructors expect students to be familiar with _______________ (inform) in the



  [例6] With the large numbers of students, the ________ (operate) of the system does involve

  a certain amount of activity.


  [例7] As I looked …

  [例(serious) wrong with our society.

  [例9]Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet (main) because their busy

  lifestyles leave them little time„


  [例10] People certainly have a variety of reasons for going back to school but one important

  thing to know is: no knowledge is ________ (use).

  [例11] Your mistake caused a lot of ___________ (necessary) work in the office.


  句子意思及前后邏輯關(guān)系,在詞根前加un-, im-,il-, ir-,in-, non-, dis-等,在詞根后加-less


  [例12]„there was a lot of information about the city’s well-known tourist[35]__________


  [例13]The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could„He jumped even [36]____ (hard) and finally made himself out.



  1. “Thirty-five cents,” she said [36]___________(rude).

  2.One of the [33]________ (bad) gift choices I had ever made was for my high school English


  3.[39]____________ (fortunate), I then noticed that I had just only 10 minutes left ...!

  4.It was his [32]______ (nine) year of school and his academic career seemed to be in ruins,

  so I was angry.

  5.As far as I am concerned, my [37]____________ (suggest) is that we should always have a


  6.It would be ___________ (believe) that such an honest man should have betrayed his







  根據(jù)語(yǔ)義, 確定詞形

  檢查搭配, 前后連貫






